Tu Viện Quảng Đức105 Lynch Rd, Fawkner, Vic 3060. Australia. Tel: 9357 3544. [email protected]* Viện Chủ: HT Tâm Phương, Trụ Trì: TT Nguyên Tạng   


22/09/201007:54(Xem: 6256)

Đa.Bahu, bhùri (S). Many, all.

Đa bảo Phật.Prabhùtaratna-Buddha (S). Đa bảo: abundant treasures, many jewels.

Đa la.Tàla (S). Fan-palm tree.

Đa ma la bạt chiên đàn hương.Tamalapattra and Chandana fragrance.

Đa tài quỉ.Wealthy ghosts.

Đa văn.Bahu-sruta (S). Learned: one who has heard much.

Đa văn đệ nhất.The chief among the Buddha's hearers, Ananda.

Đà la ni.Dharani, mantra, magical words.

Đại.Mahà (S). Great, large, big, all-pervading, all-embracing; numerous đa; surpassing thắng; mysterious diệu; beyond comprehension bất khả tư nghị; omnipresent thể vô bất tại. The elements, or essential things, i.e. (a) Tam đại the three all-pervasive qualities of the chân như: its thể substance, tướng form, dụng functions; (b) Tứ đại the four elements: đất earth, nước water, gió air or wind, lửa fire; (c) Thất đại the seven elements: 1-Địa earth; 2-Thủy water; 3-Hỏa fire; 4-Phong air or wind; 5-Không space; 6-Kiến perception; 7-Thức mind or consciousness.

Đại ác.Very cruel; monstruous.

Đại ân, đại đức. Great bounty, or favour; the leading virtues.

Đại ảo sư.Great magician, a title given to a Buddha. Four fundamentals, i.e tứ đại, ngũ ấm, thập bát giới, thập nhị nhập.

Đại bà la môn.The great Bràhmana, applied to the Buddha, who though not of Brahman caste was the embodiment of Brahman virtues.

Đại bản.The great, chief or fundamental book or text. Thiên Thai sect takes the Vô lượng thọ kinh as the major of the three Pure-land sùtras and the A di đà kinh as tiểu bản minor text.

Đại bản kinh.Amitabha-Vyùha-Sùtra (S)

Đại Bảo tích kinh.Ratnakùta-sùtra (S) Great Jewelled accumulation sùtra.

Đại bát Niết bàn.Mahàparinirvàna-sùtra (S). Sùtra of the Great Decease.

Đại bi.Mahàkarunà (S). Great pity, great mercy, great compassion.

Đại bi tam muội.The samàdhi of great compassion, in which Buddha and bodhisattvas develop their great pity.

Đại Ca chiên diên.Mahà Katyàyana (S).

Đại Ca diếp.Mahà Kasyapa (S)

Đại chí.High aims; elevated mind.

Đại Chuẩn đề.Mahà-Cundi (S). A form of Quán âm.

Đại chúng.Mahàsangha (S) The great assembly, any assembly, all present, everybody.

Đại chúng bộ.Mahàsanghika (S) The school of the community, or majority; one of the chief early divisions. Thượng tọa bộ, Mahàsthaviràh, the elders sect.

Đại diệm kiên Phật.Great blazing shoulders Buddha.

Đại đạo.The great way, Buddhism.

Đại đạo tâm.One who has the mind of or for supreme enlightenment.

Đại đạo sư.Nayaka (S). The great guide, teacher, leader, i.e Buddha or a bodhisattva.

Đại đệ tử.Sthavira (S). A chief disciple, the Fathers of the Buddhist Church; an elder; an abbot.

Đại địa.Great earth, the whole earth, everywhere, all the land.

Đại điển.Great ceremonial charter; great code; great favour.

Đại định trí bi.Great insight, great wisdom, great pity, the three virtues tam đức of a Buddha.

Đại độ sư.Great leader across mortality to nirvana, i.e. Buddha or a bodhisattva.

Đại đức.Bhandanta (S). Daitoku (J). Most virtuous, reverend, title of honour applied to monks.

Đại giác.The supreme bodhi, or enlightenment, and the enlightenment power of a Buddha.

Đại giới.The complete commandments of Hinayàna and Mahàyàna, especially of the latter.

Đại giới.The area of a vihàra or a monastic establishment. Đại giới ngoại tướng: four characters often placed on the boundary stones of monasterial grounds.

Đại hải chúng.The great ocean congregation; as all the waters flowing into the sea become salty, so all ranks flowing into the sangha become of one flavour and lose old differentiations.

Đại hỉ.Great rejoicing.

Đại hóa.The transforming teaching and work of a Buddha in one life time.

Đại hòa thượng.Great monk, senior monk, abbot; a monk of great virtue and old age

Đại họa.Great calamity, catastrophe.

Đại hội.A general assembly, general meeting; congress.

Đại hồng phúc.Great blessing, divine blessing.

Đại hồng thủy.Deluge, flood.

Đại Huệ (bồ tát).Mahàmati (S). Great wisdom, the leading bodhisattva of the Lankàvatàra-sùtra.

Đại huệ đao.The great wisdom sword.

Đại hùng.Great hero, a Buddha's title indicating his power over demons.

Đại khiếu địa ngục.Mahàraurava (S). The hell of great wailing.

Đại khổ.Great suffering.

Đại không.The great void, or the Mahàyàna parinirvàna, as being more complete and final than the nirvàna ođ Hinayàna.

Đại khổng tước vương.The mayùra, or "peacock".

Đại kiếp.Mahàkalpa (S). The great cosmic era of the world, from the beginning of a universe till it is destroyed and another begins in its place. It has four kalpas or periods known as vivarta thành kiếp, the creation period; vivarta siddha trụ kiếp, period of life; samvarta hoại kiếp, destruction period; samvartatthàhi diệt kiếp, total destruction period

Đại lạc.Great joy.

Đại mộng.The great dream, the dream of life, this life, the world.

Đại Mục Kiền liên.Mahàmaudgalyàyana (S)

Đại ngã.The greater self, or the true personality chân ngã. Hinayàna is accused of only knowing and denying the common idea of a self, or soul, whereas there is a greater self, which is a nirvàna self. It especially refers to the Great Ego, the Buddha, but also to any Buddha.

Đại nguyện.The great vow to save all the living and bring them to buddhahood

Đại nhẫn thế giới.Saha (S) The great realm to learn patience.

Đại nhiếp thụ.The great all-embracing receiver - a title of a Buddha, especially Amitàbha.

Đại nhật Như lai.Vairocana, Mahàvairocana (S). The sun, shining everywhere. Great Sun Buddha.

Đại oai đức.Mahàtejas (S). Of awe-inspiring power, or virtue, able to suppress evil-doers and protect the good.

Đại Phạm.Mahàbrahmànas (S). The third Brahmaloka, the third region of the first dhyàna.

Đại phẩm kinh.The larger, or fuller edition of a canonical work, especially of the text.

Đại pháp.The great Dharma, or Law (of Mahàyàna salvation).

Đại pháp mạn.Intellectual pride, arrogance through possession of the Truth.

Đại phiền não địa pháp.The six things or mental conditions producing passion and delusion: stupidity, excess, laziness, unbelief, confusion, discontent (or ambition) theo Câu xá luận.

Đại phong tai.Great storm, third of three destructive calamities to end the world.

Đại phương quảng. Mahàvaipulya (S). Sùtras of Mahàyàna. Phương quảng and phương đẳng are similar in meaning. Quảng broad, widespread; phương levelled up, equal, everywhere, universal. The Vaipulya works are styled sùtras, for the broad doctrine of universalism.

Đại phương tiện.Mahopàya (S). The great appropriate means, or expedient method of teaching by buddhas and bodhisattvas,

Đại quán đỉnh.The greater baptism, used in special occasions by Chân ngôn sect, for washing away sin and evil and entering into virtue.

Đại sa môn.Mahàsramana (S). The great shaman, i.e. Buddha; also any bhiksu in full orders.

Đại sĩ.Mahàsattva (S). A great being, noble, a leader of men, a bodhisattva.

Đại sư.The great teacher, or leader, one of the ten titles of Buddha.

Đại sự nhân duyên.For the sake of great cause, or because of a great matter the Buddha appeared.

Đại tai giải thoát phục.Great! The robe of deliverance - verses in pray of the cassock, from the Thiện kiến luận, sung on initiation into the order.

Đại tăng.A fully ordained monk.

Đại tâm.Great or firm faith in, or surrender to Buddha, especially to Amitabha.

Đại tâm lực.The great mind and power, or wisdom and activity of Buddha.

Đại thánh.The great sage or saint.

Đại thành.Mahàsambhava (S). Great completion. The imaginary realm in which (in turn) appeared 20,000 kotis of Buddhas, all of the same title, Bhismagarjita-ghosasvararàja.

Đại thần lực.Supernatural or magical powers.

Đại thế chí (Bồ tát).Mahàsthàma, Mahàsthàmapràpta (S). A Bodhisattva representing the Buddha-wisdom of Amitàbha; he is on Amitàbha's right.

Đại thí chủ.Mahà-danapati (S). Great almsgiver.

Đại thí hội.Moksa-mahà-parisad (S). A great gathering for almsgiving to all, rich and poor.

Đại thiên thế giới.A major chiliocosm, or universe, of 3,000 great chiliocosms.

Đại thiết vi (sơn).Mahàcakravàla (S). The great circular "iron" enclosure; the higher of the double circle of mountains forming the outer periphery of every world, concentric to the seven circles around Sumeru.

Đại thủy hỏa tai.Mahàpralaya (S). The final and utter destruction of a universe by (wind), fllood and fire.

Đại thừa, thặng.Mahàyana (S). The greater vehicle; the great conveyance, wain. It indicates Universlism, or Salvation for all.

Đại thừa giới.The commands, precepts, or prohibitions for bodhisattvas and monks.

Đại thừa khởi tín luận.Mahàyàna-sraddhotpàda-sastra (S). attributed to Avaghosa Mã Minh. It is described as the foundation work of the Mahàyàna.

Đại thừa kinh.Mahàyàna-sutras (S). The sùtra-pitaka, discourses ascribed to the Buddha. These are divided into five classes corresponding to the Mahàyàna theory of the Buddha's life: 1-Avatamsaka Hoa nghiêm; 2-Vaipulya Phương đẳng; 3-Pràjna Bát nhã; 4-Saddharma Pundarika Pháp hoa; Mahàparinirvàna Niết bàn.

Đại thừa phương đẳng kinh điển.The sùtras and scriptures of the Mahàyàna, their doctrines being phương chính square and correct and bình đẳng for all equally, or universal.

Đại thừa tông.The school of Mahàyàna, attributed to the rise in India of the Màdhyamika, i.e. the Trung quán or Tam luận school ascribed to Nagarjuna, and the Yoga or Dharmalaksana Pháp tướng school, the other school is the Hinayàna.

Đại thừa tâm.The mind or heart of the Mahàyàna; seeking the mind of Buddha by means of Mahàyàna.

Đại thừa trang nghiêm kinh luận.Mahàyàna-sùtra-lankàra-tikà (S). An exposition of the teachings of the Vijnàna-vàda school Duy thức tông by Asanga Vô trước.

Đại thừa vô thượng pháp.The supreme Mahàyàna truth.

Đại trí.Mahàmati (S). Great wisdom; omniscience; a title of Manjusri, as the apotheosis of transcendental wisdom.

Đại trí độ luận.Mahàprajnàparamita padesa sastra (S).Treatise on the Transcendental Wisdom.

Đại trượng phu.A hero; virtuous man; man with a sense of dignity.

Đại diệm kiên Phật.Great blazing shoulder s Buddha.

Đại minh Phật.Great brightness Buddha.

Đại quang Phật.Great light Buddha.

Đại tu di Phật.Great Sumeru Buddha.

Đại từ.Great loving-kindness.

Đại viên cảnh trí.Great perfect mirror wisdom.

Đại viên giác.Great and perfect enlightenment, Buddha-wisdom.

Đại Vô lượng thọ kinh.Amitabha-Vyùha-Sùtra (S).

Đại y vương.Great Lord of Healing, an epithet of Buddha and bodhisattvas.

Đại ý.The general meaning, or summary of a sùtra or sastra.

Đàn.Dàna (S). A giver, donation, charity, almsgiving, bestowing.

Đàn chủ.Dànapati (S). Lord of charity, a patron.

Đàn na.To give, donate, bestow, charity, alms.

Đàn tín.The faith of an almsgiver; almsgiving and faith.

Đàn thí.Almsgiving, bestowing, charity.

Đàn việt.Dànapati (S). An almsgiver, a patron.

Đàn chỉ.To snap the finger - in assent, in joy, in warning; a measure of time equal to twenty winks.

Đao đồ.The gati or path of rebirth as an animal so called because animals are subjects of the butcher's knife.

Đao lợi thiên.Trayastrimsàs (S). The heavens of the thirty three devas.

Đao phong.The wind that cuts all living to pieces, at the approach of a world kalpa's end, also described as the disintegrating force at death.

Đao sơn.The hill of swords.

Đáo bỉ ngạn.Paramita (S). To reach the other shore. i.e. nirvàna.

Đáo đầu.At the end, when the end is reached.

Đảo.To turn over; to fall, lie down; to pour; upside down; inverted, perverted; on the contrary.

Đảo điên.On the wrong side. Làm đảo điên, to upset; to throw into confusion.

Đảo huyền.Hanging upside down.

Đảo kiến.Upside down or inverted views, seeing things as they seem, not as they are, e.g. the impermanent as permanent, misery as joy, non ego as ego, and impurity as purity.

Đảo ngã.The conventional ego, the reverse of reality.

Đảo phàm.Perverted folk, the unenlightened who see things upside down.

Đảo thuyết.Upside down preaching.

Đảo tưởng.To think on the wrong side.

Đạo.Màrga (S).A way, road; the right path; principle; Truth, Reason, Logos, Cosmic energy; to lead; to say. Religion.

Đạo căn.The fundamentals of morality; predisposition to virtue, to a religious life.

Đạo cấm.Whatever is prohibited by the religion, or the religious life.

Đạo chúng.Those who practise religion, the body of monks.

Đạo chủng tính.The nature possessing the seed of Buddhahood. The stage in which the middle way is realized.

Đạo cụ.The implements of the faith, such as garments, begging-bowl, and other accessories which aid one in the way.

Đạo dẫn.To lead, to guide

Đạo đế.Màrga-àrya-satya (S). The noble path of the liberation.

Đạo đức.Religion and virtue; the power of religion.

Đạo giao.Mutual interaction between the individual seeking the truth and Buddha who responds to his aspiration; mutual intercourse through religion.

Đạo giáo.Taoism. The teaching of the right way, i.e. of Buddhism.

Đạo hạnh.Conduct according to Buddha-truth; great virtue; righteous, chaste.

Đạo hiệu.The literary name of a monk.

Đạo hóa.To transform others through the truth of Buddhism; converted by the Truth.

Đạo hữu.Avuso (P). Brethen. Co-religion.

Đạo khí.A vessel of religion, the capacity for Buddhism.

Đạo khí.The breath, or vital energy, of the Way, i.e. of Buddhism religion.

Đạo kiểm.The restraints, or control, of religion.

Đạo lạc.The joy of religion.

Đạo làm người.Moral philosophy, the right way to be human.

Đạo lực.The power which comes from enlightenment, or the right doctrine.

Đạo lưu.The stream of Truth; the flow or progress of Buddha-truth; the spread of a particular movement, e.g. Thiền tông.

Đạo lý.Truth, doctrine, principle; the principles of Buddhism, Taoism etc.

Đạo môn.The gate of the Way, or the truth, religion etc.; the various schools of Buddhism.

Đạo nghiệp.The karma of religion which leads to Buddhahood.

Đạo nguyên.The beginning of right doctrine, i.e. faith.

Đạo nha.The sprouts, or seddlings, of Buddha-truth.

Đạo nhãn.The eye attained through the cultivation of Buddha-truth; insight into truth; keen vision of right.

Đạo nhân.One who has entered the way, one who seeks enlightenment, a general name for early Buddhists and also for Taoists.

Đạo pháp.Màrga-dharma (S). Teachings, dogma, tenet.

Đạo pháp trí. Màrga-dharma jnàna (S). The wisdom which rids one of false views in regard to màrga.

Đạo phẩm.Religious or monastic grade, or grades.

Đạo quả.The result of the Buddha-way, i.e. nirvàna.

Đạo quang.The light of Buddha-truth.

Đạo sĩ.A Taoist (hermit), also applied to Buddhists, and to Sàkyamuni.

Đạo sư.Master, leader, guide.

Đạo tâm.Màrga-citta (S). The mind which is bent on the right way, which seeks enlightenment. The path of the heart; religious faith.

Đạo thể.The embodiment of truth, the fundament of religion.

Đạo thụ.The bodhi-tree, under which Buddha attained enlightenment; also as a synonym of Buddhism with its power of growth and fruitfulness.

Đạo thuật.The methods, or arts, of the Buddhist religion.

Đạo thủy.The water of Truth which washes away defilement.

Đạo trường, tràng.Truth-plot. Bodhimandala (S). Magical circle, place of enlightenment. Bồ đề đạo tràng: the place where Buddha attained enlightenment. A place, or method, for attaining to Buddha-truth. An object of or place for religious offerings. A place for teaching, learning or practising religion.

Đạo tục.Monks and laymen.

Đạo vị.The stages in the attainment of Buddha-truth.

Đạo vị.The flavour of religion.

Đạo, du đạo.Robber, thief, burglar; pirate, bandit, brigand.

Đạt lai Lạt ma.

Đạt ma.Dharma (S), Dhamma (P)

Đạt ma Phật.Dharma Buddha.

Đắc.Pràp; pràpta (S). To get, obtain, attain to.

Đắc chí.To realize one's wishes; to attain one's aim.

Đắc đại thế (Đại thế chí).Mahàsthamàpràpta (S). He who has obtained great power, or stability, who sits on the right of Amitàbha, controlling all wisdom.

Đắc đạo.To obtain the way, or the religion; to reach perfection, enlightenment.

Đắc độ.To obtain transport across the river of transmigration, to obtain salvation; to enter the monastic life.

Đắc giới.To obtain precepts; to attain to the understanding and performance of the moral law.

Đắc nhập.To attain entry, e.g. to Buddha-truth.

Đắc pháp.To have got the way of doing (sth)

Đắc quả.To obtain the fruit of deeds or life.

Đắc thắng.To obtain the victory; to win.

Đắc thất.Success and failure; gain and loss.

Đắc ý.To obtain one's desires, or aims; to obtain the meaning (of a sùtra).

Đẳng.To pair; parallel, equal, of like order; a class, grade, rank; common. In Buddhist writings it is also used for "equal everywhere","universal".

Đẳng chính giác.Samyak-sambodhi (S). Complete perfect knowledge; Buddha knowledge omniscience; the bodhi of all Buddhas.

Đẳng diệu.The two supreme forms of Buddha enlightenment đẳng giác and diệu giác. A Buddha is known as Đẳng diệu giác vương king of universal and supernatural illumination.

Đẳng giác.Samyak-sambodhi (S). Absolute universal enlightenment.

Đẳng hoạt.Samjiv (S). Revive, re-animate; ressurection.

Đẳng hoạt địa ngục.The first of the eight hot hells, in which the denizens are chopped, stabbed, ground, and pounded, but by a cool wind are brought back to life, to undergo renewed torment.

Đẳng lưu.Nisyanda (S) Flowing down, flowing out.

Đẳng lưu quả.Fruit of the development of germ.

Đẳng nguyện.The universal vows common to Buddhas.

Đẳng nhất đại xa.The highest class great cart, i.e. universal salvation.

Đẳng quán.The beholding of all things as equal, e.g. as không unreal or immaterial; or all beings without distinction.

Đẳng tâm.Equal mind; of the same mental characteristics; the universal mind common to all.

Đẳng trí.Common knowledge, which only knows phenomena.

Đẳng từ.Universal or equal mercy toward all beings without distinction.

Đẳng vô gián duyên.Uninterrupted continuity, especially of thought or time.

Đâu suất.Tushita (S).

Đầu đà.Dhudanga (P).

Đế.Satya (S). A truth, a dogma, an axiom. True, real.

Đế thích.Indra, Sakra (S). Mighty lord of deva. Vedic god.

Đế thích bình.The vase of Indra from which came all things he needed.

Đế thích võng.Indra-jàla (S). The net of Indra, hanging in Indra's hall, out of which all things can be produced.

Đề bà. Dèva, Dèvi (S). Heavenly being, god.

Đề hồ.A milk product.

Đệ.Number, degree, sign of the ordinals; only.

Đệ nhất cú.The first and supreme letter, a, the alpha of all wisdom.

Đệ nhất năng biến.The first power of change, Àlaya-vijnàna, A lại da thức.

Đệ nhất nghĩa.The supreme or fundamental meaning, the supreme reality. i.e. enlightenment.

Đệ nhất nghĩa tất đàn.The highest Siddhànta, or Truth, the highest universal gift of Buddha, his teaching which awakens the highest capacity in all beings to attain salvation.

Đệ nhất nghĩa đế.The supreme truth, or reality, in contrast with the seeming; also called Veritable truth, sage-truth, surpassing truth, nirvàna; bhùtatathatà, madhya, sùnyatà etc.

Đệ nhất nghĩa không.The highest Void, or reality, the Mahàyàna nirvàna.

Đệ nhất nghĩa lạc.The highest bliss. i.e. nirvàna.

Đệ nhất nghĩa quán.The highest meditation of Thiên Thai Tông that on trung the Mean.

Đệ nhất nghĩa trí.The highest knowledge orwisdom.

Đệ nhất thiền.The first dhyàna.

Đệ nhất thừa.The supreme vehicle, Mahàyàna.

Đệ nhị thiền.The second dhyàna, a degree of contemplation where reasoning gives way to intuition.

Đệ nhị năng biến.The second power of change, the klistamano-vijnàna, disturbed-mind, consciousness or self-consciousness which gives form to the universe.

Đệ tam năng biến.The third power of change, i.e. the sixth senses. Năng biến nghĩa giống như thức vijnànas.

Đệ tam thiền.The third dhyàna, a degree of contemplation in which ectasy gives way to serenity.

Đệ tứ thiền.The fourth dhyàna, a degree of contemplation when the mind becomes indifferent to pleasure and pain.

Đệ tử.Disciple.

Địa.Bhùmi (S). Earth, place, situation; spiritual rank, position, or character attained by a Bodhisattva.

Địa cư.Bhauma (S). Living on earth. (Hư không cư Antarikravavasina, living in the air)

Địa cư thiên.Indra's heaven on the top of Sumeru, below the Không cư thiên heavens in space.

Địa đại.Earth as one of the four elements (earth, water, fire, air)

Địa động thụy.The earth shaken, one of the signs of Buddha-power.

Địa ngục.Naraka (S) Earth-prison, hell or hells.

Địa tạng.Ksitigarbha (S), Ti-tsang (C), Jisò (J). Earth-store, Earth-treasury or Earth-womb Bodhisattva.

Địa tiền.The stage of a Bodhisattva before the sơ địa initial stage.

Địa thần.Earth-devi.

Địa thượng. On the ground; above the ground; used for sơ địa dĩ thượng the stages above the initial stage of a Bodhisattva's development.

Địa vị.Position, place, state.

Điên.Overturn, upset, upside down.

Điên đảo.Viparyaya (S), Error; upside down, inverted; contrary to reality.

Điên đảo vọng tưởng. Upside down and delusive ideas.

Điện.Caitya (S). A temple, hall, palace.

Điện chủ, điện từ.The warden of a temple.

Điều.To harmonize, blend; regulate, control; to change about.

Điều độ.To arrange, calculate, manipulate.

Điều ngự.To tame and control as a master does a wild elephant or horse, or as the Buddha brings the passions of men under control.

Điều ngự trượng phu.Purusa-damya-sàrathi (S). Taming hero.

Điều phục.To discipline, bring under control.

Định.Samàdhi (S). Abstract meditation, the mind fixed in one direction or, field 1-Tán định, scattered or general meditation (in the world of desire); 2-Thiền định, abstract meditation (in the realm of form and beyond form). Concentration, mental concentration, one pointedness of mind.

Định căn.Samàdhìndriya (S). Mediatation as the root of all virtue. Faculty of concentration.

Định học.Spiritual formation.

Định luật tác nghiệp.Lawfulness of karma.

Định lực.Samàdhibala (S). The power of abstract or ecstatic meditation, ability to overcome all disturbing thoughts.

Định mệnh.Determined period of life, fate.

Định nghiệp.Fixed karma, rebirth determined by the good or bad actions of the past. Also, the work of meditation and its result.

Định tán.A settled, or a wandering mind; the mind organized by meditation or disorganized by distraction

Định tụ.One of the tam tụ.

Đỉnh, đảnh.Top of the head, crown, summit, apex, zenith; highest; to rise;

Đỉnh lễ.To prostrate oneself with the head at the feet of the one reverenced.

Đỉnh tướng.The protuberance on the Buddha's brow, one of the thirty two marks of a Buddha.

Đỉnh thạch. Like a heavy stone on the head, to be got rid of with speed, e.g. transmigration.

Đọa.To fall down, to sink, to let fall, to destroy, to ruin.

Đọa lạc.To sink, to fall into decay.

Đoạn.Uccheda (S). To cut off, end, get rid of, cause to cease.

Đoạn ác.To cut off evil, or wickedness.

Đoạn diệt.The heterodox teaching which denies the law of cause and effect, i.e. of karma; annihilation, cutting off.

Đoạn đạo.The stage in development when illusion is cut off.

Đoạn đầu tội.The "lop off the head" sins, i.e. adultery, stealing, lying, sins which entail immediate exclusion from the order.

Đoạn kiến.Ucchedadarsana (S). The view that death ends life, in contrast with thường kiến that body and soul are eternal, both views being heterodox; also world-extinction and the end of causation; annihilation view.

Đoạn nghiệp.Upacchedaka-kamma (P). Destructive karma.

Đoạn phục.To cut off and overcome.

Đoạn tang.To go out of mourning.

Độ.Pàramità (S) To pass; to cross over; to ford. To ferry over, to save

Độ sinh.To save, rescue all beings.

Độ tha.To save others.

Độ thân.To subsist.

Độ thế.To save the world; to relieve human sufferings. To get through life; to pass safely through this life.

Độ thoát.To give release from the wheel of transmigration; enlightenmebt.

Độc.Toxic; poisonous; spiteful, malignant, virulent; wicked. Lời độc: spite, malice, virulence. Miệng lưỡi độc: spiteful, virulent tongue. Ma thiêng nước độc: insalubrious, unhealthy (climate).

Độc ác.Vihimsati (S). To hurt, to injure;

Độc khí.Hơi độc. Poisonous gas.

Độc long.Rồng độc. Poisonous, wicked dragon.

Độc tiễn.Mũi tên độc. Poisoned arrow.

Độc thụ.Cây độc. Poisonous tree.

Độc xà.Rắn độc. Poisonous, venomous serpent.

Độc giác Phật.Pratyeka-Buddha (S). Solitary Enlightened One.

Đốn.At one time, at once; suddenly, immediate; used chiefly in contrast with tiệm gradually.

Đốn chỉ.The will, or aim, of immediate attainment.

Đốn đoạn.To cut off at one stroke all the passions,etc.

Đốn giác.Immediate apprehension, or enlightenment as opposed to gradual development.

Đốn giáo.The doctrine that enlightenment or Buddhahood may be attained at once; also immediate teaching of the higher truth without preliminary stages.

Đốn ngộ.Insatantly to apprehend, or attain to Buddha-enlightenment.

Đốn ngộ bồ tát.A Bodhisattva who attains immediately without passing through the various stages.

Đốn pháp.The method of immediacy

Đốn thành chư hành.The immediate fulfilment of all acts, processes or disciplines (by the fulfilment of one)

Đốn tiệm.Immediate, or sudden, attainment in contrast with gradualness.

Đốn viên.The immediate and complete way of enlightenment of Thiên Thai Pháp Hoa school.

Độn.Dull, blunt, stupid.

Độn căn.Of dull capacity, unable to receive Buddha-truth.

Độn sử.The five envoys of stupidity.

Đông.Pùrva (S). East.

Đông.Hima (S). Winter. Đông an cư: the winter retreat.

Đông độ.The eastern land, i.e. China.

Đông mật.The eastern esoteric or Shingon sect of Japan Chân ngôn tông in contrast with the Thiên Thai esoteric sect.

Đông thắng thần châu.Pùrvavideha (S). The eastern of the four great continents of a world, east of Mt Meru, semicircular in shape.

Đức.Guna (S) Virtue, moral excellence, moral power, power; goodness, kindness Có đức: virtuous; good, kind. Cha mẹ hiền lành để đức cho con: benevolent parents bequeath divine blessings to their children. Đức mỏng: ill fated; unblest. Đức dày: blest.

Đức bản.The root of the moral life, or of religious power

Đức điền.Field of virtue, or of religious power, i.e. the cult of arhats and Buddhas.

Đức hải.The ocean-like character and influence of virtue.

Đức hạnh.Moral conduct and religious exercises, or discipline; moral conduct. Moral deed; upright conduct; virtuous; (of a woman) chaste.

Đức hương.The fragrance of virtue.

Đức phong.The wind ofvirtue, or of religious power.

Đức sĩ.Virtuous scholar, a term for a monk in the Đường dynasty.

Đức trạch.Favour.

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Nguyện đem công đức này, trang nghiêm Phật Tịnh Độ, trên đền bốn ơn nặng, dưới cứu khổ ba đường,
nếu có người thấy nghe, đều phát lòng Bồ Đề, hết một báo thân này, sinh qua cõi Cực Lạc.

May the Merit and virtue,accrued from this work, adorn the Buddhas pureland,
Repay the four great kindnesses above, andrelieve the suffering of those on the three paths below,
may those who see or hear of these efforts generates Bodhi Mind, spend their lives devoted to the Buddha Dharma,
the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Quang Duc Buddhist Welfare Association of Victoria
Tu Viện Quảng Đức | Quang Duc Monastery
Most Venerable Thich Tam Phuong | Senior Venerable Thich Nguyen Tang
Address: Quang Duc Monastery, 105 Lynch Road, Fawkner, Vic.3060 Australia
Tel: 61.03.9357 3544 ; Fax: 61.03.9357 3600
Website: http://www.quangduc.com
http://www.tuvienquangduc.com.au (old)
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