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The Buddha Speaks The Sutra On Cause And Effect In The Three Periods of Time

04/04/201314:47(Xem: 7905)
The Buddha Speaks The Sutra On Cause And Effect In The Three Periods of Time

Kinh Nhân Quả

The Buddha Speaks The Sutra On Cause And Effect In The Three Periods of Time

Bhikshuni Heng Tao

Nguồn: Translated by Bhikshuni Heng Tao

That time, Ananda was on Magic Mountain, together with twelve hundred fifty in the assembly. Ananda made obeisance with his palms together, circumambulated the Buddha three times, and knelt with his palms joined. Then he asked Shakyamuni Buddha this question: "During The Dharma-Ending Age, all the living beings in Southern Jambudvipa will give rise to much unwholesome karma. They will not reverse the Triple Jewel, or respect their parents. They will be lacking in the Three Bonds. The Five Constants that safeguard the universal obligations between people will be in disharmony and disarray. Beings will be poor, destitute, lowly, and vile. Their six faculties will suffer impairment. All day long they will engage in killing and harming. Moreover they will not be of equal status; some will be wealthy while others will be poor. What are the conditions leading to these various different rewards and retributions? We disciples pray that the World Honored One will compassionately explain each one of these for us."
The Buddha told Ananda and the assembly of great disciples, "You should now listen attentively. Good indeed, good indeed! I will clearly set forth all of this for you. All men and women of the world, whether they be poor and lowly or wealthy and noble, whether they be undergoing limitless sufferings or enjoying blessings without end, are all undergoing the rewards or retributions which are due to causes and effects from their past lives. What should they do from now on?
"First, they should be filial and respectful to their parents. Next, they should reverently believe in the Triple Jewel. Third, they should refrain from killing and instead liberate the living. Fourth, they should eat pure vegetarian food and practice giving. These acts will enable them to plant seeds in the field of blessings for their future lives."
Then the Buddha spoke these verses on cause and effect:
Wealth and dignity come from one's destiny
From causes planted in lives in the past.
People who hold to this simple principle
Will reap good fortune in lives in the future.
Kind men and women, listen to the causes,
Hear and remember this Sutra's reminder
Of the causes and effects of karmic deeds
In the past, in the future, and in the present.
Cause and effect is no small care.
True are my words; don't take them lightly.
1. Why are some people officials at present?
Because with gold they gilded the Buddhas.
In their past lives, long long ago.
It's from their practice in lives in the past
That they reap in this life a rich fruition.
The purple gown and golden cordon –
The honored marks of higher office:
Should you seek them, seek with the Buddhas.
Gilding the Buddhas is your own gain;
Robing Thus Come Ones, you robe yourself.
Don't say it's easy to become an official;
It cannot happen if causes aren't planted.
2. What the causes of owning a carriage
And riding on palanquins? People like that
Were builders and menders of bridges and roads.
3. Why are some people wearers of satin?
That is because in times in the past,
Robes they save as gifts to the Sangha.
4. Sometimes people have plentiful goods,
The reason, in fact, again is quite fair.
In the past those people gave food to the poor.
5. Others don't have food or drink,
Who can guess the reason why?
Before those people were plagued with a fault:
Stingy greed made them squeeze every penny.
6. The well-to-do among us dwell
In very tall mansions and vast estates.
The reason is they gladly gave rice,
Lavishing gifts of grain on monasteries.
Enjoying blessings and justly prosperous,
7. Why do people who reap a fitting reward?
In times now past they helped build temples
And saw that the Sangha had huts and shelters.
8. Some people's features are find and perfect,
Surely the reason for such rewards
Is that beautiful flowers they offered to Buddhas.
9. Why are some people gifted and wise?
In former lives they ate pure food
And remembered the Buddhas with mindful regard.
10. Look at men whose wives are loyal,
Their reward comes now for what happened before:
Their conditions are strong in the Buddha's door.
11. Some have marriages lasting and meaningful.
Their happiness doesn't happen by chance.
The cause this time is the hanging of canopies
And streamers before the Buddha's statues.
12. Some happy fellows' fathers and mothers
Enjoy long lifespans, contentment, and ease.
Where is the source for rewards such as these?
They protected orphans in times now past
And regarded all elderly ones as their own.
13. Orphans must live without fathers and mothers?
Since before they shot down birds for sport.
14. How does one set lots of children and grandchildren?
By letting birds fly from their cages to freedom.
15. In raising children, some really fail badly?
It's because before they drowned female infants.
16. When barren, people won't bear any children.
That's their due for committing promiscuous deeds.
17. Some have long lifespans, why are they so lucky?
Liberating creatures, they ransomed lives.
18. Have you seen how many suffer short lifespans?
Their wanton slaughter of beings is why.
19. Lonely are men whom no women will marry.
They're paying their debt for committing adultery.
20. Widows bear a sad retribution.
They held their past lives' husbands in scorn.
21. Servants and slaves made that bondage themselves?
By neglecting repayment of goodnesses done them.
22. Bright are the eyes of some fortunate beings?
Before Buddhas they offered lamps filled with oil.
23. The blind of this world bear a heavy burden?
For past failure to clearly tell travelers the way.
24. Some people's mouths are very misshapen?
They blew out lamps on the Buddhas altars.
25. To be deaf and mute is a dreary existence?
Reward appropriate for scolding one's parents.
26. How do people get to be hunchbacks?
They berated and laughed at those bowing to Buddhas.
27. Take heed of malformed hands, my friend?
They betray people prone to evil.
28. Fellows with crippled and useless feet?
Ambushed and robbed with reckless abandonment.
29. Most cows and horses were humans before?
People who didn't settle their debts.
30. Many former people are now pigs or dogs?
Because they injured and cheated others.
31. Illness and pain: an effect inevitable?
For bestowing meat and wine on the Buddhas.
32. Freedom from illness: a fine reward
For relieving the sick by bestowing medicines.
33. The fate of imprisonment catches some people?
Due to fiendish deeds and a failure to yield.
34. Death by starvation: due retribution
For stopping up holes of rats and snakes.
35. Appropriate that a victim of poisoning?
Caused aquatic poisoning; dammed up water.
36. Abandoned, forlorn, rejected beings?
Were cruel to old, abusing others.
37. The stature of some is extremely short?
Before, they read Sutras spread out on the floor.
38. Vomiting blood? Believe it's from first
Eating meat, then reciting the Sutras.
39. Another deed that determines deafness.
To not listen well to Sutras recitals.
40. Sores and scabies bother some people?
Who gave stinking fish and flesh to the Buddhas.
41. People who reek with a terrible stench?
Sold inferior scents and phony goods.
42. Why do some, by their own hand, hang themselves?
Before, they used nooses to capture their prey.
43. All those widowed, alone, unwed, or orphaned?
Are now paid Justly for former jealousy.
44. Those struck by lightning, consumed by fire?
Rigged their scales to better their business income.
45. Fierce tigers and snakes that feast on people
Are enemies bearing resentments from lives before.
In our myriad deeds, whatever we do,
We reap our own rewards, it's true.
Who can we blame for our woe in the hells?
Who can there be to blame but ourselves?
Don't say that cause and effect is unseen.
Look at you, your offspring, heirs, and grand children.
46. If you doubt the good of pure eating and giving,
Look around and find those enjoying fortune.
Having practiced of old, they now harvest abundance.
To cultivate now will bring blessings anew.
Those who slander the cause and effect in this Sutra
Will fall and have no chance to be human.
Those who recite and uphold this Sutra
Are supported by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
Write out this Sutra, study it hard
And in the future your families will flourish.
Uphold this Sutra atop your heads
To avert disasters and fatal accidents.
To lecture this Sutra on Cause and Effect
Is to sharpen your wits in successive rebirths.
Chanting this Sutra on Cause and Effect
Will make one revered, well-regarded by all
Print and distribute this precious Sutra
And reap rebirth as a ruler or king.
To verify former cause and effect,
Regard Mahakashyapa's golden body.
A case of future cause and effect:
Bhikshu Good Star slandered the Dharma
And lost his chance for human life.
If cause and effect contained no truth,
Why did Maudgalyayana seek to rescue his mother
From the hells to save her from suffering?
Those who trust the words of this Sutra is true,
Will all be reborn in the Western Land of Bliss.
To speak of present cause and effect
To proclaim future and past as well,
Is a deed that could never be done to its end.
Join at the door of the Triple Gems.
With blessings and wholesome belief one can enter
The door, supported by gods and dragons,
Dragons and sods who won't let you down.
For every part of giving you practice,
You'll reap ten thousand parts reward.
Such blessings are stored in a solid treasury,
For enjoyment in future rebirths without end.
If you care to know of past lives' causes,
Look at rewards you are reaping today
If you wish to find out about future lives,
You need but notice what you're doing right now./.

Cause and Effect Sutra on Good and Bad Deeds
(Kinh Thiện Ác Nhân Quả)

1. Why have you become an official in this life?
Because in your past life you offered gold to decorate Buddha's statues.
2. In your past life you built temples and rest houses.
Therefore in this life you enjoy long life, prosperity and happiness.
3. In your past life you recited Sutras and Buddhas' names.
In this life you are a person with great intelligence and insight.
4. You offered robes to members of the Shangha in the past.
At present you are bestowed with fine clothing made of silk and delicate materials.
5. In your past life you offered rice to temples.
In this life you live in luxurious houses.
6. You had offered oil to light the lamps for the Buddhas.
In this life you enjoy good eye sight.
7. In your past life you had offered fresh flowers to the Buddhas.
In this life you are blessed with great physical beauty and grace.
8. In your past life you had offered banners to the Buddhas.
In this life you enjoy happy marriage.
9. In your past life you had donated for the support of the Sangha.
In this life you are blessed with virtuous wife and good daughters-in-law.
10. You had shown respect and help to the lonely.
In this life you are blessed with living parents.
11. In your past life you slandered Buddhism, and prevented people from going to temples.
In this life you are spared from being struck by thunder bolts, but you can not escape from being burned.
12. You had made fun of people showing homage to the Buddhas.
In this life you suffer from being a hunchback.
13. You had not believed in the Buddhas or in the Dharma.
In this life you are born deaf.
14. In your past life you had slandered and scolded your parents.
In this life you are born dumb or stuttering.
15. In past life you slandered your husband.
In this life you become a widow when you are still young.
16. In your past life you had released birds.
In this life you are blessed with many children and grand children.
17. In your past life you had released fish to the water.
This life you enjoy longevity.
18. In your past life you had beaten your parents.
This life you suffer from being disabled.
19. In your past life you showed hatred to people.
This life you bear the hardship in raising your children.
20. In your past life you had supported the Triple Gems.
In this life you either become an official with good standing or a rich person.
21. You had not paid your debts in your past life.
You would be born as a horse or a buffalo to repay your debt.
22. You treated animals badly.
This life, you suffer from skin diseases.
23. In your past life, you had built roads and bridges.
In this life, all comforts of luxurious travel are at your disposal.
24. You had destroyed roads and bridges in the past.
You therefore would be born as a crippled.
25. You had been indifferent to others' worries and sufferings.
In this life, you will be miserable with illnesses.
26. You had ignored, showing no concerns to others.
This brings you a lonely existence, being incarcerated.
27. You had caused hatred, making many enemies.
You therefore would be bitten by a snake or devoured by a tiger.
28. You had caused harm to others for your personal benefits.
In this life you will end your miserable existence by hanging yourself.
29. You had shown no gratitude, and betrayed others.
In this life, you would be born as a slave or servant.
30. You had badly treated your servants in the past.
You would be born as an ugly humpback.
31. You deceived the blind in your past life.
You would be born as a dog or a pig.
32. To give a helping hand to others is to get admiration and respect in return.
33. To show respect to the elders is to enjoy a long and happy life.
34. In your past life, you had made fun of beggars.
In this life you would be starving, a homeless person.
35. You had given rice to the poor in the past.
In this life, you will live comfortably being well-fed and well-clothed.
36. You slandered, and spoke ill of others in your past life.
This life, you would be harmed from the ingestion of poison.
37. You had fabricated stories to harm others in the past.
You would suffer from internal diseases by vomiting blood.
38. You had committed adultery in your past.
You would suffer by living a lonely life.
39. You did not love your wife and children in the past.
You would suffer from being alone in this life.
40. To have no faith in the Buddha, in the Dharma; to slander the Triple Gems; To do harm to the virtuous would result in having your tongue cut off, your body sliced into pieces; put in boiling water, in scorching fire; being slashed and pierced by devils or demons.
41. To have no faith in the laws of causation and rebirth and to do bad deeds, one would be, as a result, tied up along burning copper column, put into a cauldron full of melted copper, under going many sufferings.
42. Lying, slandering, fabrication, cruel words in regards to the Sangha, the Buddha and the Dharma, are causes for being sent to hell, where one is forced to swallow burning irons, and have mortar repeatedly thrushed into one's mouth, or be shackled by demons.
43. To support the Triple Gems, to give alms to the Sangha and to the poor would result in a happy, prosperous and healthy life.
44. To build a Buddha Statue is to obtain a happy life, free of illnesses and calamities.
45. To worship the Buddhas is to obtain a happy life, full of shining lights, freed from bad karma, with virtuous mother, pious children. In short, a happy, harmonious family.

Tâm Kinh
Bát Nhã Ba La Mật Đa

Khi Ngài Quán Tự Tại Bồ Tát thực hành sâu xa pháp Bát Nhã Ba La Mật Đa, ngài soi thấy năm uẩn đều không, qua hết thảy khổ ách.
Này ông Xá Lợi Tử! Sắc chẳng khác Không, Không chẳng khác Sắc; Sắc tức là Không, Không tức là Sắc. Thọ, Tưởng, Hành, Thức cũng đều như thế.
Này ông Xá Lợi Tử! Tướng "Không" của mọi pháp, không sanh, không diệt, không nhơ, không sạch, không thêm, không bớt. Nên trong "Chân Không", không có Sắc, không có Thọ, Tưởng, Hành, Thức; không có mắt, tai, mũi, lưỡi, thân, ý; không có Sắc, Thanh, Hương, Vị, Xúc, Pháp; không có Nhãn Giới cho đến không có Ý Thức Giới; không có Vô Minh cũng không có cái hết Vô Minh; cho đến không có Già - Chết, cũng không có cái hết Già - Chết; không có Khổ, Tập, Diệt, Đạo; không trí tuệ, cũng không có chứng đắc. Vì không có chỗ chứng đắc, nên Bồ Tát y theo Bát Nhã Ba La Mật Đa, tâm không ngăn ngại. Vì không ngăn ngại nên không sợ hãi, xa hẳn mộng tưởng điên đảo, đạt tới cứu cánh Niết Bàn. Chư Phật trong ba đời cũng y vào Bát Nhã Ba La Mật Đa được đạo quả Vô Thượng Chánh Đẳng Chánh Giác. Cho nên biết Bát Nhã Ba La Mật Đa là Đại Thần CHú, là Đại Minh Chú, là Vô Thượng Chú, là Vô Đẳng Đẳng Chú, trừ được hết thảy khổ, chân thực không hư.
Vì vậy nói ra bài chú Bát Nhã Ba La Mật Đa, liền nói bài chú ấy rằng: "Yết Đế, yết đế, ba la yết đế, ba la tăng yết đế, bồ đề, tát bà ha." (3 lần)

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Nguyện đem công đức này, trang nghiêm Phật Tịnh Độ, trên đền bốn ơn nặng, dưới cứu khổ ba đường,
nếu có người thấy nghe, đều phát lòng Bồ Đề, hết một báo thân này, sinh qua cõi Cực Lạc.

May the Merit and virtue,accrued from this work, adorn the Buddhas pureland,
Repay the four great kindnesses above, andrelieve the suffering of those on the three paths below,
may those who see or hear of these efforts generates Bodhi Mind, spend their lives devoted to the Buddha Dharma,
the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Quang Duc Buddhist Welfare Association of Victoria
Tu Viện Quảng Đức | Quang Duc Monastery
Most Venerable Thich Tam Phuong | Senior Venerable Thich Nguyen Tang
Address: Quang Duc Monastery, 105 Lynch Road, Fawkner, Vic.3060 Australia
Tel: 61.03.9357 3544 ; Fax: 61.03.9357 3600
Website: http://www.quangduc.com
http://www.tuvienquangduc.com.au (old)
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