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Giới thiệu về Nhạc sĩ, Bác sĩ Phật tử Tâm Đức Hoàng Đức Thành

11/09/202206:23(Xem: 7926)
Giới thiệu về Nhạc sĩ, Bác sĩ Phật tử Tâm Đức Hoàng Đức Thành

bac si hoang duc thanh

Giới thiệu về

Nhạc sĩ, Bác sĩ Phật tử Tâm Đức
Hoàng Đức Thành

Phật tử Hoàng Đức Thành, pháp danh Tâm Đức sinh năm 1975 tại Sài Gòn, cùng gia đình đến định cư tại Hoa Kỳ từ năm 1991. Tốt nghiệp Bác sỹ Y Khoa năm 2004. Hiện đang làm Giám Đốc Chương Trình Nghiên Cứu Chuyên Khoa Nội Tiết tại Bệnh viện Quân Y Hoa Kỳ Walter Reed tại Bethesda, Maryland. Ông cũng chịu trách nhiệm giảng dạy và đào tạo các bác sĩ chuyên khoa Nội tiết cho Hải quân và Lục quân Hoa kỳ (US Navy & Army). Ngoài công việc chuyên môn, Bác sĩ Tâm Đức là một huynh trưởng Gia Đình Phật Tử của Chùa Giác Hoàng, Thủ đô Washington D.C., từ năm 1993 đến nay (2017). Bác sĩ phụ trách hướng dẫn Phật pháp cho các anh chị em trong GĐPT và các chương trình nhạc Lễ và chương trình văn nghệ ở chùa Giác Hoàng và các chùa lân cận. Từ những sinh hoạt này, Bác sĩ Tâm Đức đã viết nhiều nhạc phẩm để phổ biến cái hay cái đẹp của lời Phật dạy trong đời sống, đến nay đã có nhiều Album nhạc phát hành để cống hiến cho cộng đồng Phật giáo. (nghe nhạc của Bác Sĩ Tâm Đức)

Những kinh nghiệm sống trong thời niên thiếu ở Việt Nam, và công việc liên quan đến sức khỏe và y tế từ nhiều năm qua đã giúp ông nuôi dưỡng và phát triển lòng từ bi, ý thức trách nhiệm và sự hiểu biết, đã là một nền tảng vững chãi giúp ông theo đuổi ngành y khoa. Đến Hoa kỳ năm 1991, trong những năm đầu, ông đã sớm nhận thức ra những sự khác nhau giữa hai nền văn hoá. Kiên trì vượt qua những khó khăn về ngôn ngữ và văn hóa và sớm trưởng thành trong đời sống mới, ông đã là một học sinh xuất sắc trong thời trung học và đại học. Tốt nghiệp với hạng danh dự bậc Cử Nhân Khoa Học về Sinh Hóa của Đại học Maryland, sau đó, ông đã tốt nghiệp Bác sĩ Y Khoa tại Đại Học Y Khoa Lake Erie vào năm 2004. Năm 2007 ông đã hoàn tất chương trình huấn luyện bác sĩ nội khoa tại Bệnh Viện Hải Quân Quốc Gia (National Naval Medical Center, NNMC), Bethesda, Maryland và đã từng làm bác sĩ nội khoa tại Bệnh Viện Hải Quân Mỹ Yokosuka, Nhật Bản từ năm 2007 - 2009 và tại đây ông được trao tặng giải thưởng "Giáo Sư Xuất Sắc của Năm" vào năm 2008 - 2009. Sau đó, bác sĩ Hoàng đã hoàn tất huấn nghệ bác sĩ chuyên khoa Nội Tiết, Tiểu Đường và Chuyển Hóa tại NNMC và sau đó làm việc tại NNMC từ 2011 đến 2012 và tại NMC Portsmouth năm 2012- 2013.

Ông đã từng là Bác sĩ Trưởng Khoa, Phân Khoa Nội Tiết và Tiểu Đường tại Bệnh Viện Hải Quân San Diego (2013 - 2016) và là phó Giáo Sư (Associate Professor) Y Khoa Đại Học Khoa Học Sức Khoẻ. Ông cũng là thành viên Bác Sĩ Chuyên Khoa của Đại Học Mỹ và Đại Học Khoa Nội Tiết Mỹ. Ông còn là tác giả của nhiều ấn phẩm, bài báo, thư gửi cho biên tập và viết sách. Năm 2014, ông được trao tặng Giải Thưởng "Associate Master Clinician Award" tại NMCSD. Từ tháng 11 năm 2016, ông trở lại làm việc ở Khoa Nội Tiết ở Trung Tâm Y Khoa Quân Đội Quốc Gia Walter Reed, Bethesda, Maryland với chức vụ Giám Đốc chương trình giảng dạy và đào tạo các bác sĩ chuyên khoa Nội Tiết cho Hải quân và Lục quân Hoa kỳ (US Navy & Army).

dr hoang duc thanh (3)dr hoang duc thanh (2)dr hoang duc thanh (1)

Bản dịch tiếng Việt- Tiểu sử Đại tá Bác sĩ Hoàng Đức Thành

Bác sĩ Hoàng Đức Thành, DO, FACP, FACE hiện đang là Giám đốc Chương trình Nghiên cứu sinh Nội tiết của Hiệp hội Quốc gia tại Trung tâm Y học Quân đội Quốc gia Walter Reed (WRNMMC). Ông cũng là Giám đốc phân khoa nội tiết, Đại học Khoa học sức khỏe của chính phủ liên bang (USUHS) và chuyên gia tư vấn nội tiết cho quốc hội Hoa Kỳ. Ông là Giáo sư Y khoa (USUHS), Thành viên của Trường môn Bác sĩ Hoa Kỳ, và Thành viên của Trường môn Nội tiết Hoa Kỳ.

Bác sĩ Hoàng có chứng chỉ cao cấp về chuyên khoa nội tiết cũng như nội khoa và là thành viên tích cực của nhiều  tổ chức chuyên ngành bao gồm Hội Nội tiết, Hiệp hội Bác sĩ Nội tiết Lâm sàng Hoa Kỳ (AACE), Trường môn Bác sĩ Hoa Kỳ (ACP) và Hiệp hội các Giám đốc Chương trình về Nội tiết, Tiểu đường & chuyển hóa (APDEM). Hiện tại, ông phục vụ trong Ủy ban Viết bài về các trường hợp khó quyết định  của Bác sĩ ACP, Ủy ban Đề cử, Ủy ban tuyển chọn ứng viên nghiên cứu sinh của  AACE, Mạng lưới Tiểu bang về Bệnh tuyến giáp/Bệnh tuyến cận giáp cho AACE cũng như Ủy ban Chương trình đào tạo Bác sĩ thường trú  cho Hội Nội tiết. Ông đã từng là Phó tổng biên tập cho Tạp chí Báo cáo Trường hợp Y khoa và là người bình duyệt cho nhiều  tạp chí có bình duyệt bao gồm Tạp chí Nội tiết thực hành, Tạp chí Y học Anh, Sinh lý học lâm sàng và Tạp chí Hình ảnh học chức năng, và Tạp chí có bình duyệt của Chi nhánh Giám sát Sức khỏe Lực lượng Vũ trang (AFHSB) . Ông đã đảm nhận vai trò Giám đốc Khóa học cho Hội nghị chuyên đề về bệnh Đái tháo đường; Giám đốc khóa học về Siêu âm tuyến giáp và Chọc hút bằng kim nhỏ; ông cũng là người điều hành chương trình truyền thanh (podcast) suy/cường giáp của AACE; và người điều hành cao cấp cho các Hội nghị của Hiệp hội Công nghệ Tiểu đường trong nước/quốc tế.

Bác sĩ Hoàng đã xuất bản hơn 150 bài báo có bình duyệt, thư gửi chủ biên, tóm tắt (abstract) và các chương sách về lĩnh vực tuyến giáp, cận giáp, xương và các vấn đề nội tiết khác. Nổi bật là các ấn phẩm của ông công bố trên các tạp chí uy tín như Tạp chí Nội tiết Lâm sàng và Chuyển hóa, Tuyến giáp, Nội tiết thực hành, Báo cáo Trường hợp Lâm sàng AACE, và sách “Những vấn đề bí hiểm trong Nội tiết”. Ông đã trình bày nhiều bản tóm tắt khoa học tại các hội nghị quốc gia và quốc tế và đã được mời tham gia nhiều cuộc diễn thuyết tầm khu vực, quốc gia và quốc tế. Gần đây, ông đã được mời phát biểu tại hội nghị của Hội Nội tiết quốc gia, hội nghị của Hiệp hội Tuyến giáp Hoa Kỳ và hội nghị chuyên đề của Học viện Y học Gia đình Hoa Kỳ.

Bác sĩ Hoàng đã nhận được nhiều giải thưởng như Endocrine Teaching Award, Laureate Award của Hội  Y sĩ Hải quân Hoa Kỳ, Giải thưởng Thày giáo tiêu biểu của năm (Teacher of the Year Award); Giải thưởng thành tựu suất sắc trong lĩnh vực Lâm sàng; Giải thưởng James J. Leonard vì xuất sắc trong giảng dạy về nội khoa; Giảng viên mẫu mực quốc gia; và Giải thưởng Thành tựu Hóa học Đại học.

Bác sĩ Hoàng tiếp tục hỗ trợ các phái đoàn Quốc hội trong các nhiệm vụ quốc tế và được Lãnh đạo Đa số Thượng viện công nhận vì đã có thành tích xuất sắc với tư cách là bác sĩ của nhóm. Ông từng phục vụ trong chương trình trao đổi chuyên gia với Việt Nam trong Hiệp định Đối tác Thái Bình Dương 2015, 2016 và 2022 trên tàu USNS Mercy và thường xuyên được mời vì kiến ​​thức và kỹ năng. Gần đây, ông là sĩ quan y tế hải quân duy nhất trong một sứ mệnh đa quốc gia tới Bắc Cực và chịu trách nhiệm chăm sóc y tế cho 330 thủy thủ.

Ngoài các vấn đề hàn lâm, anh còn tích cực tham gia các hoạt động ngoại khóa cộng đồng khác: tình nguyện làm chuyên gia tư vấn y tế trên kênh phát thanh Tiếng Việt hàng tuần, Huấn luyện viên Han-Bai KungFu, làm việc từ thiện, viết nhạc và sản xuất âm nhạc với hơn 75 bài hát được phát sóng quốc tế, đặc biệt, một số bài hát nội tiết mang tính giáo dục và giải trí.

Brief Bio – CAPT Thanh D. Hoang, DO, FACP, FACE

Captain Thanh D. Hoang, DO, FACP, FACE currently serves as the Program Director for the National Capital Consortium Endocrinology Fellowship Program at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC). He also serves as Director of the Endocrinology Division, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) and Consultant Endocrinologist to the United States Capitol Attending Physician. He is a Professor in Medicine (USUHS), Fellow of the American College of Physicians, and Fellow of the American College of Endocrinology. 


Dr. Hoang is board-certified in endocrinology as well as in internal medicine and is an active member of several professional organizations including Endocrine Society, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), American College of Physicians, and Association of Program Directors in Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism (APDEM).  Currently he serves on the ACP Doctor’s Dilemma Writing Committee, the Nomination Committee, Fellows of AACE Application Committee, Thyroid/Parathyroid Disease State Network for AACE as well as Residency Curriculum Committee for Endocrine Society.  He has served as an Associate Editor for Journal of Medical Case Reports and reviewer for various peer-review journals including Endocrine Practice Journal, British Medical Journal, Clinical Physiology and Functional imaging Journal, and Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch (AFHSB) peer-reviewed journal. He has functioned as a Course Director for the Diabetes Symposium; Course Director for Thyroid Ultrasound and Fine Needle Aspiration; moderator for AACE hypo/hyperthyroid podcast; and senior moderator for national/international Diabetes Technology Society Conferences.


Dr. Hoang has published more than 150 peer-reviewed articles, letters to the editor, abstracts and book chapters in the areas of thyroid, parathyroid, bone and other endocrine problems. To be highlighted are his publications in prestigious journals such as Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Thyroid, Endocrine Practice, AACE Clinical Case Reports, and Endocrine Secret books. He has presented multiple scientific abstracts at national and international meetings and has been invited for numerous regional, national and international speaking engagements. Recently, he has been invited to speak at the national Endocrine Society conference, American Thyroid Association conference and American Academy of Family Medicine symposium.

Dr. Hoang has received various awards such as AACE H. Jack Baskin, MD, Endocrine Teaching Award, Navy ACP Laureate Award, Teacher of the Year Award; Master Clinician Award; James J. Leonard Award for excellence in teaching in internal medicine; Exemplary National Faculty; and College Chemistry Achievement Award.


Dr. Hoang continues to support Congressional Delegations on international missions and recognized by Senate Majority Leader for his outstanding performance as team physician. He served as the Vietnam Subject Matter Expert Exchange for the 2015 and 2016 Pacific Partnership aboard the USNS Mercy and routinely called upon for expert knowledge and skills. Recently he served as the sole naval medical officer on a multinational mission to North Pole and was responsible for medical care of 330 sailors.


In addition to academics, he is also actively involved in other community extracurricular activities:  volunteer as a medical consultant on the Vietnamese Radio Channel weekly; Han-Bai KungFu coach; charity work, music writer and producer with more than 80 songs broadcasted internationally, especially, some educational/entertaining endocrine songs. 




Captain, Medical Corps, US Navy

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

8901 Wisconsin Ave.

Bethesda, MD 20889-5600

301-295-5165 (phone)

301-295-5170 (fax)





2016-Present:      Program Director, Endocrinology Fellowship Program, WRNMMC


2018-Present:      Director, Endocrine Division, Uniformed Services University


2019-2020:          Chair, Credentials Committee, WRNMMC


2018 July-Oct:     Chair, NCC IM Nephrology Fellowship Search Committee


2018-2019:           Deputy Chair, Credentials Committee, WRNMMC


2016-Present:       Voting member of NCC Graduate Medical Education Committee, WRNMMC


2016-Present:       Consultant Endocrinologist to the United States Capitol Attending Physician


2013-2015:     Service Chief, Endocrinology and Metabolism Division (Dec 2013- Oct 2015)

                        Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD)


2012-2013:    Staff Endocrinologist, Department of Medicine, NMC Portsmouth

2011-2012:    Staff Endocrinologist, Department of Medicine, NNMC Bethesda

2007-2009:    Staff Internist, Department of Medicine, US Naval Hospital Yokosuka, Japan



Teaching Fellow in Medicine, USUHS (2005-2007)

Instructor of Medicine, USUHS (2009-2011)

Faculty Appointment, UCSD School of Medicine, Ambulatory Care Apprenticeship (ACA) Program, 2013-2016

Assistant Professor of Medicine, USUHS (2011-2016)   

Associate Professor of Medicine, USUHS (2016-2021)

Professor of Medicine, USUHS (2021-present)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       



1993-1997   Bachelor of Science/Biochemistry; University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

1999-2000   Post-Baccalaureate; Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA

2000-2004   Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, 

                    Lake Erie, PA

2004-2007   Residency: Internal Medicine, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland.

2009-2011   Fellowship, Endocrinology and Metabolism; National Capital Area Consortium; Bethesda, Maryland.





National Organizations

-Chair, Abstract Review Committee, American Association of Clinical Endocrinology, 2021-pres

-Editorial Board, Journal of Medical Case Reports (BMC), 2021-present

-Consultant, Practice Advisory on Safety of Steroid Injections, American Society of Regional Anesthesia (ASRA) and Pain Medicine Guidelines Committee, 2021- present

-Advisor, Clinical Quality of CGM Glycemia Metric Project, Diabetes Technology Society, 2021

-Clinical Practice Guidelines Oversight Committee, AACE, 2021-present

-Associate Editor, Clinical Case Reports Journal (Scholar One), 2021-present

-ACP Doctor’s Dilemma Writing Committee, 2021-present

-Lipids and CV Health Disease State Network, AACE, 2021-Present

-Diabetes Disease State Network, AACE, 2021-Present

-Nutrition and Obesity Meeting Program Subcommittee, 2021-Present

-Nominating Committee, American Association of Clinical Endocrinology (AACE), 2020-Present

-Vice-Chair, FACE Fellow of the American College of Endocrinology Application Committee, AACE, 2020-Present

-Thyroid Disease State Network, AACE, 2020-Present

-Bone and Parathyroid Disease State Network, AACE, 2020-Present


      -Paget’s disease of bone

-Vice-Chair, Nutrition and Obesity Disease State Network, AACE, 2021-Present

-Pituitary, Gonad, Adrenal and Neuroendocrine Disease State Network, AACE, 2020-Present

-Endocrine Residency Curriculum Committee, Endocrine Society, 2020-Present

-Thyroid Resource Center Workgroup, AACE, 2020-Present

-AACE Podcast on Hypothyroidism & Hyperthyroidism, 2020

-Clinical Questions Author, American Association of Clinical Endocrinology 2019-Present


National Military Roles

Armed Forces Philippines Grand Rounds Bilateral Health Engagement (Aug 2022-Present)

Joint Service GME Selection Board, Endocrinology Fellowship - 2016-present

Vietnam Subject Matter Expert Exchange (Pacific Partnership 2022/USNS Mercy)

Medical Corps Career Development Panels – 2021-present

Health Professions Scholarship Program Selection Board - 29 March 2018 - present

GME Military Professionalism Committee – Oct 2017 - Oct 2019

Vietnam Subject Matter Expert Exchange (Pacific Partnership 2016/USNS Mercy (2016))

Vietnam Subject Matter Expert Exchange (Pacific Partnership 2015/USNS Mercy)


National/International Journal Activity

Reviewer, Late Breaking Abstracts, Endocrine Society 2022

Editorial Board, Associate Editor, Journal of Medical Case Reports (BMC), 2021-present

Associate Editor, Clinical Case Reports Journal (ScholarOne), 2021-present

Reviewer, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2021-present

Reviewer, Journal of Endocrine Society, 2021-present

Reviewer, Thyroid journal (American Thyroid Association), 2021-present

Reviewer, Frontiers Journal, 2020-present

Reviewer, British Medical Journal (BMJ), 2020-Present

Reviewer, Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging Journal, 2020-Present

Reviewer, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2019-present

Reviewer, Endocrine Practice Journal, AACE, 2018-present

Reviewer, AACE Clinical Case Reports, 2018-present

Reviewer, Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch (AFHSB) Journal, 2018- present


Institutional Roles                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Master Clinician Selection Board, Walter Reed Military Medical Center 2019-2020

Subspecialty Representative to P&T Committee – April 2018 - April 2019

Reference Lab Utilization Committee (RLUC) – Feb 2017 – Oct 2018                 

Provider Wellness Committee Representative for Directorate of Medical Services (July 2014- 2016)

Diabetes Champion, Naval Medical Center, San Diego (Oct 2013- Jan 2016)

Grand Round Director, Naval Medical Center, San Diego (Oct 2013- Aug 2016)

Infection Control Chair, US Naval Hospital Yokosuka (Oct 2007- June 2009)

Asthma Champion, US Naval Hospital Yokosuka (Oct 2007- June 2009)

Respiratory Therapy Division Officer, US Naval Hospital Yokosuka (Oct 2007- June 2009)

MEDCAP team, USS Mustin, Force Health Protection for Cambodia (Aug 2008)

Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) instructor (2007- present)



2005 Virginia State Medical License Number -----; July 2005.

2007 Diplomate, Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine (current MOC).

2011 Thyroid Ultrasound and Biopsy, American College of Endocrinology.

2011 Diplomate, Endocrinology, American Board of Internal Medicine (current MOC).

2012 Diplomate, Certified Clinical Densitometrist (CCD)



Fellow, American College of Physicians (July 1st, 2013)

Fellow, American College of Endocrinology (May 16, 2015)

Member, Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons.

Member, Society of Uniformed Endocrinologists

Member, American Endocrine Society




2022 AACE H. Jack Baskin, MD, Endocrine Teaching Award, by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology (AACE), AACE’s 31st Annual Meeting, May 12-14, 2022, San Diego, CA. The AACE H. Jack Baskin, MD, Endocrine Teaching Award to be presented to an AACE member in
good standing who has made a profound impacting in teaching.


2021 Navy ACP Laureate Award (the chapter’s most prestigious award). The Laureate Award honors those Fellows of the American College of Physicians who have demonstrated by their example and conduct an abiding commitment to excellence in medical care, education or research, and service to the community and the American College of Physicians.


2021 Master Clinicians Award for excellence in delivery of health care, typified by high clinical volume, proven excellent outcomes, superior patient satisfaction, significant contributions to the profession, GME education/clinical research, and outstanding professionalism (top 2%).


2019 Letter of Appreciation for serving as the CODEL physician from the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives, Mr. Steny Hoyer. The WRNMMC Hospital Director received a personalized letter from the Senate Majority Leader highly commending my performance.


2018 ISE Travel Fellowship Award (more than 1000 participants), Late Breaker Research – “Associations of Serum Ionized Calcium, Phosphate, and PTH levels with Parathyroid Scan in Primary Hyperparathyroidism”. 18th International Congress of Endocrinology/SEMDSA 2018, Cape Town, South Africa, Dec 1-4, 2018.


2018 Letter of Appreciation for serving as the Chair of the Search Committee to screen the nominees from the Surgeons General for the position of Program Director of the Consortium’s IM Nephrology Fellowship Program - (Chairman, Board of Directors, NCC, Dr. Arthur L. Kellermann, MD, MPH).


2018 National Capital Region – Medical Directorate SITREP recognition - Research and Education for Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration and Ultrasound Course (July 16, 2018).


2017 The James J. Leonard Award for Excellence in Teaching in Internal Medicine.   The Department of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.


2016 Faculty Development Certificate in Teaching, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

2016 Exemplary National Faculty – Uniformed Services University

2014 Naval Medical Center San Diego “Associate Master Clinician”

2012 Fellow Representative of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology 2011-2012

2008 United States Naval Hospital Yokosuka “Teacher of the Year

1997 College Chemistry Achievement Award (The Chemical Society of Washington)




2022 Humanitarian Service Medal (HSM) in support of Operation Allies Refuge (OAR)

2022 Deployment in support of the Pacific Partnership Operation, USS Mercy (June-July 2022)

2022 Physician for Congressional Delegates (CODEL Gillibrand) (April 17-25, 2022).

2022 Deployment in support of Joint Task Forces-Guantanamo GTMO (Jan 20-Feb 2, 2022)

2021 Physician for Congressional Delegates (CODEL Kaine-Portman) (July 5-11, 2021).

2021 The Joint Service Achievement Medal

2020 Armed Forces Service Medal for Navy Medicine Readiness & Training Command, Bethesda personnel in support of Coronavirus Disease 2019

2020 Medical Officer for Nanook-20 on USS Thomas Hudner DDG16 provided integral health services support for the USA, Canadian, French and Royal Danish Navy Ships (July14-Aug 31, 2020)

2019 Physician for Congressional Delegates (CODEL Hoyer) (June 27- July 5th, 2019).

2018 Physician for Congressional Delegates (CODEL Kelly) (Nov 16-24, 2018).

2016 Deployment in support of the Pacific Partnership Operation, USS Mercy

2016 Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal

2015 Deployment in support of the Pacific Partnership Operation, USS Mercy

2013 Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (Gold Star in lieu of Fourth Award).

2011 Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal

2011 Navy Unit Commendation ribbon (NNMC, Bethesda, MD)

2009 Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal

2009 Overseas Service Ribbon for service at Naval Hospital Yokosuka, Japan

2008 Deployment in support of USS Mustin MEDCAP in Cambodia

2007 Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal

2007 Meritorious Unit Commendation Ribbon (NNMC, Bethesda, MD)

2007 Navy Unit Commendation Ribbon for service at NNMC, Bethesda, MD

2005 Global War on Terrorism Service Medal for service at NNMC, Bethesda, MD



2004 Addiction Orientation for Health Care Providers course (NNMC, Bethesda, Feb. 2004)

2004 Fundamentals of Critical Care Support Care (NNMC, Bethesda, Oct 2004)

2005 Stanford Faculty Development Program (NNMC, Bethesda, Feb 2005)

2005 Combat Casualty Care Course (NNMC, Bethesda, March 2005)  

2008 Division Officer Leadership Training Course (Naval Hospital Yokosuka, Japan, Mar 2008)

2008 Clinic Management Training Course (Naval Hospital Yokosuka, Japan, Oct 2008)


2017 Program Director Course, National Capitol Area Medical Simulation Center, Silver Spring, Maryland, 6-10 Feb 2017.

2018 Advanced Medical Department Officers Course (AMDOC), Bethesda, MD, 26-30 March 2018.

2018 MEDXELLENCE Critical Decision-Making for Medical Executives:  Keys to Improving Healthcare Delivery. Hampton, VA 24-29 June 2018.

2020 Senior Leadership Course, Walter Reed, Bethesda, Oct 5-9, 2020

2021 Leadership Academy, Walter Reed, Bethesda, May 24-27, 2021



-Stanford Faculty Development Program, NNMC, Bethesda, MD, Feb 2005.

-USUHS Faculty Development 3 Day Course, NMCSD, San Diego, CA, Apr 2015.

-USUHS Faculty Development 3 Day Course, NMCSD, San Diego, CA, Mar 8-10, 2016.

-Critical review of literature. WRNMMC, Bethesda, MD, Dec 12, 2016. (Shapiro J)

-How to create protocols and research resources. WRNMMC, Bethesda, MD, May 22, 2017. (Oliver T).

-How to ask appropriate questions. WRNMMC, Bethesda, MD, Dec 11, 2017. (Pangaro L)

-Communication and Team Building. WRNMMC, Bethesda, MD, May 14, 2018. (Dorflinger L)

-USUHS Faculty Development Series -#7001 Feedback the Basics.  WRNMMC, Bethesda, MD, May 2018.

-USUHS Faculty Development Series - #7062 Case based learning or active learning.  WRNMMC, Bethesda, MD, Jan 11, 2019. (Hartzell J).

-USUHS Faculty Development – Burnout and Resilience (Bunin J.) June 10, 2019

-USUHS Faculty Development – Effective Teaching (Bunin J.) Dec 16, 2019

-Faculty Development - Sleep & fatigue mitigation and Suicide Prevention (Webb A.) Oct13, 2020

-Faculty Development – Creating a Wellness Curriculum (Blyth D.) Jan 5th, 2021

-Faculty Development – Clinical Goal Setting (Blyth D.) June 1st, 2021

-Faculty Development – Sleep Deprivation (Collin J) Feb 18, 2022

-Faculty Development – Cost Effectiveness & Coding (Knee) May 31st, 2022




COVID-19 Response Team Physician, WRNMC (2020, July-Sept)

Inpatient Attending Physician, Endocrinology (2007-2009, 2011-pres)

Inpatient Ward Attending, Internal Medicine Residency (2007-2009, 2011-pres) 8 weeks annually

Proctor for Internal Medicine Clinic (2013 - 2016)

Proctor for Diabetes Group Clinic, Internal Medicine Department (2013- 2016)



  1. Diabetes Symposium – Course Director
    1. Naval Medical Center San Diego, 29 August 2014.
    2. Naval Medical Center San Diego, 16 Oct 2015.


  1. Thyroid Ultrasound and Fine Needle Aspiration Course, Course Director, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, 28 Aug 2017.  Fellows and residents from Pathology, Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, ENT, Pediatric Endocrinology.


  1. Diabetes Technology (2 Day Course) - Co-Course Director. Advanced course exploring diabetes technological devices with focus on continuous insulin infusion pumps and continuous glucose monitors.  Lecture, small-group, and hands-on learning approaches.
    1. Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, 8 Sept 2017


  1. Thyroid Ultrasound and Fine Needle Aspiration Course, Course Director, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, 16 July 2018 (hosted 22 attendees from regional academic medical centers:  Georgetown Medical Center, George Washington University Medical Center, NIH Clinical Center).


  1. Thyroid Ultrasound and Fine Needle Aspiration Course, Course Director, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, 8 August 2019. (hosted 33 attendees from regional academic medical centers:  Georgetown Medical Center, George Washington University Medical Center, NIH Clinical Center).


  1. Thyroid ultrasound and Fine Needle Aspiration Course, Lecturer & Instructor for the Practical Sessions, Otolaryngology Department, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, 12 September 2019. 


  1. Diabetes Technology Society Conference.  Session Moderator. (1) Hypoglycemia reduction as an end point for trials of diabetes products. (2) A New Mathematical Link Between A1c and Blood Glucose.  Bethesda, MD, 14-16 November 2019.


  1. Navy American College of Physician Conference.  Poster Judge. Norfolk, VA, 17-18 January 2020.


  1. Maryland Association of Osteopathic Physician Annual Conference (25 CME hours).  Chairman. Gaithersburg, MD, October 9-11, 2020. postponed due to COVID19.


  1. Thyroid ultrasound and Fine Needle Aspiration Course, Lecturer & Instructor for the Practical Sessions, Otolaryngology Department, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, 5 November 2020. 


  1. Thyroid ultrasound and Fine Needle Aspiration Course, Course Director, Endocrinology and Otolaryngology Departments, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, 16-17 September 2021. (hosted 55 attendees from regional academic medical centers:  Georgetown Medical Center, George Washington University Medical Center, NIH Clinical Center).


  1. Maryland Association of Osteopathic Physician Annual Conference (25 CME hours).  Course Chairman. Gaithersburg, MD, December 3-5, 2021.





1. Invited Reviewer for The Medical Letters.  Drugs for Hypothyroidism.  The Medical Letters on Drugs and Therapeutics.  5 October 2015.


2. Invited Reviewer for Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome.  Nonfunctioning Gonadotroph Pituitary Adenoma presenting as visual field defect”.  20 October 2015.


3. Invited Reviewer for the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch (AFHSB) peer-reviewed journal, the Medical Surveillance Monthly Report (MSMR).   March 15, 2018.


4. Invited Reviewer for the AACE Journal. Combination of Phentermine/Topiramate ER and Liraglutide 3mg for Intensive Therapy of Severe Obesity & T2DM – A Case Series and Brief Review. 29 March 2018.


5.  Invited Reviewer for the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch (AFHSB) peer-reviewed journal, the Medical Surveillance Monthly Report (MSMR).   10 October, 2018.  "Thyroid disorders, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2008-2017."


6.  Invited Reviewer for the Journal of Clinical Medicine.  Investigation of the correlation between Graves’ ophthalmopathy and CTLA4 gene polymorphism.  Oct 2019.


7.  Reviewer for research grants titled:

            -Long-term Risk of Diabetes Mellitus Among Trauma Patients with Stress Induced Hyperglycemia (MedStar Washington Hospital Center, USU and WRNMMC)

-Trauma Induced Diabetes (DoD, VA, USU and WRNMMC)

-Preventive measures for diabetes management and control (Joint DoD, VA, and WRNMMC)


8.  Invited Reviewer for the British Medical Journal.  To bleed or not to bleed? 20 Jan 2020.


9. Invited Reviewer of Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging.  Comparison of a dual-frequency bio-impedance analyzer with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry for assessment of body composition in geriatric patients.  14 Feb 2020.  


10.  Invited Reviewer for the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch (AFHSB) peer-reviewed journal, the Medical Surveillance Monthly Report (MSMR).  19 February 2020.  Diabetes Mellitus and Gestational Diabetes, Active and Reserve Component Service Members and Dependents, U.S. Armed Forces, 2008-2018.   21 Feb 2020.


11. Invited Reviewer. Journal of Clinical Medicine.  Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte, monocyte-to-lymphocyte and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratios in relation to clinical parameters and smoking status in patients with Graves' orbitopathy - novel insight into old tests.  31 Aug 2020.


12.  Invited Reviewer.  Frontiers in Public Health Journal. Review Taiwan Government-Guided Strategies Contributed to Combating and Controlling COVID-19 Pandemic. 10 Sept 2020.


13. Invited Reviewer.  Short term outcomes of surgery for Graves' disease in Germany. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 1-20 pages.  11 November 2020.


14. Invited Reviewer. Addison’s disease with primary hypothyroidism in a case of visceral leishmaniasis and human immunodeficiency virus coinfection. BMJ. 1-11 pages. 1 February 2021.


15. Invited Reviewer. NIDDK web content on Hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid).  National Institutes of Health. March 1, 2021.


16. Invited Reviewer. Dermographism in Covid-19.  BMJ Case Reports. March 14, 2021.


17. Invited Reviewer. Thyroid dysfunction induced by alectinib in a patient with non-small cell lung cancer.  AACE Clinical Case Reports Journal. 30 May 2021.


18. Invited Reviewer. Intractable Seizures and limbic encephalitis, unaccounted complications of Type 1 Diabetes Autoimmunity. J Endo Soc. 3 July 2021.


19. Invited Reviewer. Thyroid Storm caused by Hyperemesis Gravidarum. AACE Clinical Case Reports Journal.  24 October 2021.


20. Invited Reviewer.  A novel levothyroxine solution results in similar bioavailability whether taken 30 or just 15 minutes before a high-fat high-caloric meal.  Thyroid Journal.  17 November 2021.


21. Invited Reviewer. Comparison of various ultrasound-based malignant risk stratification systems on an occasion for assessing thyroid nodules in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.  Endocrine Practice. 22 November 2021.


22. Invited Reviewer.  Successful treatment of pituitary gigantism. BMJ.  17 December 2021.


23. Invited Reviewer. Different SGLT2 inhibitors: Can they prevent death?  JCEM. 25 December 2021.


24. Invited Reviewer.  Effect of TSH suppressive therapy on short term postoperative depression and  anxiety  in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma.  Endocrine Practice.  March 10, 2022.


25. Invited Reviewer.  Thyroid-stimulating antibody ratio as an indicator of Graves’ orbitopathy. Endocrine Practice. May 25, 2022.




National/ International:

1.”Updates in Hypertension.”  The 47th Navy Occupational health and Preventive Medicine Conference, Yokosuka, Japan, 2008.


2. “Medical English II lectures”, Kyosai Hospital, Yokosuka, Japan, 2008.


3. “Granulomatosis with polyangiitis: diagnosis and management.”

-Kyosai Hospital, Yokosuka, Japan, 2008.

-Uwamachi Hospital, Yokosuka, Japan, 2008.


4. “Updates in Diabetes”.  Invited Speaker for the Diabetes Education Work in BIT’s 45th Annual World Congress of Diabetes, Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Taiwan, Nov 26-28, 2015.


5. “Updates in Thyroid nodules and Thyroid Cancer”.  Invited Speaker for Vietnam Subject Matter Expert Exchange at Da Nang Hospital.  Pacific Partnership 2016.  Da Nang, Viet Nam, 12 July 2016.


6.  Invited Speaker for Vietnam Subject Matter Expert Exchange at Oncology Hospital.  Graves'Disease:  Diagnosis and Treatment. Pacific Partnership 2016, Da Nang, Viet Nam, 19 July 2016.


7.  Invited Speaker for Vietnam Subject Matter Expert Exchange at Oncology Hospital. Management of diabetes mellitus in patients with cancer.  Pacific Partnership 2016, Da Nang, Viet Nam, 21 July 2016.


8.  Invited Speaker for the Diabetes Education Work in BIT’s 5th World Congress of Diabetes 2017.  Prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the world and Updates in Diabetes Management.  Prague, Czech Republic, July 12-14, 2017.


9. Invited Speaker for the 18th International Congress of Endocrinology/SEMDSA 2018. Associations of Serum Ionized Calcium, Phosphate, and PTH levels with Parathyroid Scan in Primary Hyperparathyroidism. Cape Town, South Africa, Dec 1-4, 2018.


10.  Invited Speaker for the 12th World Congress on Endocrinology and Metabolic Disorders.  Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Diabetic Patients.  Bangkok, Thailand, December 9, 2019.


11.  Invited Moderator.  15th International Conference on Alternative Medicine and 12th World Congress on Endocrinology and Metabolic Disorders.  Bangkok, Thailand, Dec 09-10, 2019.


12. Invited Keynote Speaker.  Tri-Service American College of Physicians Conference.  Endocrine Sessions.  Updates on Diabetes Care 2020 and Collisions of Diabetes and COVID-19.  San Antonio, TX, Sept 9-11, 2020.


13.Invited Grand Rounds Speaker.  Introduction to DXA and Challenging Cases.  MedStar Georgetown & Washington Hospital Center, Endocrinology Department.  Washington DC, 15 Sept 2020.


14. Invited Grand Rounds Speaker. Introduction to DXA and Discussion of Pitfalls in DXA interpretations.  National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 28 Oct 2020.


15. Invited Senior Moderator at the 20th Virtual Diabetes Technology Meeting.  Session 11: Can glucose monitoring predict the future? Q&A panel.  Diabetes Technology Society.  12-14 Nov 2020. Zoom 5.0.


16. Invited Speaker. Correlation of body mass index and age with osteoporosis probability in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism.  International Congress of Endocrinology 2021 Virtual, Argentina. 24-28 Feb 2021.


17. Invited Speaker. Emerging Strategic Management of Hypothyroidism. (647 participants).  ENDO 2021, Endocrine Society Annual Congress Meeting.  Virtual, 22 March 2021.


18. Invited Speaker.  HYPOsium: Insights, information, impact for hypothyroidism. Webcast for primary care providers. Virtual.  Sept 27, 2021.


19. Invited Speaker. Hypothyroidism Uncovered: Patient-Focused Options to Address Unmet Needs. 200 participants. American Academy of Family Medicine Conference. Virtual. Sept 29, 2021.


20. Invited Speaker. Insights, Information, Impact for Hypothyroidism. American Thyroid Association’s 90th Annual Meeting.  Virtual. Sept 30-Oct 3, 2021.


21. Invited Moderator at the 21st Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting.  Workshop A: New technologies for glucose monitoring, Panel 2: Continuous Glucose Monitoring. Diabetes Technology Society.  4-6 Nov 2021. Zoom 5.0.  157 participants.


22.  Invited Speaker.  Updates in Diabetes Clinical Practice Guidelines for primary care.  Joint Task Force-GTMO Guantanamo Hospital, Cuba. 31 Jan 2022. 


23. Invited Moderator for Thyroid talks (hypo/hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer). American Association of Clinical Endocrinology (AACE) with First Affiliated hospital at Sun Yat Sen University to provide continuing education for Fellows in the China region. Virtual platform. March 18, 2022, 0800-1000 PM ET.


24. Invited Speaker.  Hypogonadism Updates. Grand Rounds – VA Washington DC/Georgetown Medical Center. 6 April 2022.


25.  Invited Speaker.  SGLT2-inhibitors and cardiovascular outcomes – Optimizing the management of cardiovascular disease in the modern era. International Cardiology Conference, South Can Tho School of Medicine, Vietnam, May 7, 2022. (>221 participants).  


26.  Invited Speaker. Ethnic Diversity for Cardiovascular Disease Risks in South Asia.  American Association of Clinical Endocrinology Annual Meeting.  San Diego, CA, May 10-14, 2022.


27. Invited Speaker. Hypothyroidism Uncovered: Understanding the Patient with Persistent Symptoms. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting.  Atlanta, GA, June 10-14, 2022.


28. Invited Speaker.  Updates in Diabetes Management 2022.  Phu Yen General Hospital, Phu Yen, Viet Nam, 21 June, 2022.  Pacific Partnership 2022.


29.  Invited Speaker.  Thyroid disorders and thyroid cancer.  Phu Yen General Hospital, Phu Yen, Viet Nam, 21 June 2022.  Pacific Partnership 2022.


30. Invited Speaker.  Cushings syndrome.  Phu Yen General Hospital, Phu Yen, Vietnam, 30 June 2022. Pacific Partnership 2022.


31. Invited Speaker.  Inpatient Diabetes Management 2022.  Phu Yen General Hospital, Phu Yen, Vietnam, 30 June 2022. Pacific Partnership 2022.


32. Invited Speaker.  Thyroid nodules and thyroid ultrasound. Diabetes and Endocrine Conference 2022.  Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam.  28 Aug 2022.


33.  Invited Speaker.  Challenging Thyroid Cases.  Diabetes and Endocrine Conference 2022.  Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.  28 Aug 2022.

34.  Invited Speaker.  Updated in Diabetes Clinical Practice Guidelines 2022.  Victoriano Luna Medical Center, Philippines.  15 September 2022.


Local/ Regional:

1.  Invited Lecturer.  Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD, 20 April 2012. Endocrine Board Review for Family Nurse Practitioner.


2. Invited Speaker, Grand Rounds, Sentara Princess Anne Hospital, Virginia Beach, VA, 2 March 2013. Review and updates in therapies for hypothyroidism.


3. Invited Speaker, Grand Round, Kearny Mesa Primary Care Clinic, San Diego, CA:  14 October 2015. Hypothyroidism - Diagnosis and Treatment Updates. 


4.  Invited Speaker, Grand Rounds, Internal Medicine Department, Scripps Mercy, San Diego, CA, 24Mar2016. Paget's Disease of the Bone.


5. Invited Speaker for the Vietnamese Radio Channel – Family Medicine Program, weekly, Feb 2012- Nov 2013. Topics spoken:  Ebola, Diabetes, Hypo/hyperthyroidism, Vitamin D deficiency, Lyme disease, Tuberculosis, Polio, Mumps, Malaria, Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease, Syphilis, Anemia, Leukemia, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, etc.


6. Invited Speaker, Grand Round, Internal Medicine Department at Scripps Mercy, San Diego, CA, 14Jun2016. Endocrine Disorders in the Elderly.  


7. Invited Speaker, Grand Round, Navy Training Center, San Diego, CA. 6 October 2016. Hypothyroidism and Hypogonadism for primary care providers.  


8.  Visiting Professor in Endocrinology. Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Erie, PA. 31 Jan 2018. Thyroid Disorders.


9.  Invited guest lecturer. Primary Care Symposium 2018. Clymer, New York. March 1-4, 2018.  Updates in Diabetes Care: Practical, Guideline and Evidence-Based Recommendations.   


10. Invited speaker. Family Medicine Residency Program Grand Rounds, Womack Army Medical Center, US Army Medical Department, Ft Bragg, NC, July 16, 2018.  Hypogonadism evaluation and management in active duty population.


11.  Invited speaker. Womack Health Clinic, Ft Bragg, NC, July 17, 2018. Algorithm in diagnosing and managing patients with hypogonadism. 


12.  Invited speaker. ENT Otolaryngology Residency Program Grand Rounds.  WRNMMC, Bethesda, 26 July 2018. Evaluation and Management of Thyroid nodules. 


13.  Invited guest lecturer.  Summer Primary Care Symposium 2018.  Sarasota, FL.  Aug 14, 2018.  New Therapies in Diabetes Treatment. 


14.  Invited guest lecturer. Summer Primary Care Symposium 2018.  Sarasota, FL.  Aug 16, 2018.  Management of Male Andropause - Hypogonadism. 


15.  Invited Guest Speaker for White Coat Ceremony, Class of 2022, Lake Erie College of Medicine.  September 8, 2018, Warner Theatre, Erie, PA.


16. Visiting Professor in Endocrinology. Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Erie, PA. 6 February 2019. Updates in Thyroid Disorders and Management.


17. Invited Speaker.  Compassionate Heart Foundation. El Monte, CA. 25 April 2019. Diabetes management and prevention. 


18. Invited Speaker.  Compassionate Heart Foundation.  El Monte, CA.  26 April 2019. Management of hypertension, thyroid goiter and obesity.  


19. Invited Speaker.  Maryland Association of Osteopathic Physicians. Annual Meeting 2019.  Gaithersburg, Maryland, Oct 4-6, 2019. Updates in Diabetes Management 2019. 


20. Invited Speaker.  2019 Cancer Research & Therapy Conference. Orlando, Florida, Oct 14-16, 2019. Octreotide Use in a Patient with MEN-1 Syndrome and Multifocal Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors. 


21. Invited Speaker. Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine Faculty Research Seminar, Bethesda, MD, 18 Oct 2019.  Updates in Obesity Evaluation and Management 2019. 


22. Visiting Professor in Endocrinology. Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Erie, PA.  3 February 2020.  Updates in Thyroid Disorders and Thyroid Cancers.


23. Invited Grand Rounds Speaker. Evidence-base Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypogonadism and Andropause. MedStar Georgetown-Washington Hospital Center, Washington DC, April 27th, 2021.


24. Invited Speaker.  Maryland Association of Osteopathic Physicians. Annual Meeting 2021.  Gaithersburg, Maryland, Dec 3-5, 2021. Updates in Diabetes Management 2021. 





1. Congestive Heart Failure evaluation and treatment. Internal Medicine Department lecture, USNH Yokosuka, Japan, 4 Dec 2007.


2. Thyrotoxicosis:  an ICU case.  Internal Medicine Department lecture, USNH Yokosuka, Japan, 12 Dec 2007.


3. Thrombocytopenic Thrombotic Purpura.  Internal Medicine Department lecture, USNH Yokosuka, Japan, 6 Aug 2008.


4. Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease.  Internal Medicine Department lecture, USNH Yokosuka, Japan, 7 Oct 2008.


5. Hypothyroidism: diagnosis and management.  Internal Medicine Department lecture, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, 13 November 2012. 


6. Endocrine Board Review.  NMCP Internal Medicine Board Examination Review; MKSAP Endocrine, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, 29 November 2012. 


7. Paget disease of the bone and DKA management. Internal Medicine Department lecture, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, 13 February 2013. 


8. Insulin Pumps and hands-on training for Internal Medicine Residents.  Department of Internal Medicine, Naval Medical Center San Diego, 24 March 2014 and at NMCP (12 March 2013).


9.  Diabetes Updates and DKA management.  Lecture to USUHS students.   Naval Medical Center San Diego. 29Jan2014; 28May2014;


9. Reproductive disorders. Department of Internal Medicine, Naval Medical Center San Diego, 30 April 2014.


10. Pituitary Disorders for the Internists.  Department of Internal Medicine, Naval Medical Center San Diego, 2 May 2014.


11. Diabetes updates.  Primary Care Symposium, Naval Medical Center San Diego, 9 May 2014.


12. Overview of Diabetes.  Questions and Answers.  Diabetes Symposium. Naval Medical Center San Diego, 29 August 2014 and 16Oct2015.


13. Prevention of Diabetes through Educational Intervention in High-Risk Patients with Prediabetes.  CPI Fair.  Diabetes Clinical Quality Team Leader.  Naval Medical Center San Diego, 23April 2015.


14. Tracking Diabetes Self-Awareness through a Patient-centered Care Approach.  Continued Process Improvement (CPI) Fair.  Naval Medical Center San Diego, 23April 2015.


15. Metabolic syndrome and Hypogonadism.  Subspecialty Expert Panel Session – Primary Care symposium.   Naval Medical Center San Diego, 8 May 2015.


16.  Hypothyroidism updates and future possibilities.  Invited speaker for Grand Rounds at the Department of Mental Health, Naval Medical Center San Diego, 11 Dec 2015.


17.  Thyroid and parathyroid disorders for Endodontists.  Invited lecture for the Endodontic residents.  Walter Reed National Medical Center, Bethesda, 16 Aug 2017.


18.  Hypogonadism/ gynecomastia lecture to Enlisted Medical Training for the command.  Walter Reed National Medical Center, Bethesda, 30 Aug 2017.


19.  Diabetes Clinical Guidelines Updates 2017, Internal Medicine Department.  Walter Reed National Medical Center, Bethesda, 12 Sept 2017.


20.  Hypogonadism Clinical Guidelines Updates 2018, Internal Medicine Department.  Walter Reed National Medical Center, Bethesda, 3 Oct 2018.


21. Thyroid disorders.  USUHS medical students, Bethesda, MD.  26 Aug 2019.


22.  Updates in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Management, Hematology/Oncology Department.  Walter Reed National Medical Center, Bethesda, 6 Sept 2019.


23.  Carney Complex.  Endocrinology Department.  Walter Reed National Medical Center, Bethesda, 9 Sept 2019.


24.  Invited speaker for ENT thyroid ultrasound and FNA course. “Thyroid ultrasound and FNA”.  Otolaryngology Department.  Walter Reed National Medical Center, Bethesda, 12 Sept 2019.


25.  Invited speaker for ENT thyroid ultrasound and FNA course. “Thyroid ultrasound and FNA”.  Otolaryngology Department.  USUHS, 12 Oct 2020.


26.  Invited Grand Round speaker.  Interpretation of DXA and Challenging Cases. Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Department.  Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, 30 April 2021.


27. Invited speaker.  Updates in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer.  Hematology/Oncology Grand Rounds.  Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, 18 Feb 2022.


28. Invited speaker.  Introduction to DXA and DXA Artifacts. Nuclear Medicine Department. Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, 03 June 2022.





Podium presentation:


1. Hoang TD, Denton GD, Prince L, Moores L, Durning S.  Accuracy of Medical Student Electronic Logbook Problem List Entry.  Podium presentation at NNMC Annual Research Competition. 2006.


2. Brisson J, Hoang TD, Daily J. A grave hormonal imbalance during pregnancy: Resistant Graves' disease during pregnancy requiring second trimester thyroidectomy.  Navy ACP, Portsmouth, VA, Oct 25, 2013.


3. Shin T, Hoang TD, Mai QV, Shakir KM.  Osteopetrosis.  Bone Symposium.  Santa Fe, CA, Aug 3rd, 2017.


4. Hoang TD, Jani AG, Mai QV, Tuamokumo FO, Shakir KM.  Associations of serum ionized calcium, phosphate, and PTH levels with Technetium-99 sestamibi Parathyroid SPECT/CT scan in primary hyperparathyroidism.  18th International Congress of Endocrinology, 53rd SEMDSA Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, Dec 3rd, 2018.


5. Slayden TA, Bauer E, Shakir KM, Hoang TD.  A Lose-Lose: Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome and Early Osteoporosis.  DC ACP, Washington DC, 15May, 2020.


6. Khoury B, Shakir KM, Hoang TD. Survival through Maternal Instinct: Adult Diagnosed Galactosemia and Rare Associations. Tri-service ACP, Virtual, 8-10 Sept 2021.


7. Hoang TD, Bonsu O, Nadolsky KZ, Robbins IE, Tuamokumo FO, Shakir MKM.  Effects of daily intake of high dose medium chain triglyceride oil and butter in healthy individuals. Endocrine Society Meeting 2022, Atlanta, GA, June 11-15, 2022.


Poster presentations – Regional:


1. Denton GD, Hoang T, Prince L, Moores L, Durning S.  Accuracy of Medical Student Electronic Logbook Problem List Entry. 

           - Poster Presentation at National Navy ACP, San Diego, Oct 2005.

           - Poster Presentation at the District of Columbia Chapter ACP Associates Day, May 2006.


2. Hoang TD, Guardiano S.  Clinical Vignette Report: Giant Cell Arteritis Heralding Recurrent Metastatic Melanoma.  National Navy ACP Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2006.


3. Gastwirt JP, Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF.  Refractory Hypertension - a Case of Ectopic Cushing's syndrome.  Navy ACP Annual Meeting, San Diego, Oct 2014.


4. Perry N, Moore J, Young D, Hoang T, Shwayhat A.  Osteopetrosis: A rare cause of subacute knee pain in active duty Marine.  Naval Medical Center San Diego, Academic Research Competition, April 25, 2016.


5. Edgar M, Brenner M, Hoang TD, Shwayhat A.  Autoimmune Progesterone Mediated Dermatitis:  Case study in an Active Duty Female.  Naval Medical Center San Diego, Academic Research Competition, April 25, 2016.


6. Baloch HM, Vietor N, Hoang TD.  Review of Patients seen during the first 18 months of Endocrine Fellowship.  NCR Research Competition 2018, Bethesda, Maryland. 


7. Baloch HM, Church T, Vu KN, Hoang TD, Shakir MKM.  From the Colonoscopy Suite to Thyroid FNA: Connected through bull.  NCR Research Competition 2018, Bethesda, Maryland. 


8.  Baloch HM, Boyum R, Vietor NO, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD.  46 XX Ovotesticular Disorder of Sex Development:  A Zebra among Unicorn.  NCR Research Competition 2018, Bethesda, Maryland. 


9. Slayden T, Bauer E, Shakir KM, Hoang TD.  Alpha-gal allergy complicating treatment of postprocedural hypothyroidism.  Navy ACP Annual Meeting, Portsmouth, VA, 2019.


Poster presentations - National/ International (also Published Abstracts *)


1. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Glister BC, Shakir MK. Multinodular Goiter as the Initial Presentation of Systemic Sarcoidosis: Limitation of Fine Needle Biopsy.  Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2010.


2. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK.  Abdominal Pain as an Unusual Presentation of Adult Glycogen Storage Disease. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2010. *Endocrine Reviews;2010;31(3).


3. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK.  Severe Asymptomatic Hypocalcemia and Elevated Serum Intact PTH Levels Induced by Intravenous Magnesium Sulfate Administration. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2010. *Endocrine Reviews;2010;31(3).


4. McIntyre PZ, Jones RC, Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir KM. Adrenal Medullary Hyperplasia Presenting with the Clinical Features of Pheochromocytoma. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2010. *Endocrine Reviews;2010;31(3).


5. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Royer M, Shakir MK. A tall-cell variant papillary thyroid carcinoma associated with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia.  Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2011.


6. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK.  Correlation of biochemical parameters, parathyroid tumor weight and sestamibi scan in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2011.


7. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Glister B, Shakir MK.  Detection of Metastatic Thyroid Carcinoma by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) Positron Emission Tomography Scan (PET) in Patients with Modestly Elevated Serum Thyroglobulin Levels and Negative Iodine-123 Whole Body Scan.  Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2011.


8. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Glister B, Shakir MK.  Treating Hypercholesterolemia with a Combination of Ezetimibe and Simvastatin (Vytorin[TM]) in Patients with Statin-Induced Muscle-Related Symptoms.  Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2011.


9. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Glister B, Shakir MK. Simultaneous Occurrence of Subacute Thyroiditis and Graves’ GDisease.  American Thyroid Association Annual Meeting, Indian Wells, CA, 2011. *Thyroid;2011;21(S1),A1-A110.


10. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Thyroid disorders associated with over-the-counter iodine supplements: an increasing trend. (American Thyroid Association Annual Meeting, Indian Wells, CA, 2011. *Thyroid;2011;21(S1),A1-A110.


11. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK.  Elevated Serum Testosterone and Sex Hormone Binding Globulin associated with Sexual Dysfunction: A familial disorder?  Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, 2012.


12. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK.  Transaminitis associated with Cholestoff TM, an over-the-counter plant sterol supplement.   Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, 2012.


13. Hoang TD, Daily J, Galitz M, Shakir MK.  Heterophile Antibody Interference with TSH Assay mimicking Subclinical Hyperthyroidism. 2013.  Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013.


14. Hoang TD, Olsen CH, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Desiccated thyroid extract compared to levothyroxine in the treatment of hypothyroidism. 2013.  Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013.


15. Mai VQ, Hoang TD, Shakir MK. Subclinical Cushing’s syndrome: Is it clinically silent and detrimental?  AACE Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 2014.


16. Hoang TD, Elegino-Steffens DU, Malafronte P, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK.  Usefulness of Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Calcitonin Levels to Diagnose Medullary Thyroid Cancer. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2014. *Endocrine Reviews;2014;35(3).  


17. Usman AC, Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Bilateral Calcified Macronodules in the Adrenal Glands as an Initial Presentation of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia.   Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2014.  *Endocrine Reviews;2014;35(3).  


18. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK.  Crouzon’s syndrome associated hypopituitarism and empty sellar syndrome.  Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2014. *Endocrine Reviews;2014;35(3).   


19. Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF.  The Usefulness of Fine needle aspiration in hyperparathyroid patients with intrathyroidal parathyroid adenoma.  Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2015.


20. Hoang TD, Gastwirt JP, Shwayhat AF. Ectopic ACTH-producing Atypical Carcinoid.  AACE 24th Annual Scientific and Clinical Congress, Nashville, TN, May13-17, 2015. * Endo Pract;2015;21:139-140.


21. Shin T, Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Shakir KM.  Cystic Macroadenoma of the Pituitary Gland: A Unique Presentation of Acromegaly. 99th Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2017. *


22. Shakir MKM, Hoang TD, Mai VQ.  Subacute Thyroiditis Presenting As a Painless Solitary Thyroid Nodule.  99th Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2017. *


23. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Shakir KM.  Successful Treatment of a Patient with Statin-Induced Myopathy and Myotonic Dystrophy Type 2  with PCSK9 Inhibitor, Alirocumab (PraluentTM).  99th Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2017. *


24. Tyler LC, Kemm MH, Hoang TD. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D- mediated hypercalcemia due to disseminated mycobacterium avium complex.  AACE 26th Annual Scientific and Clinical Congress, Austin, TX, May 3-7, 2017. * Endo Pract. 2017(23), suppl 3:116-117.


25. Baloch H, Lubetski V, Yang D, Hoang TD, Cardoni W, Mai VQ, Shakir MKM. A rare presentation of coexisting papillary thyroid carcinoma, primary hyperparathyroidism and nerve sheath tumors.  AACE 26th Annual Scientific and Clinical Congress, Austin, TX, May 3-7, 2017.* Endo Pract. 2017(23), suppl 3:167-168.


26. Vu K, Church T, Baloch H, Hoang T.  A swinging pendulum: Hashimoto’s to Graves’ disease following R-CHOP.  ATA 87th Annual ATA conference, Oct 18-22, 2017, Victoria, BC, Canada.


27.  Hoang TD, Moore JB, Mai VQ, Shakir MKM.  Concurrent abdominal and thyroid lymphoma: a case report.  19th ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies Congress, Nov 9-12, 2017, Yangon, Myanmar.


28.  Shakir MKM, Mcguigan EA, Hoang TD, Shin T, Mai VQ. Hypocitraturia contributing to nephrolithiasis in a patient with CYP24A1 gene mutation.  19th ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies Congress, Nov 9-12, 2017, Yangon, Myanmar.


29.  Baloch H, Fisher E, Hoang TD, Shakir MKM.  A rare presentation of concurrent diabetes insipidus and hyperaldosteronism.  Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Mar17-20, 2018.


30. Baloch H, Vietor N, Warnock A, Chou E, Hoang TD.  Rituximab Induced Hyperthyroidism. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Mar17-20, 2018.


31. Shakir MKM, Al-Jabbar I, Hoang TD, Shin T, Mai VQ.  Hypocitraturia contributing to nephrolithiasis in a patient with CYP24A1 gene mutation.  Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Mar17-20, 2018.


32. Usman A, Baloch H, Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Shakir MKM.  Asymptomatic pheochromocytoma diagnosed by MRI phenotypic features in an adrenal incidentaloma.  Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Mar17-20, 2018.


33. Shakir MKM, Cruz MM, Hoang TD, Mai VQ.  Pharmacologic doses of glucocorticoids do not alter the clinical features, thyroid function and imaging characteristics in a patient with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.  Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Mar17-20, 2018.


34. Baloch H, Cruz M, Hoang TD, Mai VQ.  Jod-Basedow phenomenon after Radioactive ablation.  American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Boston, MA. May 2018. *Endo Pract. 2018; 24, suppl 1:244.


35. Baloch H, Vu KN, Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Shakir KM. Vocal Cord Paralysis Post-Fine Needle Biopsy of Thyroid Nodules. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Boston, MA. May 2018. *Endo Pract. 2018; 24, suppl 1:277-277.


36.  Baloch HM, Vu KN, Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Shakir MKM. A Rare Presentation of Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumor and Papillary Thyroid Cancer. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Boston, MA, May 2018. *Endo Pract. 2018; 24, suppl 1:272-273.


37. Vu KN, Warnock A, Sweeny S, Hoang TD, Shakir K.M.  Glucagonoma: A rare case report.  American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Boston, MA, May 2018. *Endo Pract. 2018; 24, suppl 1:154-155.


38.  Baloch HM, Cruz MM, Hoang TD, Mai QV.  Jod-Basedow Phenomenon after Radioiodine Ablation.  American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Boston, MA. May 2018. *Endo Pract. 2018; 24, suppl 1:244-244.


39. Shakir KM, Hoang TD, Vietor NO, Mai VQ.  Acute Cardiovascular Complications from Testosterone.  *J Endo Soc, Vol 3, Suppl 1, April-May 2019, SUN-206.  


40. Nath P, Hoang TD, Glister BC, Shakir KM.  A Rapidly Enlarging Neck Mass in a 59-year-old Woman. *J Endo Soc, Vol 3, Issue Suppl 1, April-May 2019, SUN-616.


41. Nath P, Hoang TD, Shakir KM.  A perplexing Anterior Neck Mass: Lipoma. *J Endo Soc, Vol 3, Issue Suppl 1, April-May 2019.


42. Weaver TD, Hoang TD, Warnock AL.  A Clinical Lesson in Adipsic Diabetes Insipidus.  *J Endo Soc, Vol 3, Issue Suppl 1, April-May 2019, SUN-407.


43. Roth MJ, Weaver TD, Hoang TD, Shakir KM.  Neck Pain as an Initial Presentation of Medullary Thyroid Cancer.* J Endo Soc, Vol 3, Issue Suppl 1, April-May 2019, SUN-598.


44. Shakir KM, Hoang TD, Mai VQ.  Chronic Diarrhea as a Manifestation of Medullary Thyroid Cancer.* J Endo Soc, Vol 3, Issue Suppl 1, April-May 2019, SUN-595.


45. Cruz M, Hoang TD, Shakir KM. A case report of renal cell carcinoma metastasized to thyroid.  AACE 2019, Los Angeles, CA, April 23-28, 2019. * Endo Pract. 2019; 25, suppl 1:277.


46. LaChance D, Hoang TD, Vietor NO.  A typical case of 46 XX phenotypical male presenting as hypogonadism at age 66 years.  AACE 2019, Los Angeles, CA, April 23-28, 2019. * Endo Pract. 2019; 25, suppl 1:270.


47. Shin T, Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Shakir KMK.  A case report of Papillary Thyroid Cancer metastases to skeletal muscle. AACE 2019, Los Angeles, CA, April 23-28, 2019. * Endo Pract. 2019; 25, suppl 1:316.


48. Weaver TD, Shakir KM, Hoang TD. A Genetic Cause of Primary Hyperparathyroidism. *J Endo Soc, Vol 4, Issue Suppl 1, April-May 2020, SAT-334.


49. Weaver TD, Hoang TD, Shakir KM. Severe Symptomatic Hypocalcemia Related to Cinacalcet Administration. *J Endo Soc, Volume 4, Issue Supplement_1, April-May 2020, SAT–355.


50. Shakir KM, Bloomer Z, Shin T, Mai VQ, Hoang TD.  Renal Papillary Necrosis Associated with Normocalcemic Hyperparathyroidism. *J Endo Soc, Vol 4, Issue Suppl 1, April-May 2020, SAT-363.


51. Bloomer Z, Nath P, Hoang TD, Shakir KM.  Eletriptan (Relpaxa) Causing False Positive Elevations in Urinary Metanephrine. *J Endo Soc, Vol 4, Issue Suppl 1, April-May 2020, SAT-192.


52. Slayden TA, Bauer EM, Shakir KM, Hoang TD.  Alpha Gal Allergy In a Hypothyroid Patient. *J Endo Soc, Vol  4, Suppl 1, April-May 2020, SAT-511.


53. Shakir KM, Usman A, Bauer EM, Hoang TD.  Malignant Transformation of a Benign Glucagonoma After 13 Years. *J Endo Soc, Vol 4, Issue Suppl 1, April-May 2020, SUN-926.


54. Spiro A, Hoang TD, Shakir KM.  Successful Long-term Medical Management of Insulinomas. *J Endo Soc, Volume 4, Issue Suppl 1, April-May 2020, SUN-114.

55. Shakir KM, Weaver T, LaChance D, Hoang TD.  Hirsutism Due to Bilateral Leydig Cell Tumors. *J Endo Soc, Vol 4, Issue Suppl 1, April-May 2020, SUN-005.


56. Bansal R, Nath PV, Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Shakir KM. Adrenal Insufficiency Due to Adrenal Hemorrhage. *J Endo Soc, Vol 4, Suppl 1, April-May 2020, SUN-170.


57. Shin T, Shakir KM, Hoang TD. Identification of Dehydroepiandrosterone-s (DHEA-s) Elevation Due to Performance Enhancing Supplements. *J Endo Soc, Vol 4, Issue Suppl 1, April-May 2020, SUN-001.


58. Nath PV, Shakir KM, Hoang TD.  Hypertriglyceridemia Induced Pancreatitis In A Pregnant Patient. *J Endo Soc, Vol 4, Suppl 1, April-May 2020, SAT-568.


59. LaChance D, Shakir KM, Hoang TD. SDHD Mutation: Nonfunctional Paragangliomas presenting as Bilateral Carotid Body Tumors with Syncope. *J Endo Soc, Vol 4, Suppl 1, April-May 2020, MON-249.


60. Bauer E, Bloomer Z, Shakir KM, Hoang TD.  Hypophosphatasia, A Reason to Pay Attention to Low Alkaline Phosphatase.  AACE 29th Annual Scientific & Clinical Congress, Washington, DC, May 7-10, 2020. *Endo Pract. 2020(26), Suppl 2: 51-52.


61. Bloomer Z, Bauer EM, Shakir KM, Hoang TD.  A Rare Case of Congenital Diabetes Insipidus in a 22-year-old Man. *Endo Pract. 2020(26), Suppl 2: 207-208.


62. Bauer E, Shakir KM, Hoang TD. Complete Androgen Insensitivity and Decreased Bone Mineral Density. *J Endo Soc, 2021;5 (Suppl 1), A778.


63. Hoang TD, Brooks DI, Bianco AC, McAninch EA, Tatiana FL, Mai VQ, Shakir KM. Desiccated thyroid extract vs. synthetic T3/T4 combination vs. LT4 monotherapy in the treatment of primary hypothyroidism with special attention to the gene polymorphism. * J Endo Soc, 2021;5 (Supplement 1), A827-A828.

*being particularly newsworthy and singled out for special media attention

*featuring 35-50 newsworthy abstracts in ENDO press releases.


64. Ahmed Z, Sherin R, Tatiana LF, Hoang TD, Shakir KM.  Improvement of Treatment Resistant Depression in a Patient with Primary Hypothyroidism and Thr92Ala5’ type 2 Deiodinase Gene Polymorphism with Multiple Daily Doses of Triiodothyronine. * J Endo Soc, 2021;5 (Supplement 1), A937-A937.


65. Leimbach R, Shakir KM, Hoang TD.  Pituitary Macroadenoma: A case of balanced deficiencies. * J Endo Soc, 2021.


66. Shakir KM, Ebrahim IC, Spiro AJ, Shin T, Hoang TD.  Treatment of Graves' disease with a combination of low iodine diet and potassium iodide plus radioactive iodine treatment. * J Endo Soc, 2021;5 (Supplement 1), A970-A970.


67. Shakir KM, Leimbach R, Orestes MI, Mai VQ, Hoang TD. Low-dose prednisone therapy is efficacious in treating painful subacute thyroiditis. * J Endo Soc, 2021;5 (Supplement 1), A940-A940.


68. Hoang TD, Chou E, Nguyen TN, Shakir KM.  Rapidly Progressive Cognitive Decline and Varicella Zoster blisters associated with Teprotumumab in 2 patients with Graves’ Orbitopathy. * J Endo Soc, 2021;5 (Supplement 1), A950-A950.


69.  Shakir KM, Tatiana LF, Hoang TD.  Improvement of Treatment Resistant Depression in a Patient with Primary Hypothyroidism and Thr92Ala5’ type 2 Deiodinase Gene Polymorphism with Multiple Daily Doses of Triiodothyronine. * International Congress of Endocrinology 2021 Virtual.


70. Hoang TD, Brooks DI, Bianco AC, McAninch EA, Tatiana FL, Mai VQ, Shakir KM. Desiccated thyroid extract vs. synthetic T3/T4 combination vs. LT4 monotherapy in the treatment of primary hypothyroidism with special attention to the gene polymorphism. * International Congress of Endocrinology, 2021 Virtual, 24-28 February 2021.


71. Wilson B, Shakir KM, Hoang TD.  Diabetes Insipidus and Third Cranial Nerve Palsy Associated with a Pituitary Macroadenoma. AACE 30th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, May 26-29, 2021. * Endo Pract. 2021;27(6),S123-S124.


72. Hoang TD, Nguyen TN, Shakir KM.  Metastatic Calcinosis cutis in a kidney transplant patient with normal calcium and phosphate. AACE 30th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, May 26-29, 2021. * Endo Pract. 2021;27(6),S98-S99.


73. Brown KF, Bloomer ZW, Hatfield JS, Shakir KMK, Hoang TD. Fleas and Ticks: A Case of Simultaneous Diagnosis of Papillary Thyroid Cancer and Systemic Mastocytosis. AACE Annual Meeting 2022, San Diego, CA, May 12-14, 2022.  *Endo Pract 28(5),S136-137.


74. Hatfield JS, Brown KF, Shakir KMK, Hoang TD. Delayed Diagnosis of Juvenile Hypophosphatasia. AACE Annual Meeting 2022, San Diego, CA, May 12-14, 2022. *Endo Pract 2022;28(5)S80.


75. Huynh J, Bowens BK, LaChance DP, Hoang TD. 46,XY 5-Alpha-Reductase Deficiency in a Phenotypic Female. AACE Annual Meeting 2022, San Diego, CA, May 12-14, 2022. *Endo Pract 2022;28(5)S123.


76. Khoury BR, Shin T, Vietor NO, Hoang TD, Shakir KMK.  Pineal Germinoma with Pituitary involvement: Long-term survival following treatment with whole ventricular radiation.  Endocrine Society Meeting 2022, Atlanta, GA, June 11-15, 2022.


77. Bowens BK, LaChance DP, Shakir KMM, Hoang TD.  Graves’ disease complicated by Post-operative Graves’ ophthalmopathy and Pretibial myxedema.  Endocrine Society Meeting 2022, Atlanta, GA, June 11-15, 2022.


78. Shakir MKM, Vasanthakumar VP, Hoang TD.  Increased risks of atherosclerotic heart disease, malignancy, and sleep apnea with Primary aldosteronism. Endocrine Society Meeting 2022, Atlanta, GA, June 11-15, 2022.


79. Shakir MKM, Hoang TD. Cabergoline administration markedly improves cognitive impairment associated with macroprolactinoma. Endocrine Society Meeting 2022, Atlanta, GA, June 11-15, 2022.


80.  Nath PV, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD Dietary influence (smoothies) on measurements of plasma and urinary metanephrines in a patient with hypertension. Endocrine Society Meeting 2022, Atlanta, GA, June 11-15, 2022.


81. Shakir MKM, Hoang TD Dilemmas in the Diagnosis and Management of Osteoporosis in a patient with Alkaptonuria: Successful Treatment with Teriparatide. Endocrine Society Meeting 2022, Atlanta, GA, June 11-15, 2022.


82. Osei B, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD Long-term follow up of 3 cases of periodic paralysis.  Endocrine Society Meeting 2022, Atlanta, GA, June 11-15, 2022.


83. Leimbach R, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD Pituitary Abscess:  Long-term follow up. Endocrine Society Meeting 2022, Atlanta, GA, June 11-15, 2022.


84.  Spiro A, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD Unusually High Serum Calcium in a Patient with Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia. Endocrine Society Meeting 2022, Atlanta, GA, June 11-15, 2022.


85. Hoang TD, Bonsu O, Nadolsky KZ, Robbins IE, Tuamokumo FO, Shakir MKM.  Effects of daily intake of high dose medium chain triglyceride oil and butter in healthy individuals. Endocrine Society Meeting 2022, Atlanta, GA, June 11-15, 2022.


86. Vasanthakumar VP, De La Torre S, Vietor NO, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD. Dilemmas in the diagnosis of osteoporosis in transgender population.  Endocrine Society Meeting 2022, Atlanta, GA, June 11-15, 2022.




Accuracy of Medical Student Electronic Logbook Problem List Entry, National Naval Medical Center, 2004-2007.  Co-investigator.  Non-grant.


Retrospective Influenza incidents and accuracy of rapid flu test at NNMC. 2006.  PI. Non-grant.


Hypercalcemic Disorders with Special Attention to Primary Hyperparathyroidism:  Correlation between Clinical Manifestations, Laboratory Values, Radiological Features and Therapeutic Outcome: A Retrospective Study.  2005-2018. PI.  Non-grant.


Synthetic levothyroxine vs desiccated thyroid extract in the therapy of primary hypothyroidism [353768-7].  2010-2013. Principal investigator.  Intramural Grant 10K/year.


Dapagliflozin Effect on symptoms and bIomarkers iN patiEnts with Heart Failure (DEFINE-HF). Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (Principal Investigator). 2016-2019.


         CURRENT RESEARCH (IRB Approved):


1-Military Cardiovascular Outcome Research (MiCOR), Co-investigator, in progress.


2-The Effects of Sex Steroid Replacement Therapy in the Hypogonadism and Transgender Active Duty Population on Bone density, Fractures, Memory/Cognitive Function and Qualities of Life. Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (Primary investigator). 2017-present.


3-Stress fractures in the Active Duty Military Population: Risk factors and Military readiness.  Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (Co-investigator).  2018-present.


4-Desiccated thyroid extract vs. synthetic T3/T4 combination (ThyrolarTM) vs L-T4 alone in the therapy of primary hypothyroidism with special attention to the gene polymorphism; Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. (Co-investigator). 2015-2021.  


5-Tepezza treatment in patients with Thyroid Eye Disease, Principal Investigator


6- Does isthmusectomy at the time of hemithyroidectomy affect postoperative rates of hypothyroidism?  Submitted


7-Development of the best possible models for predicting both osteoporosis and fracture risks in women between the ages of 25-65.  Collaboration with Orthopedic Department.  Co-PI.


8-Monitoring Clinical Outcomes of Thyroid Nodules and Predictive Capabilities of Diagnosing Thyroid Cancer Using Ultrasound, Cytology, Molecular Analysis and Surgery.  Collaboration with Otolaryngology and Pathology Departments. Co-PI.



Collaboration with DoD and VA – Trauma Induced Diabetes and Development of diabetes post-deployment in active duty population


Collaboration with MedStar Washington Hospital Center – Long-term Risk of Diabetes Mellitus Among Trauma Patients with Stress induced Hyperglycemia


Collaboration with NIH - The novel risk stratification system for thyroid nodules with indeterminate cytology


PI projects.  Review of diabetic patients using Libre CGM and its impact on diabetic care.  250 patients.


TBI and hypogonadism in active duty military population. Co-investigator.  In Progress.


Effects of treatment of Graves’ disease on weight gain in active duty population. In Progress.


Effects of thyroid hormone therapy on achieving TSH goals. In Progress. 


Trends in Diabetes Management in the Military.  In Progress


Graves’ Disease management – retrospective protocol.





-Volunteered for Stand Down 2014 Medical Tent, San Diego – for homeless veterans and their families.  19July2014.

-Hand-picked as NMCSD medical representative and translator for PACFLT-sponsored Vietnam exchange project (San Diego, CA, 3-12 Dec 2013).

-Volunteered as an interpreter/tutor for the Navy Learning Center for both medical and non-medical services (2007-Present).


-Have composed and produced more than 75 Mind-Body Zen musical songs 2009- present. Broadcasting internationally.


-Music Director raising funds for charity organizations (Dai Dang Zen Monastery and Chan Giac Zen Monastery). (1993-present)


-Served as Martial Arts/ Kung Fu coach in Silver Spring and Gaithersburg, MD (1993-Present)


-Volunteer to teach at the Temple in Washington DC. (1993-present)


-Invited speaker.  Diabetes management and prevention.  Compassionate Heart Foundation. El Monte, CA. 25 April 2019.


-Invited speaker.  Management of hypertension, thyroid goiter and obesity.  Compassionate Heart Foundation.  El Monte, CA.  26 April 2019.


-Invited speaker.  Updates on Diabetes management and prevention.  Happiness Monastery, Anderson, IN.  23 November 2019.


-Invited speaker.  Compassionate Heart Foundation.  El Monte, CA.  8 February 2020. Osteoporosis: Diagnosis, Management and Prevention.


-Invited speaker.  Chan Giac Zen Monastery. Garden Grove, CA.  9 February 2020. Osteoporosis: Diagnosis, Management and Prevention.


*Publication of a Music Book with 130 songs. 2016. Dong Nai Publication Corporation.

Many songs with million views on youtube.




         Book Chapters:  


         1. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK.  Simultaneous Occurrence of Subacute Thyroiditis and Grave’s Disease.  In: Schott M, Apovian C, Clarke BL, Eugster E, Meikle AW, Oetjen E, Schteingart DE, Toth PP. Year Book of Endocrinology 2012. 2012 edition. Philadelphia: Mosby, Inc., 2012:136-7.


2. Hoang TD, Burch HB. Hyperthyroidism. In: Endocrine Secrets, McDermott MT.  Sixth edition.  Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc.  2013:275-282. 


3. Hoang TD, Burch HB. Hyperthyroidism. In: Endocrine Secrets, McDermott MT.  Seventh edition.  Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc.  2020:304-310.  ISBN Number 9780323624282.


4. Cruz MM, Hoang TD, Vigersky RA.  Impotence.  In: Endocrine Secrets, McDermott MT.  Seventh edition.  Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc.  2020:404-411.  ISBN Number 9780323624282.


5. Hoang TD, Stocker DJ, Chou EL, Burch HB. 2022 Update on Clinical Management of Graves Disease and Thyroid Eye Disease. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2022 Jun;51(2):287-304. PMID: 35662442; PMCID: PMC9174594.



Lay Publications:

1. Co-translator, Vietnamese Zen In The Late Twentieth Century, Zen Master Thich Thanh Tu, Vietnamese Buddhist Meditation Congregation, Dai Dang Monastery, CA, USA. 2002.


2. Hoang TD, Chuc Linh.  Wonderful Sounds of Dhamma, Music book with 130 songs, 2016, Dong Nai Publisher Inc, 1-134.


Peer-Reviewed Journals:

1. Denton GD, Hoang T, Prince L, Moores L, Durning S.  Accuracy of Medical Student Electronic Logbook Problem List Entry.  Teach Learn Med, An International Journal.  2007; 19(4):347-351.  PMID: 17935463


2. Nguyen HD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Glister BC, Hoang TD, Shakir MKM.  Hypopituitarism and central diabetes insipidus due to an intracranial tumor (germinoma).  Endocr Pract. 2010;16(4):716. PMID: 20150022


3. Nguyen HD, Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Glister BC, Shakir MKM.  Adrenocortical carcinoma.  Endocr Pract. 2010;16(6):1080. PMID: 20713337


4. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Glister BC, Shakir MK.  Multinodular Goiter as The Initial Presentation of Systemic Sarcoidosis:  Limitation of Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy.  Respir Care Journal. 2011;56:1029-1032. PMID: 21352663


5. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MKM. Simultaneous Occurrence of Subacute Thyroiditis and Graves' Disease. Thyroid 2011; 21 (12):1397-1400. PMID: 22136271

* Paper selected for Year Book of Endocrinology 2012.


6. Hoang TD, Royer MC, Tran V, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Gastrinoma.  Endocr Pract.  2012 Jan-Feb; 18(1): 106. PMID: 21940272


7. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK.  Over-the-Counter-Drug-Induced Thyroid Disorders.  Endocr Pract. 2013(19):268-274. PMID: 23529350


8. Hoang TD, Olsen CH, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK.  Desiccated Thyroid Extract Compared With Levothyroxine in the Treatment of Hypothyroidism: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013;98(5):1982-1990. PMID: 23539727

        * Paper used for American Thyroid Association – Clinical Thyroidology for Patients. 2013; vol 6; issue 8.

        * Selected as one of the 10 important studies published in 2013 that can change clinical practice in Annals of Internal Medicine.  Update in Endocrinology: Evidence Published in 2013. Gharib, Hossein. June 2014;160(11)785-790.

        * Selected and summarized in Clin Thyroidology by Editor.  2013;25:122-124


9. Hoang TD, Kremp AN, Daily JG, Galitz MS. Transient hyperthyroidism in gestational trophoblastic neoplasm.  Endocr Pract. 2013 May-Jun 19:561. PMID: 23337167. 


10. Vu KN, Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF, Olson NH, Walsh KT. Adrenal Ganglioneuroma.  J Clin Case Rep. 2014; 4:404.

11. Shwayhat AF, Hoang TD, Poremba JA, Acosta RD, Shakir M.K.M. The Effect of Exercise on 1mcg ACTH stimulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis. Endocrinol Metab Synd. 2014;3:148,1-5.


12. Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF, Shakir MKM.  Hemiagenesis of the Left Thyroid Lobe. J Case Rep Stud. 2015; 2(4): 408.


13. Gastwirt JP, Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF.  Ectopic ACTH producing Atypical Carcinoid.  Endocr Pract. 2015 (21)2:214. PMID: 25370333

* images selected for the cover of the journal.


14. Generoso JC, Hoang TD, Peterson B, Shwayhat AF.  Grave’s disease with papillary thyroid cancer.  Endocr Pract. 2015 (21)5:557. PMID: 25716639


15. Bartlett JM, Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF.  Intra-thyroidal parathyroid adenoma.  Int Arch Med. 2015 (8) 63:1-3.


16. Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF, Shakir MKM. Heterophile Antibody Interference with TSH assay: Case report.  JJ Clin Case Rep. 2015, 1(2):008.


17. Moore JB, Hoang TD, Valentine JC, Maves RC.  Coccidioidal Thyroiditis.  Endocr Pract. 2016;22(6):766.   PMID 26720249. 

* images selected for the cover of the journal.


18. Sanders T, Hoang TD, Clifford JC, Shwayhat AF.  Paget’s disease of the bone.  Endocr Pract. 2017;23(5):634.   PMID  27749129.

 * images selected for the cover of the journal.


19.  Moore JB, Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF.  Osteopetrosis. Mil Med. 2017;182(3): e1886-e1888.  PMID  28290981


20.  Shakir KMM, Hoang TD, Elgino-Steffens DU, Mai VQ, Clyde PW.  Modified Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (MFNB) for Calcitonin, Procalcitonin and Carcinoembryonic antigen levels in the diagnosis of Thyroid nodules with Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma (MTC). J Endocrinol Metab. 2017;7(1):5-17.


21.  Hoang TD, Goodman J, Mai VQ, Shakir KMM. Intractable diarrhea masking the diagnosis of medullary thyroid cancer.  Endocr Pract. 2017;23(8). PMID: 28786721


         22.  Shin T, Hoang TD, Chi SW, Mai VQ, Shakir KMM.  Metastatic moderately differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma of the larynx mimicking as medullary thyroid cancer.  AACE Clinical Case Rep. 2017;3(3):e275-7.


         23.  Shakir MKM, Shin T, Hoang TD, Mai VQ.  Successful Treatment of a Patient with Statin-Induced Myopathy and Myotonic Dystrophy Type 2 with PCSK9 Inhibitor, Alirocumab (PraluentTM).  J Clin Lipidology.  2017;11(6): 1485-1487. PMID: 9056268      


         24.  Moore JB, Russell MC, Hoang TD, Tracy HJ, Valentine JC, Shwayhat AF. Concurrent Abdominal and Thyroid Lymphoma.  AACE Clinical Case Rep. 2018:4(1):e51-e55.


25.  Baloch HM, Boyum R, Vietor NO, Shakir MK, Hoang TD.  46 XX Ovotesticular disorder of sex development (DSD).   Endocr Pract. 2018:24(2):233. PMID: 29144796  


26.  Shakir MKM, Al-Jabbar I, Hoang TD, Shin T, Mai VQ.  Hypocitraturia contributing to nephrolithiasis in a patient with CYP24A1 gene mutation.  AACE Clinical Case Rep. 2018:4(4):e312-315.  DOI:10.4158/ACCR-2017-0129.


27.  Baloch HM, Shakir KM, Hoang TD.  Surgical clips from hernia repair in DXA scan.  Endocr Pract. 2018:24(12):854. PMID: 30106628


28.  Mora N, Shakir KM, Hoang TD.  Subclinical cystic acromegaly.  AACE Clinical Case Rep. 2019:5(1):e27-30.  PMID: 31966995. 


29.  Hoang TD, Jani AG, Mai VQ, Shakir MKM.  Associations of Serum Ionized Calcium, Phosphate, and PTH levels with Parathyroid Scan in Primary Hyperparathyroidism.  Endocr Pract. 2019:25(1):16-22. PMID: 30289305


30. Kemm MH, Manly CD, Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Shakir MKM. Octreotide Use In a Patient with MEN-1 Syndrome and Multifocal Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Case Rep Gastrointest Med.  2019: 2019;9462942:1-6. PMID: 31183223


31.  Shakir MKM, Hoang TD, Johnson JT, Mai VQ.  Supraphysiological Doses of Glucocorticoids induce remission in a patient with retroperitoneal fibrosis but no effect on the course of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: A discordant mode of action.  Mod Rheumatol Case Rep.  2019;3(2):172-178.  DOI: 10.1080/24725625.2019.1622859


32. Weaver TD, Hoang TD, Bergeron A, Shakir MKM.  Hirsutism: A Sertoli Leydig cell tumor case report.  Endocr Pract.  2019;25(5):508-508. PMID: 30289303

*images selected for the cover of the journal.


33. Spiro A, Hoang TD, Shakir MKM. Artifacts Affecting Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry Measurements. AACE Clinical Case Rep. Aug 2019;5(4):e263-266. PMID: 31967049


34. Mora N, Vu KN, Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Shakir MKM.  R-CHOP Associated Graves’ Hyperthyroidism.  Case Rep Oncology. 2019;12:581-588. PMID: 31543772


35. Baloch HM, Grice-Patil ZJ, Selig DJ, Hoang TD, Mai QV, Shakir MKM.  Recognition and Treatment of Adrenal Insufficiency Secondary to Abiraterone. Oncology. 2019;7:1-5.  PMID:31390632


36. Lachance DP, Vinh Q. Mai, Shakir KM, Hoang TD.  Polymethyl methacrylate from L2 kyphoplasty following wedge compression fracture and its artifact on DXA scan.  Endocr Pract. 2019;25(9):978-979. PMID 30865523


37. Hoang TD, Shin T, Shakir KMM.  Eversense Sensor and Transmitter- Interesting Radiological Images Seen on Plain X-rays of Upper Arms. J Clin Image Case Rep. 2019:3;1.


38. Lachance DP, Vietor NO, Hoang TD. Hypogonadism and bilateral gynecomastia in a 66-year-old phenotypic man: 44,XX disorder of sex development (DSD). Endocr Pract. 2019;25(12):1365.  PMID 31013161


39. Nath PV, Hoang TD, Glister BC, Bergeron AE, Shakir KM. A Rapidly Enlarging Painful Neck Mass in a 59 year-old woman: Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer.  Clin Case Rep. 2020;8:570-571. PMID: 32185062


40. Roth MJ, Weaver TD, Shakir KM, Hoang TD. Neck Pain as an Initial Presentation of Medullary Thyroid Cancer.  Endocr Pract. 2020;26(1):141.  PMID: 31013152


41. Bansal R, Nath PV, Hoang TD, Shakir KM.  Adrenal Insufficiency secondary to bilateral adrenal hemorrhage associated with antiphospholipid syndrome. AACE Clinical Case Rep.  2020;6(2):e65-69.  PMID: 32524013


42.  Shin T, Hoang TD, Shane SP, Mai VQ, Shakir MKM.  Multifocal metastatic papillary thyroid cancer to skeletal muscle with BRAFV600E mutation. Trends Med. 2020;20:1-3. 


43. Meo SA, Al-Khlaiwi T, Usmani AM, Meo AS, Klonoff DC, Hoang TD. Biological and Epidemiological Trends in the Prevalence and Mortality due to Outbreaks of Novel Coronavirus COVID-19. J King Saud Univ Sci. 2020;32(4):2495-2499.  PMID: 32292261


44. Slayden T, Shakir KM, Hoang TD.  Alpha-gal allergy complicating treatment options for post-procedural hypothyroidism.  AACE Clinical Case Rep. 2020;6:e101-104. PMID: 32524021


45.  Hoang TD, Shakir KM.  CME Questions for cystic acromegaly pituitary adenomas.  AACE CME Journal.



46.  Hoang TD, Shakir KM.  CME Questions for DXA artifacts.  AACE CME Journal.


47. Shakir MKM, Spiro AJ, Mai VQ, Hoang TD. Diarrhea as an initial presentation in patients with Medullary Thyroid Cancer: Delaying the Diagnosis. Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2020;14:391-401.  PMID: 32884516


48. Cruz MM, Schmidt GS, Johnson JT, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD. Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma in the Thyroid Gland. Clin Case Rep. 2020;00:1-3. PMID: 33235785.


49. Spiro AJ, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD.  Successful Long-Term Medical Management of Unresectable Insulinomas. Case Rep Oncology. 2020;13:948-954.  PMID: 32999654.


50. Schmidt G, Schacht JP, Knee TS, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD.  Pyknodysostosis (osteopetrosis acro-osteolytica)- Review Article.  AACE Clinical Case Rep. 2020;6(5):257-261.  PMID: 32984533.


51. Bloomer ZW, Snitchler AN, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD.  Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Cervical Lymph Node. Clin Case Rep. 2020;00:1-2. PMID: 33235794.


52.  Shakir KMK, Ebrahiim I, Mai VQ, Snitchler AN, Hoang TD.  Benign Appearing Glucagonoma Undergoing Malignant Transformation after a Prolonged Period.  Case Rep Oncol. 2020;13:1109-1115. PMID: 33082756.


53. Bloomer Z, Bauer E, Mai VQ, Hoang TD, Shakir MKM. Eletriptan (RelpaxaTM) causing false positive elevations urinary metanephrine. AACE Clinical Case Rep. 2020;6(6): e286-289. PMID: 33244486.


54. Bauer E, Bloomer Z, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD.  Visual Vignette:  A 57- year-old man with recurrent stress fractures and low alkaline phosphatase.  Endocr Pract. 2020;26(9):1044-1044. PMID: 31968185


55. Spiro AJ, Hoang TD, Shakir KM.  Asymptomatic and Biochemically Silent Pheochromocytoma with Characteristic Findings on Imaging.  Case Rep in Endocrinol. 2020;2020:8847261:1-4.  PMID: 33062351


56. Shumar J, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD. DXA Scan: The Importance of Clinical Context in Interpretation.  Endocr Pract. 2020;26(12):1525. PMID: 32658580


57. Lachance DP, Shakir KMK, Hoang TD.  SDHD (Succinate Dehydrogenase Complex Subunit D) paraganglioma presenting with syncope.  Clin Case Rep. 2020;00:1-2. PMID: 33598293.


58. Nguyen HQ, Pham NTT, Huynh C, Hoang TD, Hoang ATV, Hoang VT.  Diffuse Pancreatic Carcinoma with Hepatic Metastases.  Case Rep in Oncol.  2020:8815745. PMID: 33194237.


59. Shakir MKM, Snitchler AN, Vietor NO, Mai VQ, Hoang TD.  Bilateral Ovarian Leydig Cell Tumors in a Post-menopausal Woman causing Hirsutism and Virilization.  AACE Clinical Case Rep. 2021;7:26-28. PMID 33851015.


60. Weaver TD, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD.  Hyperparathyroidism Jaw Tumor Syndrome.  Case Rep Oncology. 2021;14:29-33. PMID 33790762.


61. Hoang TV, Trinh CT, Van HAT, Nguyen TTT, Chansomphou V, Pham NTT, Vo MTT, Nguyen HQ, Hoang TD. Balo's Concentric Sclerosis mimicking tumor on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a young patient.  Clin Med Insights Case Rep.2021;14:1-4. PMID 33786003.


62. Shin T, Hoang TD, Plunkett MT, Shakir KM.  False Elevations in Urinary Metanephrines: Underrecognized Pitfall with 24-hour Urinary Volume Collection.  BMJ Case Rep.  2021;14:e241147. PMID 33541972.


63. Meo SA, Abukhalaf AA, Sami W, Hoang TD. Effect of environmental pollution PM2.5, carbon monoxide, and ozone on the incidence and mortality due to SARS-CoV-2 infection in London, United Kingdom. J King Saud Univ Sci. 2021;33:101373:1-5. PMID: 33867776.


64. Nguyen TN, Neelon DP, Orestes MI, Shakir KM, Hoang TD. A new lateral neck mass in a 63-year-old man with multinodular goiter: Benign Ectopic Thyroid Mass. Clin Case Rep. 2021;00:1-2. PMID 33936731.


65. Ebrahim IS, Schmidt G, Slayden TA, Hoang TD, KMK Shakir.  Renal Papillary Necrosis Associated with Normocalcemic Primary Hyperparathyroidism.  AACE Clin Case Rep. 2021(7):113-116. PMID 34095466.


66. Hoang TD, Schmidt GS, Nguyen TD, Tuamokumo FO, Shakir KMM. Correlation of Body Mass Index and Age with Osteoporosis Probability in Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism. Endocr Pract. 2021;27(4):286-290.


67. Leimbach RD, Hoang TD, Shakir KM. Review Article: Diagnostic Challenges of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma.  Oncology. 2021:1-11. PMID: 33878761.


68. Hoang TD, Nguyen TN, Chou E, Shakir KM.  Rapidly progressive cognitive decline associated with Teprotumumab. BMJ Case Rep. 2021;14(5):e242153:1-5. PMID: 33972303.


69. Slayden T, Bauer E, Shakir KM, Hoang TD.  Dilemmas in management of osteoporosis in patients with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome. BMJ Case Rep. 2021;14:e241968:1-5. PMID: 33980561


70. Nguyen TN, Shakir KM, Hoang TD.  Calcinosis Cutis in a Renal Transplant Patient.  BMJ Case Rep. 2021;14:e242610:1-3. PMID: 33975849.


70. Nguyen TN, Nath PV, Mai VQ, Shakir KM, Hoang TD.  7  AACE Clin Case Rep. 2021;7(3):211-215. PMID: 34095491


71. Hoang TD, Snitchler AN, Shakir KM. An enlarging neck mass with dyspnea and left finger pain in a 63-year-old woman. Clin Case Rep. 2021;9:e04098.  PMID: 34026141


72. Rasheed MA, Pillai SB, Khan FH, Hoang TD, Shakir KMK.  Primary Thyroid Lymphoma: A Rapidly Enlarging Neck Mass in a 54-year-old Woman. AACE Clin Case Rep. 2021;7:282-283. PMID 34307854.


73. Leimbach RD, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD.  Pituitary macroadenoma: a case of balanced deficiencies. J Clin Transl Endocrinol. 2021;21:100091.


74. Khoury B, Shakir KMM, Hoang TD.  A case of galactosemia occurring in association with primary ovarian insufficiency, Addison disease, and chronic myeloid leukemia. BMJ Case Rep. 2021;14:e244788:1-5. PMID: 34433538


75. Schmidt GS, Weaver TD, Hoang TD, Shakir KMM. Severe symptomatic hypocalcemia, complicating cardiac arrhythmia following Cinacalcet (SensiparTM) administration. Clin Case Rep 2021;9:e04876:1-5. PMID: 34659755.


76. Shakir KMM, Brooks DI, McAninch EA, Fonseca TDL, Mai VQ, Bianco AC, Hoang TD. Comparative effectiveness of levothyroxine, desiccated thyroid extract, and levothyroxine+liothyronine in hypothyroidism: A subset of hypothyroid patients responds to combination therapy containing T3. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2021;106(11):e4400-4413. PMID: 34185829.

*being mentioned as one of the two JCEM papers found most interesting by the JCEM Editor. (December 2021 Endocrine News, Endocrine Society)

*being mentioned as one of the journal articles read most by endocrinologists in the month of December 2021 (by Medscape Diabetes & Endocrinology Top Journal Articles).


77. Phan VT, Bloomer ZW, Phan VXT, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD.  Familial Neurogenic Diabetes Insipidus.  AACE Clin Case Rep. 2021;7:338-341. PMID: 33244486.


78. Bloomer ZW, Knee TS, Rubin ZS, Hoang TD. Case of An Atypical Pituitary Abscess. BMJ Case Rep. 2021;14:e246776:1-4. PMID: 34848428.


79. Hoang VT, Chansomphou V, Vo TH, Hoang TD. Pancreatic pseudocyst with mediastinal extension: a rare cause of hiatal hernia. Oxf Med Case Reports. 2021 Sep 13;2021(9):omab068. PMID: 34527248


80.  Shakir MKM, Ebrahim IC, Spiro AJ, Mai VQ, Hoang TD.  Coexistence of Cushing disease with a Solitary ACTH-dependent Adrenal Adenoma.  AACE Clin Case Rep. 2022;8:41-44.  PMID: 35097202.


81. Klonoff DC, Wang J, Rodbard D, Hoang TD, et al. A Glycemia Risk Index (GRI) of Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Validated by Clinician Ratings. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 2022 Mar 29:19322968221085273:1-17. PMID: 35348391.


82. Ahmed ZS, Sherin RPV, Fonseca TL, Hoang TD, Shakir KMK.  Improvement of depression in a patient with hypothyroidism and deiodinase polymorphism with LT3 therapy.  Clin Case Rep. 2022;10:e05651. PMID: 35432999.


83. Hoang TD, Hoang TML, Huynh ML, Shakir MKM. Strategies for improved management of hypothyroidism. J Fam Pract. 2022:71(3):110-140. PMID: 35561235


84. Hoang LTM, Snitchler AN, Orestes MI, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD. Branchial Cleft Remnant Masking as a Thyroid Mass in an Adult Patient. AACE Clin Case Rep. 2022;8(3):145-146. PMID: 35602874; PMCID: PMC9123554.


85. Hoang TD, Stocker DJ, Chou EL, Burch HB. 2022 Update on Clinical Management of Graves Disease and Thyroid Eye Disease. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2022 Jun;51(2):287-304. PMID: 35662442; PMCID: PMC9174594.


86. Hoang, V.T., Hoang, T.H., Pham, N.T.T., Chansomphou V, Hoang TD. Inflammation and Obstruction of the Small Intestine Due to Phytobezoar: a Case Report. SN Compr. Clin. Med. 4, 155 (2022).


87. Hoang VT, Hoang TH, Nguyen TTT, Chansomphou V, Hoang TD. Pituitary Apoplexy and Subdural Hematoma after Caesarean Section. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol. 2022 Jun 23;2022:3097949. PMID: 35783221.


88. White KJ, KMK Shakir, Hoang TD. Common errors in interpretation of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry measurements. Clin Rev in Bone and Mineral Metabolism. 2021.


89. Huynh JR, Bowens BK, LaChance DP, Hoang TD. 46,XY 5-Alpha Reductase Deficiency in a 36-year-old Phenotypic Female.  AACE Clin Case Rep. 2022.


90. Hoang VT, Hoang TD. Pelvic Schwannoma in an Adult Male. Acta Radiologica. 2022.


91. De La Torre S, Brown KF, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD. Blurry vision and bitemporal hemianopia in a 24-year-old man. AACE Clin Case Rep. 2022.


92.  Vietor NO, Spiro AJ, Shakir MKM, Harrison M, Vietor RC, Hoang TD.  Pheochromocytoma: A Rare but Dangerous Cause of Resistant Hypertension.  J Fam Pract. 2022.


93.  Brown KF, Dear JM, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD.  Adbominal pain, progressive weakness and weight loss in an 83-year-old man.  AACE Clin Case Rep. 2022.


94. Kuhn E, Shakir MKM, Hoang TD.  Primary adrenal insufficiency masking as an adrenal B-cell lymphoma.  BMJ Case Rep.  2022.


         Letters, invited comments:

95. Hoang TD, Olsen CH, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK.  Response to Rosenthal et al. Letter to the Editor.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Nov 20th, 2013.


96. Endocrine News.  Endocrine Society’s Research Summaries Book for ENDO 2013.  Animal thyroid extract as effective as T4 in treating hypothyroidism.  Study opens door for additional treatment option for common thyroid disorder.  2013 June. 

https://www.endocrine.org/news-room/press-release-archives/2013/animal-thyroid-extract-as-effective-as-t4-in-treating-hypothyroidism   (last access 3-11-2016)


97. Medscape Medical News:  Interview with Nancy Melville.  To T3 or Not: What's the Story on Combo Therapy in Hypothyroidism? Medscape. Dec 18, 2014.



         98.  Invited Comments/Reviewer for The Medical Letter.  Drugs for hypothyroidism.  The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics.  26 October 2015.  Volume 57, issue no. 1480.


         99. Hoang TD, Shakir KM.  Letter to the Editor.  Parathyroid Scan Calculator.  Endocr Pract. 2020;26(7):797-798.       






100. Media Interview. Press Release.  ENDO 2021, Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, Virtual. “Desiccated thyroid extract vs. synthetic T3/T4 combination vs. LT4 monotherapy in the treatment of primary hypothyroidism with special attention to the gene polymorphism.” March 22, 2021.


101. Shakir MKM, Brooks DI, McAninch EA, Fonseca TL, Mai VQ, Bianco AC, Hoang TD. Response to Letter to the Editor from Steen Joop Bonnema: (Comparative Effectiveness of Levothyroxine, Desiccated Thyroid Extract, and Levothyroxine+Liothyronine in Hypothyroidism)". J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2021 Oct 26:dgab779. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgab779. PMID: 34718640.  



Digital Media Content Creation and Contributions


Podcast – American Association of Clinical Endocrinology


Hypothyroidism/ Hyperthyroidism.  Thanh D. Hoang & Angela Leung.  1st Dec 2020.




Endocrine Residency Curriculum Flashcards - Endocrine Society - 2020 Feb-December

   -Adrenal incidentaloma (Bauer EM & Hoang TD) – 10 April 2020

   -Screening for type 1 diabetes mellitus (Bauer EM & Hoang TD) – 1st June 2020

   -Screening for Mature Onset Diabetes of the Young (Nath PV & Hoang TD)-3June 2020

   -Gynecomastia (Leimbach RD & Hoang TD) – 11 September 2020

   -Obesity classification (Spiro AJ & Hoang TD) -14 September 2020

   -Disorders of HDL (Leimbach RD & Hoang TD) – 01 April 2021

   -Lipid Lowering Medications (Bauer EM & Hoang TD) – 01 April 2021



ENDO News – Endocrine Society- Combination thyroid hormone therapies treat hypothyroidism as well as levothyroxine.






Webcast for primary care providers.  HYPOsium: Insights, information, impact for hypothyroidism. Webcast for primary care providers.  Sept 27, 2021.








  1. Anh Nếu Biết (Lời: TS Thích Thanh Từ; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  2. Buông Xả (Lời: Kinh Pháp Cú; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  3. Cảm Niệm Ân Sư (Nhạc và lời: Tâm Đức)
  4. Cuộc Đời Qua Mắt Tôi (Thi kệ: TS Thích Thanh Từ, Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  5. Cư Trần Lạc Đạo - Hữu Không (TS Vạn Hạnh- Sơ Tổ Trúc Lâm - TS Đạo Hạnh; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  6. Chí Tâm Sám Hối (Kinh sám hối, Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  7. Chúc Người Mới Quy Y (Kệ Nhật Tụng; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  8. Dâng Hoa (Kinh Nhật Tụng, Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  9. Dâng Hương Hoa (sưu tầm, kẻ nhạc Tâm Đức)
  10. Đệ Tử Đức Thế Tôn (Lời: Kinh Pháp Cú; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  11. Điều Tâm (Kinh Pháp Cú; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  12. Đón Mừng Đản Sanh (Ý: Phật tích di truyền, Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  13. Hương Đức Hạnh (Lời: Kinh Pháp Cú; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  14. Kệ Dâng Y Cà Sa (Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  15. Khuyến Thế Tiến Đạo (Thi kệ: Thượng Sĩ Tuệ Trung, Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  16. Kinh Người Biết Sống Một Mình (Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  17. Lễ Bái Phụ Mẫu (Kinh Vu Lan, Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  18. Lục Hòa (Nhạc và lời: Tâm Đức)
  19. Mộng (Thi kệ: TS Thích Thanh Từ, nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  20. Một Mai Tôi Chết (Lời: T Nhật Từ; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  21. Mừng Xuân (Nhạc: Nguyên Hương, Lời: Tâm Đức)
  22. Mừng Xuân Mới (Nhạc và lời: Tâm Đức)
  23. Muôn Trùng Không Phai (Nhạc và lời: Tâm Đức)
  24. Năm Điều Quán Tưởng (Lời: Kinh Upajjhatthana; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  25. Niệm Phật Khép Lại Sầu Bi (Lời: T Nhật Từ; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  26. Ngày Nay Đã Qua (Kinh Phácp Cú; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  27. Ngay Trong Ngày Hôm Nay (Ý: TS Achan Chah, Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  28. Ngợi Ca Đạo Vàng (Nhạc và lời: Tâm Đức)
  29. Người Lữ Khách (Ý: Kinh Pháp Cú; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  30. Phục Nguyện (Kinh Nhật Tụng, Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  31. Rồi Cũng Thế Thôi Một Cuộc Đời (Thi kệ: HT Thích Tâm Châu; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  32. Sơ Tổ Trúc Lâm (Lời: Tuệ Kiên; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  33. Tam Quy Y (Phổ kệ: Thích Tuệ Giác; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  34. Tâm (Lời: Kinh Pháp Cú; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  35. Tặng Bạn (Thi kệ: TS Thích Thanh Từ, nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  36. Tìm Tâm (Lời: TS Thông Phương; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  37. Tỉnh & Lặng (Thi kệ: Tỳ kheo Thích Tuệ Giác; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  38. Thân Lá Vàng (Lời: Kinh Pháp Cú; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  39. Trọn Niềm Tin Tam Bảo (Ý: Đại Đức Sariputta, Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  40. Vô Thường - Khổ - Vô Ngã (Kinh Pháp Cú; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  41. Vu Lan Mùa Báo Ân (Nhạc và lời: Tâm Đức)
  42. Vui Thay Phật Ra Đời (Lời: Kinh Pháp Cú; Nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  43. Vui Theo Ánh Đạo Vàng (Nhạc và lời: Tâm Đức)
  44. Xuân Lễ Phật (Nhạc và lời: Tâm Đức)
  45. Xuân Tỉnh Mộng (Nhạc và lời: Tâm Đức)
  46. Xuân Tươi (Nhạc và lời: Tâm Đức)
  47. Xuân Ước Nguyện (Nhạc & lời: Tâm Đức)
  48. Xuân Vãn- Nhất Chi Mai  (Trần Nhân Tông – TS Mãn Giác, nhạc: Tâm Đức)
  49. Xuất Gia (Nhạc và lời:  Tâm Đức)


NHẠC PHẬT GIÁO TIẾNG ANH (English Buddhist Songs)

  1. Awake and Tranquil (Verse: Ven Thích Tuệ Giác; Music: Tâm Đức)
  2. Blessed is the Birth of Buddhas (Verse: Dhammapada, Music: Tâm Đức - Andrew Capra)
  3. Buddha's Disciples (Verse: Dhammapada; Music: Tâm Đức - Marcello Vieira)
  4. Buddhist Flag Song (Music: Chúc Linh; English translation: Tâm Đức)
  5. Crumbs - Fading Memories (Alice Hudder, Thanh D. Hoang, AC Hogan)
  6. Dear Friends, If You Know (Anh Nếu Biết)
  7. Dream (Verse: Zen Master Thích Thanh Từ; Music: Tâm Đức - Marcello Vieira)
  8. Five Subjects of Contemplation
  9. For You (Verse:  Zen Master Thích Thanh Từ; Music: Tâm Đức)
  10. Fragrance of the Virtuous (Verse: Dhammapada; Music: Tâm Đức)
  11. Full Faith in the Triple Gem (Verse: Ven Sariputta; Music: Tâm Đức)
  12. Gratitude to Thầy (Verse & Music:  Tâm Đức)
  13. Happy New Year (Tâm Đức - Andrew Capra)
  14. Happy Vesak (Tâm Đức - Chúc Linh)
  15. Impermanence - Dukkha – Nonself
  16. In this very day, Today
  17. Letting Go (Verse: Dhammapada; Music: Tâm Đức)
  18. Life Through My Eyes (Verse: Zen Master Thích Thanh Từ; Music: Tâm Đức - Marcello Vieira)
  19. Mind (Verse: Dhammapada; Music: Tâm Đức - Marcello Vieira)
  20. New Spring (Tâm Đức - Nguyên Hương - Marcello Vieira)
  21. Offering Flowers to the Triple Gem (Verse: Daily Chanting; Music: Tâm Đức)
  22. Reiterating Our Vows (Phục Nguyện)
  23. Renunciation (Verses & Music: Tâm Đức)
  24. Seize the moment to practice Dhamma
  25. The Ones Who Know to Live Alone (Verse: Sutra Bhaddekaratta; Music: Tâm Đức)
  26. The Traveller (Verse: Dhammapada; Music: Tâm Đức - Marcello Vieira)
  27. Today has passed
  28. Training of the Mind
  29. What is Endocrine?
  30. Diabetes and Osteoporosis
  31. Thyroid Dysfunction




CD Nhạc Phật Giáo

CD1: http://tusachphathoc.com/media/#Album.334

CD2:   http://tusachphathoc.com/tailieu/cd-nhac-4-16-2012.zip

CD: Tam Quy Y (Ca sĩ:  Bảo Yến)


CD:  Rồi Cũng Thế Thôi Một Cuộc Đời (Hương Lan)


CD:  Dâng Trọn Niềm Tin (Nhiều ca sĩ)


CD: Tâm Dẫn Đầu Các Pháp (Hương Lan - Bảo Yến - Vũ Bảo)


CD:  Cư Trần Lạc Đạo (Hương Lan - Bảo Yến - Trang Mỹ Dung - Trọng Hùng)


CD:   Hương Đức Hạnh (Chế Linh - Hương Lan - Thanh Tuyền - Ý Lan - Bảo Yến - Đức Chính)


CD:  Nhạc Phật Song Ngữ Việt Anh - Vietnamese English Buddhist Songs


(Hương Lan - Bảo Yến - Đức Tuấn - Andrew Capra - Marcello Vieira - Lindsay Hogan)





dr hoang duc thanh (1)
Một số nhạc phẩm Phật Giáo
của Nhạc sĩ, Bác sĩ Phật tử Tâm Đức
Hoàng Đức Thành


Gửi ý kiến của bạn
Tên của bạn
Email của bạn
16/01/2025(Xem: 804)
Khi lên 11 tuổi, Hòa Thượng được Ngài Thích Nguyên Thần, hiệu Tịnh Thông (vốn là người cậu trong gia đình) dẫn đến Tu Viện Nguyên Thiều, Thôn Đại Lễ, Xã Phước Hiệp, Huyện Tuy Phước, Tỉnh Bình Định để xuất gia tu học. Ngày 15 tháng 4 năm 1970 : Cố Hòa Thượng Thích Đồng Thiện, Đệ Nhất Trụ Trì Tu Viện Nguyên Thiều, làm Lễ Xuất Gia chính thức, thế phát cho Hòa Thượng, đặt Pháp Danh là Thị Anh (Hồng Anh), là đệ tử của Cố Trưởng Lão Hòa Thượng Thích Huyền Quang, Vị Trưởng Ban Sáng Lập và là Giám Viện của Tu Viện Nguyên Thiều.
15/12/2024(Xem: 1222)
Lễ Tưởng Nguyện Cố Hòa Thượng Thích Giải Quảng tại Tu Viện Từ Ân, Melbourne, Úc Châu (14/12/2024)
06/11/2024(Xem: 1399)
Vào lúc 08h30 sáng nay, ngày 05/11/2024 (nhằm mồng 5 tháng 10 Giáp Thìn), môn đồ pháp quyến đã trang nghiêm tổ chức đại lễ Tưởng niệm huý nhật lần thứ 3 (2019-2024) Cố Trưởng lão Hoà thượng Thích Như Ý, huý Trừng Huệ, hiệu Ấn Bảo, nguyên Ủy viên Thường trực Hội đồng Chứng minh, Chứng minh Ban Trị sự GHPGVN tỉnh Khánh Hòa, khai sơn các chùa Linh Sơn Pháp Bảo (X.Vĩnh Ngọc, TP. Nha Trang), Linh Sơn Pháp Ấn (X. Suối Cát, Cam Lâm) và chùa Linh Sơn Phước Điền (X. Phước Đồng, TP. Nha Trang).
30/10/2024(Xem: 1020)
Hòa thượng họ Trần, húy Văn Vinh, pháp danh Chơn Phú, tự Chánh Hữu, hiệu Thích Bích Lâm. Ngài sinh ngày 24 tháng 11 năm Giáp Tý (1924) tại phường Đệ Nhị- Nha Trang- Khánh Hòa, thân phụ là cụ Trần Đức Tựu, thân mẫu là cụ bà Trần Thị Đủ. Sớm có nhân duyên với Phật pháp, Ngài được Hòa thượng Thích Phước Huệ, chùa Sắc Tứ Hải Đức cho quy y ngày 19 tháng 2 năm Nhâm Thân (1932), pháp danh Chơn Phú. Đến ngày 15 tháng 10 năm Kỷ Mão (1939), Ngài được Hòa thượng cho thế độ, phú pháp tự là Chánh Hữu, hiệu Bích Lâm. Năm 1945, Ngài thọ Tam đàn Cụ Túc tại chùa Sắc Tứ Hải Đức do Hòa thượng Phước Huệ tái thí, truyền trao giới pháp. Năm 1946 Ngài được đề cử trụ trì Tổ đình Nghĩa Phương.
22/10/2024(Xem: 1037)
Hòa Thượng thế danh Lê Đình Nam, sinh năm Mậu Thân (1908) trong một gia đình trung nông, có truyền thống Nho học. ở làng Đại An, xã Kỳ Long (nay là xã Tam Thái, huyện Phú Ninh, thành phố Tam Kỳ, tỉnh Quảng Nam). Thân phụ là cụ ông Lê Văn Thơ, Thân mẫu là cụ bà Nguyễn Thị Mới. Những năm đầu của thập niên 40, Ngài mới có nhân duyên gặp Phật Pháp và cũng trong thời gian này Ngài cùng với người anh là Lê Trọng Hoàng, em là Lê Tấn Phước cùng với Phật tử Nguyễn Quế phát tâm sáng lập chùa Đại An tại quê nhà vào năm 1944.
21/10/2024(Xem: 1057)
Trong đêm dài vô minh, với nổi khổ vô biên của chúng sanh, Chư Phật, Chư Tổ sư, liệt vị Tăng-già đã truyền thắp cho nhau ngọn đèn vô tận để soi sáng cung ma, biến uế độ thành tịnh độ. Trong sự tiếp nối chí nguyện thù thắng đó, Đức Trưởng lão Hòa thượng Thích Tuệ Sỹ, Đệ lục Tăng thống GHPGVNTN đã đem bi tâm phổ hóa quần sanh, thắp đèn tuệ dẫn người ra khỏi rừng tà, vận đức dũng giữ nền đạo thống, dựng đứng dậy những gì đã sụp đổ, mang lý tưởng Bồ-tát đạo dưỡng nuôi chánh tín trong lòng tứ chúng.
20/10/2024(Xem: 1320)
Để tưởng niệm, ngày giáp năm của một bậc Tôn Túc mà suốt đời đã phụng hiến cho Đạo Pháp, dân tộc và nhân loại; đã hiến dâng con đường giáo dục tri thức cho nhiều thế hệ hôm nay và mai sau; đã phát nguyện cho công trình phiên dịch Đại Tạng Kinh được sớm thành tựu viên mãn: “Hư không hữu tận, ngã nguyện vô cùng.” Dù Hòa Thượng đã chích lý Tây quy, nhưng hình hài và âm hưởng vẫn luôn tồn tại sâu xa trong tâm khảm của mỗi chúng ta, hàng tứ chúng đệ tử Phật. Do vậy, Ban Tổ Chức, nhất tâm đảnh lễ và kính thỉnh chư Tôn Hòa Thượng, Thượng Tọa, Đại Đức Tăng Ni từ bi hoan hỷ quang lâm chứng minh, tham dự buổi lễ được tổ chức tại: Địa Điểm: Chùa Kim Quang tại số: 3119 Alta Arden Expy, Sacramento, CA 95825 Thời Gian: 10:00 sáng – 1:00 giờ chiều Chủ Nhật, ngày 17/11/2024 (nhằm ngày 17 tháng 10 năm Giáp Thìn) Số điện thoại liên lạc: Phó Trưởng BTC HT. Thích Từ Lực số: (510) 331-6899 (tiếng Việt) và phụ tá Thư ký: HTr. Tâm Thường Định: (916) 607-4066 (tiếng Anh)
20/10/2024(Xem: 1320)
Thầy đi rồi cơ nghiệp vẫn còn đây Đại tạng kinh in dấu ấn sâu dày Khúc dương cầm, những áng văn trác tuyệt Tấm lòng son đầy nhiệt huyết quan hoài
10/10/2024(Xem: 2447)
Đây là lần thứ hai tôi đến Tu Viện Gaden Shartse Thubten Dhargye Ling (còn được gọi là Chùa TDL) tại Thành Phố Long Beach, Miền Nam California, Hoa Kỳ. Lần đầu tôi đến đây cách nay vài năm để làm phóng sự cho pháp sự kiến tạo Mạn Đà La do chư Tăng từ Tu Viện Gaden Shartse Monastery tại Ấn Độ sang thực hiện.
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Nguyện đem công đức này, trang nghiêm Phật Tịnh Độ, trên đền bốn ơn nặng, dưới cứu khổ ba đường,
nếu có người thấy nghe, đều phát lòng Bồ Đề, hết một báo thân này, sinh qua cõi Cực Lạc.

May the Merit and virtue,accrued from this work, adorn the Buddhas pureland,
Repay the four great kindnesses above, andrelieve the suffering of those on the three paths below,
may those who see or hear of these efforts generates Bodhi Mind, spend their lives devoted to the Buddha Dharma,
the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Quang Duc Buddhist Welfare Association of Victoria
Tu Viện Quảng Đức | Quang Duc Monastery
Most Venerable Thich Tam Phuong | Senior Venerable Thich Nguyen Tang
Address: Quang Duc Monastery, 105 Lynch Road, Fawkner, Vic.3060 Australia
Tel: 61.03.9357 3544 ; Fax: 61.03.9357 3600
Website: http://www.quangduc.com
http://www.tuvienquangduc.com.au (old)
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