- Amitabha Sutra
- Brahma Net Sutra
- Diamond Sutra
- Gangottara Sutra
- Innumerable Meanings Sutra
- Kalama Sutra
- Karma Sutra
- Lankavatara Sutra (1&2)
- Lankavatara Sutra
- Lotus Sutra
- Medicine Sutra
- On the Heart Sutra
- One Hundred Fables Sutra
- Srimala Devi Sutra
- Sutra of Kindness of parents
- Sutra on the Eight Realizations
- The Discourse on the Ten Wholesome Ways of Action
- The Great Parinirvana Sutra
- The Heart of Perfect Wisdom Sutra
- The Platform Sutra of Patriarch Hui-Neng
- The Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra
- The Sutra of Forty Two Sections
- The Sutra of the Master of Healing
- The Sutra on the Buddha of Eternal Life
- The Ten Wholesome Ways Of Actions Sutra
- The Vows Ksitigarb
- Treasure Law
- Usnisa Vijaya Dharani Sutra
- Vimilakirty Sutra
The Lankavatara Sutra
Translated by Suzuki and Goddard
Chapter I: Discrimination
- Chương II: False-Imaginations and Knowledge of Appearances
Chapter III: Right Knowledge or Knowledge of Relations
Chapter IV: Perfect Knowledge or Knowledge of Reality.
Chapter V: The Mind System
Chapter VI: Transcendental Intelligence
Chapter VII: Self-Realization
Chapter VIII: The Attainment of Self-Realization
Chapter IX: The Fruit of Self-Realization
Chapter X: Discipleship: Lineage of the Arhats
Chapter XI: Bodhisattvahood and Its Stages.
Chapter XII: Tathagatahood Which Is Noble Wisdom
Chapter XIII: Nirvana
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