Compiled by Ven. W. Gunaratana Thero (MA)
Translated by Ven. Dr. Bokanoruwe Dewananda Thero
From the translator ….
It is my great pleasure being able to present a “Short Dhamma Story” for children. I have translated “Punchi Bana Katha” which was written in Sinhalese by the Venerable Welewatte Gunaratana Thero. My main object of this noble work is to develop children’s Dhamma knowledge and moral education.
Most Venerable B. Sri Saranankara Adhikarana (Judiciary) Nayaka Maha Thera gave me his fullest support and encouraged me in my present work. So my respectful and sincere heartfelt thanks go to him. My very special thanks also goes to the President, Mr. G. Mervyn Weerasena and all members of the Siri Jayanti Association who pursed on my humble attempt. My special thanks goes to Venerable Welewatte Gunaratana Thero who gave me a proper consent to translate into English his Sinhalese book (Punci Bana Katha).
My sincere and grateful thanks are due to Ms. Lolla Munesinghe and Mr. A.K. Nelson who guided me well to complete my work without any failure. I must remember the name, Sister Mallika Rajapakse who did the proof reading for the whole book. I also wish to thank Ven. Diyakiritte Ananda Thero for designing the book cover and other story drawings.
May all merits that I accrue through this noble work be upon all devotees of the
“Sabbadanam Dhammadanam Jinati”
The gift of truth (Dhamma) excels all other gifts.