By Ven. Shih Jingang
“Calling forth the Great Compassion, we are one with our True Nature; that which is directly Buddha, also indirectly Buddha. Oneness with the Triple Treasure, endless, joyous, perfect being. Morning thought is Kuan-Shih-Yin, evening thought is Kuan-Shih-Yin. All present thoughts arise from Mind, no thought exists apart from Mind.”
These are the words of the Ten Verse Life-Prolonging Kuan-Yin Sutra. Who is reciting them?
A few blocks away, an old man is crying out for help and someone hears. He is a brother, sister, father, mother from a previous life. A phone is picked up and then there are footsteps running towards the sound, “Help me! Help...” Someone sees the old man sitting on the top step, near the front door of his house.
“Are you OK?” someone asks.
“I call out, but they ignore me,” replies the old man. Someone looks around and sees people passing by, busy in their own worlds. “But you hear me,” adds the old man with a pained smile. He is a little breathless. Emphysema is holding back the words.
“You cried out. Do you need an ambulance?” someone asks.
“No. It will be needed one day, but not today. Thank you for caring.”
“Can I get you anything?”
“No, thanks. You already have.”
Someone stays with the old man, who is now not quite as lonely as he was. We are that someone. We are that old man. All Buddha.
Namo Amitabha!

Ven Nguyen Tang & Ven Shil Jingang at Duc Son Buddhist Center, Bothwell, Tasmania (24/5/2021)