Thousands of Tasmanians who travelled from all corners of the State rallied in Hobart for climate action in the lead up to this week’s Climate Summit in Paris.
This should be a wake up call for the Hodgman government which has ripped up Tasmania’s ClimateSmart strategy and continues to subsidise the emissions-intensive native forest logging industry.
The science tells us that protecting the vast stores of carbon in Tasmania’s forests must be part of our response to climate disruption.
Tasmania is uniquely placed to be a world leader in responding to global warming, but the state government seems happy to keep its head in the sand and ignore the enormous opportunities that exist to create jobs and prosperity in low carbon industries.
Every responsible government has a climate plan. Even war-torn South Sudan has acknowledged its civil responsibility and prepared a comprehensive climate plan.
Where is the Tasmanian Government’s plan? Nearly two years after taking office, we still have heard nothing on climate mitigation, adaptation and the economic opportunities presented to a small, renewable-powered island in a time of climate disruption.
The Peoples Climate Rally shows that many Tasmanians are way ahead of their government on the need for action.