Re: Call for Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights
for Hong Kong and Vietnam
Freedom, democracy and human rights together with commerce and investments in the economy, to bring about social order and stability, not unlike light and the atmosphere, are essential requirements for human life in the expanse of a world in full progress.
Hong Kong is a former British colony returned to China in 1997 and its people are guaranteed basic freedoms under the “One Country, Two Systems” regime, in order to administer the proper maintenance and development of this territory.
But recently, the Hong Kong government, under orders from Beijing, disregarded all guarantees and suppressed brutally rallies demanding freedom and democracy by the people. Especially riots on 11, 12 and 13 November in Hong Kong involving clashes between police and civilians, have led to huge eruptions drawing attention from world public opinion. This is a matter of serious concern for regional stability.
Violent riots occurring will not only cause damages in respect of the economy, finance, education, security and human life of Hong Kong, rendering the daily lives of its people difficult, but will deeply affect the whole world who cares about the future of Hong Kong in the coming days.
This is a warning sign that all governing regimes: “must resort to bringing peace to the people”, in order to defend the nation.
United when facing serious issues relative to the suppression of freedom, democracy and human rights of the people and territory of Hong Kong, the Inter-Continental Co-ordination Office of various Congregations such as the Unified Overseas Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Australia- New Zealand, The Unified Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of the USA, the Unified Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Europe and the Unified Overseas Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Canada unanimously
1/Call on the Beijing government to implement: national sovereignty for Hong Kong along the line of a special system of administration, in order to encourage the people of Hong Kong to enjoy the atmosphere of Democracy and rule of law of the free world
2/ Call on the Hong Kong government, for the survival of Hong Kong as a nation, to listen to the true voice of the people and stand by the oppressed people and fight for justice, equity and on the side of conscience and moral values
3/ Call on the Hong Kong government to acknowledge its impotence before the spontaneous power of the people. The government was unable to provide a measured response and had used excessive force in suppressing, arresting, incarcerating and injuring… demonstrators. The government should forthwith release them and pay appropriate compensation for all victims of incarcerations
4/Call on the government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to learn from the lessons of Hong Kong and “forthwith cease all repression” of movements for freedom and human rights for the Vietnamese people
5/Sincerely call on the Vietnamese people to adopt the spirit of: courageously taking up the duty to protect the nation and national sovereignty for the people, for the nation and for the future of our country
6/ Call on the people of Hong Kong, in unison with the Buddhist Sangha and Vietnamese Buddhists both in Vietnam and overseas, to engage in a struggle based on the spirit of non-violence and strongly voice their opinion to the effect that: on the Buddhist triple precepts of Compassion, Wisdom and Courage, we shall not relent when confronted by violence in our pursuit of national salvation and national sovereignty
Year 2563 of the Buddhist Calendar, on 26th November, 2019
The Unified Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation
(the Inter-Continental Co-ordination Office)
Principal office
Most Venerable Thich Bao Lac
Chairman of the Executive Co-ordination Council
The Unified Overseas Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Australia and New Zealand
(Signed & Sealed)
Most Venerable Thich Tin Nghia
Chairman of the Executive Co-ordination Council
The Unified Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of the USA
(Signed & Sealed)
Most Venerables Thich Tanh Thiet
& Most Venrable Thich Nhu Dien
First and Second Chairmen of the Executive co-ordination Council
The Unified Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Europe
(Signed & Sealed)
Most Venerable Thich Bon Dat
Chairman of the Executive Co-ordination Council
The Unified Overseas Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Canada
(Signed & Sealed)(Download the pdf file with signature and seal)
Vietnamese Version
From Hong Kong's crisis