Help for the Dying
and Bereaved in Your Area
The following is an international list of experienced Buddhist practitioners and Buddhist based hospices and centers that have offered to give spiritual and emotional support to the dying and bereaved of any religion, culture, age, gender, etc.
Australia, Melbourne---Quang Duc Buddhist Monastery, Venerable Tang: 03. 9357 3544
Australia, Brisbane--- Karuna Hospice Service: PH 61-7-3857 9555, 61-7-3857 9555
Australia, Adelaide---Buddha House: PH 61-8 8379 9153
61-8 8379 9153
Australia, Canberra---Angela Sands:
Australia, Melbourne---Catherine Wilde at Tara Institute: PH 61-3-9596890061-3-95968900
Australia, Perth--- Hospice of Mother Tara: PH 61-8 9791 979861-8 9791 9798
Australia, Victoria, Bendigo---Tony Beaumont:
Brazil, ---Sergio Gouv¨ºa de A.Silva:
En route---Ven.Thubten Dondrub:
Greece ---Ven.T.Shenphen:
Mexico ---Dr. Jaime Arciniega:
Nepal ---Ven. Pende Hawter:
New Zealand, Auckland---Amitabha Hospice Service: PH 64-9-413943264-9-4139432
Singapore ---Ven.Wongmo:
Switzerland, Zurich, ---Antonia D. Strub:
UK, Leeds, ---David Midgley:
USA, AL, Auburn---Buddha Heart Village: PH 334-887-3659334-887-3659
USA, AZ, Phoenix---Arizona Buddhist Temple: PH 602-278-0036602-278-0036
USA, CA, Berkeley---Berkeley Buddhist Monastery: PH 510-848-3440510-848-3440
USA, CA, Downey---Fa Kwang Temple: PH 562-927-3945562-927-3945
USA, CA, Artesia---Wan Yuen Temple: PH 310-860-8748310-860-8748
USA, CA, Fountain Valley---Rev. Wu Ming, Rev. Kou Cheng: PH 714-962-5771714-962-5771
USA, CA, Los Angeles---Mystic Dharma Temple: PH 323-258-2330323-258-2330
USA, Ca, Milpitas---Avatamsaka Buddhist Lotus Society: PH 408-942-0874408-942-0874
USA, CA, Lake County---Leland Fletcher:
USA, CA, San Diego---San Diego Buddhist Association: PH 619-298-2800619-298-2800
USA, CA, Oakland---The Light of Buddha Temple: PH 510-835-0791510-835-0791
USA, CA, San Jose---Rev. Sik Ling Chun: PH 408-259-8888408-259-8888
USA, CA, Talmage---Dharm Realm Buddhist Association: PH 707-462-0939707-462-0939
USA, CA, Monterey Bay---Michael Cheslosky:
USA, CA, Sacramento---Sagely City of The Dharma Realm: PH 916-374-8268916-374-8268
USA, CA, San Francisco Bay outer suburbs---Deirdre Frank:
USA, CA, San Francisco---Ven.Ngawang Chotak (Chris Kolb):
USA, CA, Santa Clara--- Doug Veenhof:
USA, CA, Santa Cruz ---Karuna:
USA, CA, Santa Cruz---Tubten Pende:
USA, CA, Soquel---Silvia Wenger:
USA, CA, Boulder Creek--- Janice Allan PH 831-338-6654831-338-6654
USA, CO, Lakewood---Buddhist Ass'n of Colorado: PH 303-985-5506303-985-5506
USA, CT, North Heaven---Mr. Wu or Ms. Hsu: PH 203-288-2289203-288-2289
USA, Northern California---Tzu-Chi Society: PH 408-262-3389408-262-3389
USA, FL, ---Jacie Keeley:
USA, Fl, Miami---Buddhist Association of Miami: PH 305-385-2866305-385-2866
USA, GA, Marietta---Atlanta Buddhism Association: 4791 North Sound
USA, HI, Honolulu---Chinese Buddhist Association of Hawaii: PH 808-536-8548808-536-8548
USA, IA, Iowa City---Mr. Der-Cherny Luor: PH 319-358-8435319-358-8435
USA, IL, Chicago---Tian Long Temple: PH 312-326-2398312-326-2398
USA, IN, W. Lafayette---Su-Jung Lin: PH 317-497-1590317-497-1590
USA, KY, Lexington---Buddhist Association of Kentucky: 2113 Lakeside Drive
USA, LA, Metairie---New Orleans Buddhist Association: PH 504-482-2923504-482-2923
USA, MA, Quincy---Massachusetts Budhi Siksa Society: PH 617-773-7745617-773-7745
USA, MA, Lexington---Massachusetts Buddhist Association: PH 781-863-1936781-863-1936
USA, MI, Howell---Americana Buddhist Association: PH 517-545-7559517-545-7559
USA, MN, Maplewood---Minnesota Buddhist Association: PH 612-378-3957612-378-3957
USA, MO, Augusta---Mid American Buddhist Association: PH 314-228-4114314-228-4114
USA, NJ, Lafayette---The Rocky Foundation: PH 973-300-9250973-300-9250
USA, NJ, Denville---Gampopa Vajrayana Buddhist Center: PH 973-586-2756973-586-2756
USA, NJ, E Brunswick---American Association of Buddhist Education: PH 732-651-8001732-651-8001
USA, NJ, Paramus---Ms. Dai: PH 201-368-1161201-368-1161
USA, NC, Durham---North Carolina Buddhist Student Association: PH 919-484-2932919-484-2932
USA, NC, Cary---I.B.P.S.: PH 919-469-0530919-469-0530
USA, NM, Taos---Ven. Constance Miller:
USA, NV, Las Vegas---Nevada Buddhist Association: PH 702-252-7339702-252-7339
USA, NY, Manhattan---New York Amitabha Society: PH 212-965-8951212-965-8951
USA, OH, Wooster---Buddhist Association of Wisdom & Compassion: PH 330-263-1855330-263-1855
USA, OH, Columbus---The Buddhist Bodhi Association of Columbus: PH 614-326-3871614-326-3871
USA, OR, Portland---Portland Buddhist Temple: PH 503-239-5678503-239-5678
USA, PA, Emmaus---Buddhist Association of the Lehigh Valley: PH 610-967-3164610-967-3164
USA, PA, Pittsburgh---Buddhist Study Group of Pittsburgh: PH 412-381-7901412-381-7901
USA, PA, Upper St. Clair---Tzu Chi Society: PH 421-221-8318
USA, PA, Philadelphia---Buddha's Light International Ass.: PH 215-592-8830215-592-8830
USA, PA, Philadelphia---Buddha Yana Temple: PH 215-393-8367215-393-8367
USA, CA, Sunnyvale---Amitabha Buddhist Society of USA: PH 408-736-3386408-736-3386
USA, TX, Houston---Amitabha Buddhist Society of Houston: PH 713-339-1864713-339-1864
USA, TX, Houston---Jade Buddha Temple: PH 281-498-1616281-498-1616
USA, TX, Richardson---Dallas Buddhist Association: PH 214-234-4401214-234-4401
USA, GA, Lilburn---Atlanta Amitabha Society: PH 770-925-1459770-925-1459
USA, AL, Huntsville ---Amitabha Society of Huntsville: PH 205-883-4555205-883-4555
USA, WI, Madison---Amitabha Society of Madison: PH 608-233-0552608-233-0552
USA, PA, Philadelphia---Amitabha Buddhist Society: PH 215-238-1006215-238-1006
USA, PA, Puttsburgh ---Tzu-Chi Society: PH 412-221-8318412-221-8318
USA, VA, Mclean---Mr. Tung: 6649 Kirkley Avenue
USA, Washington, DC---Tzu-Chi Society: PH 301-231-5498301-231-5498
USA, WA, Edmonds---Kindness Buddhist Association: PH 206-670-1275206-670-1275
USA, WA, Seattle---Buddhist Association, Seattle: PH 206-583-0442206-583-0442
USA, WI, Madison---Wisconsin buddhist Association: PH 608-233-0552608-233-0552
Singapore---Amitabha Buddhist Society (Singapore): PH 65-744-744465-744-7444
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur---Amitabha Buddhist Society (Malaysia): PH 603-441-4101603-441-4101
Malaysia, Johor ---Amitabha Buddhist Society (Johor): PH 607-332-4958607-332-4958
Malaysia, Pontian---Amitabha Buddhist Society : PH 607-686-1958607-686-1958
Malaysia, Penang---Tzu-Chi Society: PH 604-228 6561604-228 6561
Holland, Amsterdam---Advayavada Buddhism Infocenter: PH +31-20-6269602+31-20-6269602
USA, PA, Macungie---Peter & Chung Chu Hwang: PH 610-398-7717610-398-7717
USA, PA, Macungie---Shiang-Hua Lin: PH 610-965-3720610-965-3720
USA, OH, Cleveland---Zen Society of Cleveland: PH 216-889-1393216-889-1393
USA, OH, Cleveland---Tzu-Chi Society: PH 216-696-7145216-696-7145
USA, TX, Dalas---Tzu-Chi Society: PH 972-680-8869972-680-8869
USA, NY, Long Island---Tzu Chi Society: PH 516-466-1804516-466-1804
USA, New Jersey---Tzu Chi Society: PH 973-857-8666973-857-8666
CANADA, Vancouver---Tzu-Chi Society: PH 604-266-7659604-266-7659
CANADA, Ontario---Tzu-Chi Society: PH 905-947-1182905-947-1182
CANADA, Ontario---Tzu-Chi Society: PH 416-697-9172416-697-9172
CANADA, Ontario---Tzu-Chi Society: PH 905-947-4655905-947-4655
CANADA, Alberta---Tzu-Chi Society: PH 403-271-1748403-271-1748
CANADA, Ontario---Tzu-Chi Society: PH 613-224-7710613-224-7710
CANADA, Montreal---Montreal Chinese Buddhist Society: PH 514-875-2038514-875-2038
CANADA, Vancuver---Amitabha Society of Canada: PH 604-266-1916, 604-266-1916