is actually the Karaniya Metta Sutta (Kinh Tu Bi).
This is the work for those who are skilled & peaceful, who seek the good
May they be able & upright, honest, of gentle speech & not proud
May they be content & easily supported
Unburdened with their senses calmed
May they be wise, not arrogant
& without desire for the possessions of others
May they do nothing mean, or that the wise would reprove
May all sentient beings be happy
May they live in safety & joy
All sentient beings, whether weak or strong
Great or small, short or tall
Seen or unseen, near or distant
Born or to be born, may they all be happy
Let no-one deceive or despise another being in any state
Let none by anger or hatred wish harm upon another
Just as a mother would protect
Her only child with her life
Even so, let one cultivate a boundless love
Toward all sentient beings
Let one radiate that boundless love
Towards the entire world
Above, below & in all directions
Without hindrance, without ill will, without enmity
Standing or walking, sitting or lying down
During all one’s waking hours
May one remain mindful of this heart
& this way of living that is the best in the world
Unattached to speculations, views & sense desires
With clear vision, such a person
Will never be reborn in the cycles of suffering
Forever free & happy
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