Fundraising Dinner featuring Guest Chef Dr Gary Deed:
Saturday October 10, 6.30pm at Three Bowls Cafe.
Gary Deed is a Brisbane doctor renowned for his work in the fields of autism, diabetes and chronic fatigue syndrome. Gary has a passion for cooking and will present a Japanese inspired menu.
Three Course Meal: $50.
This event is a fundraiser for the Good Fortune Trust. To book contact Mo or Lynne on 0434869283 or [email protected]
The Good Fortune Trust is an initiative of students of Khensur Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsering, a Tibetan master who has been teaching Western students in Australia since 1990.
The Good Fortune Trust is working to rebuild and develop Khangmar Monastery, a small and very poor monastery in eastern Tibet. It also helps support the nuns of nearby Jhilu Ritrek nunnery and hundreds of Tibetan monks studying the traditional monastic curriculm at Sera Je Monastery in southern India.
In Brisbane the Good Fortune Trust offers regular practical courses on Buddhist subjects and philosophy classes at TKSL School of Buddhist Science
nks studying the traditional monastic curriculm at Sera Je Monastery in southern India.