Tiếng Việt
Tiếng Việt
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Hòa Thượng P. A. Payutto
Mới nhất
Science and Technology
Ngày xưa, có hai vợ chồng son nhà nghèo. Họ đều sinh nhai bằng nghề làm thuê làm mướn. Tuy nghèo nhưng họ rất yêu nhau.
The Role of Faith in Science and Buddhism
The eminent scientist, Bertrand Russell, has summed up the position of present-day philosophical thought follows: '' Assuming physics to he broadly speaking true, can we know it to be true, and if the answer is to be in the affirmative, does this involve knowledge of other truths besides those of physics? We might find that, if the world is such as physics says it is, no organism could know it to be such or that, if an organism can know it to be such, it must know some things other than physics, more particularly certain principles of probable inference".
Science and Buddhism: A Meeting or a Parting?
Việc tiết quá nhiều mồ hôi có thể khiến bạn khó chịu, gây trở ngại cho các hoạt động giao tiếp hằng ngày. Bạn cần nhận biết được những tác nhân gây ra tình trạng trên...
Future Directions in Study of Buddhism and Science
I would like to suggest some areas in which science could be improved upon, beginning with a discussion of "insufficiency." Science is not sufficient to remedy the problems of the modern day world. To illustrate, let us look at the situation in the environment. The problem of conservation is one of the major issues of our time, and science must play a leading role in dealing with this problem, especially in terms of research and proposals for solutions.
Phật Giáo Nền Tảng Của Khoa Học
Hãy dọn tâm trí vô tư để nhìn thấy khoa học, khoa học là đề tài thảo luận của chúng ta. Khoa học là nơi gặp gỡ của chúng ta.
Approaching the Frontiers of Mind
Science, and in particular physics, has made such great advances that it can almost be said to have reached the limits of its field. At one time it was believed that scientific research would lead to an understanding of the whole universe simply through observation based on the five senses.
Religion and Science
It is commonly asserted that religion arose from the fear of danger, particularly natural dangers, such as lightning, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and hurricanes. These dangers have threatened human beings throughout the ages. Ancient man, ignorant of the workings of nature, could not understand the causes of these natural forces. Terrified at the threat they presented, he began to search for answers. This quest precipitated an interest in the nature that surrounded man, and a desire to find some solutions to his problems.
Một giải pháp cho thế kỷ 21 theo quan điểm đạo Phật.
Hòa Thượng P.A. Payutto được coi như là một trong những tu sĩ Phật giáo uyên bác nhất ở Thái Lan. Ngài thuyết giảng về nhiều đề tài, từ xã hội, chính trị, kinh tế đến khoa học...
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