Tu Viện Quảng Đức105 Lynch Rd, Fawkner, Vic 3060. Australia. Tel: 9357 3544. quangduc@quangduc.com* Viện Chủ: HT Tâm Phương, Trụ Trì: TT Nguyên Tạng   

Chapter IX: The Chanting of the Buddha's Name

19/03/201420:09(Xem: 3056)
Chapter IX: The Chanting of the Buddha's Name
The Vows Ksitigarbha Sutra

Translated by Pitt Chin Hui

Chapter IX
The Chanting of the Buddha's Name

At that time, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said to Shakyamuni Buddha, "Honoured of the World, let me now declare how human beings in the future will acquire great benefit and happiness, during their life-time and at the moment of their death. I anticipate you to be congenial enough to listen to me."

Shakyamuni Buddha then disclosed to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, "It is because of your compassionate Infinite Loving Kindness that you long to assert about a possible tendency of relieving all the erring beings from the six States of reincarnation. Of course, it is the proper time now. Please speak promptly, as I am about to enter Nirvana. I wish to bless you with success in discharging the strong vow, so that I shall have no worry about human beings in the future."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva told the Exalted Buddha, "Honoured of the World, I name below a list of Buddhas for your hearing -

1. Ananta, (Immeasurable) Buddha

Innumerable kalpas ago, there was a Buddha by the name of Ananta (Immeasurable) Buddha. Any male or female, who has a chance of listening to the name of this Buddha, even only entertaining a short thought of respect for him, will enable one to escape forty kalpas of Suffering from Birth and Death. People will attain infinite happiness if he or she makes images of this Buddha, gives offerings and to admire him.

2. Precious Nature Buddha

Again, innumerable kalpas ago, there was a Buddha by the name of Precious Nature. Any male or female, who has a chance of listening to this Buddha and creates a thought of respect towards him, will finally attain Buddhahood.

3. Padmapani Buddha

Again, there was a Buddha by the name of Padmapani, one of the forms of Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy) holding a lotus. Any male or female, who has the opportunity of listening to the name of this Buddha will merit by a rebirth in the six Deva Lokas (i.e. Heaven of Desire) for one thousand times and be within the bliss of Buddhahood.

4. Simhananda Buddha

Innumerable kalpas ago, there was a Buddha by the name of Simhananda Buddha (a term designating authoritative or powerful approach). Any male or female, who is within the chance of listening to the name of this Buddha and thinks of him with deep respect, will benefit in the meeting of countless Buddhas with their blessings, by finally attaining Buddhahood.

5. Krakucchanda Buddha

Again, there was a Buddha by the name of Krakucchanda (the first of the Buddhas of the present Bhadrakalpa, the fourth of the seven ancient Buddhas). Any male or female, who has a chance of listening to the name of this Buddha, and be of earnest respect to him by admiring him, will become Mahabrahmanas at an assembly of one thousand Buddhas during the Bhadrakalpa. With blessings from this Buddha, he or she will attain Buddhahood later. One can get better merit if one chants the name of this Buddha earnestly.

6. Vipasyin Buddha

Again, there was a Buddha by the name of Vipasyin. Any male or female who has a chance to listen to the name of this Buddha, will not be cast into the evil State of Sufferings. He or she will always be reborn in the Heaven, or as human beings, to be benefited with great happiness.

7. Ratnaketu Buddha

Again, innumerable kalpas ago, there was a Buddha by the name of Ratnaketu Buddha. Any male or female, who happens to listen to the name of this Buddha, will never be cast into the State of Sufferings, and will always be reborn in Heaven to enjoy great bliss.

8. Precious Light Buddha

Again, there was a Buddha by the name of Precious Light. Any male or female, who happens to listen to the name of this Buddha, and to think of him with respect, will become an Arahat within a short period.

9. Kasaya Buddha

Again, there was a Buddha by the name of Kasaya. Any male or female, who has a chance to listen to the name of this Buddha, will escape one hundred kalpas of punishment of Birth and Death.

10. Mahabhijna Jnanadhibhu Buddha

Again, there was a Buddha by the name of Mahabhijna Jnanadhibhu . Any male or female, who has a chance of listening to his name, will have the opportunity of meeting innumerable Buddhas to preach to him or her, and finally attain Buddhahood. There are also other Buddhas as in the following:—

1. The Buddha by the name of Pure Moonlight.
2. The Buddha by the name of King of Mountains.
3. The Buddha by the name of King of Purification.
4. The Buddha by the name of Victorious Wisdom.
5. The Buddha by the name of Accomplishment of Wisdom.
6. The Buddha by the name of Superiority.
7. The Buddha by the name of Wonderful Voice.
8. The Buddha by the name of Full Moonlight.
9. The Buddha by the name of Moon-like Face as well as a great number to be acquainted with.

Honoured of the World, all beings whether from the Heaven or from the human realms, either male or female, of the present or the future, who can chant the name of one of the above Buddhas, will gain immeasurable merit. He or she will receive more merit if he or she chants the names of more Buddhas. Such beings will attain great benefit during their life-time, or even after death. They will never be cast into the evil State of sufferings. If the relatives of the dying person chant the name of only one Buddha, the dying person will be relieved from the punishment of his sins (except the punishment in the Avici Hells). The punishment in the Avici Hells is so great that the sinners who commit great sins will find it difficult to escape from such punishment through millions of kalpas.

If others can chant the names of Buddhas for the dying person, his or her punishment will gradually be lightened. It is better if the dying person can also chant the names of Buddhas, for he or she will receive immeasurable happiness and avoid countless punishment for misdeeds committed while alive."
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17/11/2010(Xem: 3131)
Thus I have heard, at one time, the Bhagavan (World Honoured One) was dwelling in the city of Shravasti at the Jeta Grove, in the Garden of the Benefactor of Orphans and the Solitary (Ananthapindada) , together with his regular disciples of twelve hundred and fifty great Bhikshus and twelve thousand Maha Bodhisattvas Sangha in all.
17/11/2010(Xem: 2718)
At that time, Vairocana Buddha began speaking in general about the Mind-Ground for the benefit of the Great Assembly. What he said represents but an infinitesimal part, the tip of a hair, of His innumerable teachings -- as numerous as the grains of sand in the river Ganges.
14/11/2010(Xem: 2694)
Om. Adoration to the Three Treasures! Om. Adoration to all the glorious Buddhas and Bodhisattvas! Adoration to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Aryas, Sravakas, and Pratyekabuddhas, past, present, and to come, who dwell in the unlimited and endless world systems of the ten quarters! Adoration to Amitabha!
14/11/2010(Xem: 3070)
Thus have I heard. Once the Blessed One was dwelling in Rajagriha at Vulture Peak mountain, together with a great gathering of the sangha of monks and a great gathering of the sangha of bodhisattvas. At that time the Blessed One entered the samadhi that expresses the dharma called "profound illumination," and at the same time noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahasattva, while practicing the profound prajnaparamita, saw in this way: he saw the five skandhas to be empty of nature.
14/11/2010(Xem: 3316)
Thus have I heard. The Blessed One once appeared in the Castle of Lanka which is on the summit of Mt.Malaya in the midst of the great Ocean. A great many Boddhisattva-Mahasattvas had miraculousy assembled from all the Buddha-lands, and a large number of bhikshus were gathered there. The Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas with Mahamati their head were all perfect masters of the various Samadhis, the tenfold Self-mastery, the ten powers, and the six Psychic Faculties.
13/11/2010(Xem: 3357)
This Sutra has changed the lives of many who have read it, for it explains the direct results of causes. It is also called the Golden Precepts by Lord Buddha and is reproduced here in its entirety:
13/11/2010(Xem: 4190)
The instruction of the Kalamas (Kalama Sutta) is justly famous for its encouragement of free inquiry; the spirit of the sutta signifies a teaching that is exempt from fanaticism, bigotry, dogmatism, and intolerance.
09/11/2010(Xem: 5256)
Thus have I heard. At one time the Bhagavat was staying in Jeta Grove monastery in Anathapindada's Garden at Shravasti, together with a large company of twelve hundred and fifty monks, who were all venerable shravakas and well-known great arhats. They were headed by eminent shravakas, such as the Venerable Shariputra, Mahamaudgalyayana, Mahakashyapa and Aniruddha.
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Nguyện đem công đức này, trang nghiêm Phật Tịnh Độ, trên đền bốn ơn nặng, dưới cứu khổ ba đường,
nếu có người thấy nghe, đều phát lòng Bồ Đề, hết một báo thân này, sinh qua cõi Cực Lạc.

May the Merit and virtue,accrued from this work, adorn the Buddhas pureland,
Repay the four great kindnesses above, andrelieve the suffering of those on the three paths below,
may those who see or hear of these efforts generates Bodhi Mind, spend their lives devoted to the Buddha Dharma,
the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Quang Duc Buddhist Welfare Association of Victoria
Tu Viện Quảng Đức | Quang Duc Monastery
Most Venerable Thich Tam Phuong | Senior Venerable Thich Nguyen Tang
Address: Quang Duc Monastery, 105 Lynch Road, Fawkner, Vic.3060 Australia
Tel: 61.03.9357 3544 ; Fax: 61.03.9357 3600
Website: http://www.quangduc.com
http://www.tuvienquangduc.com.au (old)
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