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Yung Chia
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Song of Enlightenment
Ch’an Master Hsuan Chueh of Yung Chia joined the Sangha order when he was still young and began to study the T’ien T’ai (Japanese, Ten dai) teaching which he practiced with great success. Then he called on learned masters for instruction. After reading the Mahaparinirvana Sutra, he was awakened to the Buddha Dharma and his later study of the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra enabled him to realize his mind. Since his major awakening had, not yet been confirmed by an enlightened master, he proceeded to Ts’ao Ch’I where he called on the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng who sealed the visitor’s enlightenment after a short and very skillful probe related in the Altar Sutra. He was retained at the monastery for a night and was then known as “The Overnight Enlightened One.”
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