Tiếng Việt
Tiếng Việt
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Một số hình ảnh tổng quát về Tu Viện Quảng Đức
Cổng Tam Quan Tu Viện Quảng Đức, Ngôi điện Phật nhìn từ bên trái, Đài Quan Âm Lộ Thiên, Thích Ca Phật Đài lộ thiên, Hoàng Long hộ pháp ...
The 4th Annual Buddhist Retreat: Starting from the 1st of December to the 5th of January 2005 A rewarding success!
Once again, following the spirit of selflessly propagating the Buddha Dharma for the benefit of all sentient beings, the Unified Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Australia and New Zealand (UVBCANZ) had kept its word to hold a 4th Annual Buddhist Retreat as the past 3 years have proven to be a success. This year, the location of the much long awaited retreat was agreed to be held at Quang Duc Monastery, Victoria Melbourne.
Thần chú 100 âm (100 Syllable Mantra )
Thần Chú 100 âm Chủng tử Kim Cang Tát Tỏa thần chú (Tibet) 100 Syllable Mantra One Hundred Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva Om Benza Sato Samaya, Manu Palaya
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