Tiếng Việt
Tiếng Việt
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Shangpa Rinpoche
Mới nhất
Amitabha Dharma Transmission at Quang Minh Temple
Shang Rinpoche is a highly esteemed Buddhist master from Taiwan. In teaching, he not only draws on his Buddhist wisdom, but also his extensive knowledge of Taoism, eastern history and philosophy. Rinpoche’s mix of humour, kindness, and compassion has given strength and inspiration to thousands of people from all walks of life. Rinpoche is the current incarnation of Shang Rinpoche, who founded the Tsalpa Kagyu school in Tibet in the 13th Century. His root master is the current incarnation of the Great Terton Dorje Lingpa. In addition, Rinpoche has received pith instructions as well as lineages from some of the greatest masters of all four Vajrayana schools including Dilgo Kysentse, Chatral Rinpoche, Dudjom Rinpoche and the 16th Karmapa. Rinpoche has also received the lineage of great Chan (Chinese Zen) Master Empty Cloud (虛雲老和尚) as well as teachings & lineages from Master Huisan (慧三老和尚) and Master Jiede (戒德老和尚).
Giới thiệu về Kim Cương thừa
Kim Cương thừa có nhiều phương cách thực hành khác nhau, hàng trăm hàng ngàn bản tôn khác nhau để đấu tranh với sự ô nhiễm nhiều vô kể, thông qua thiền định...
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