Tiếng Việt
Tiếng Việt
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Ven. Shih Jingang
Mới nhất
An Empty Vessel
As a child my parents encouraged questions, as did my Heart Lama. However, the latter person gave me two questions to ask before speaking: “will what I am wanting to say, and the way I say it, be helpful or harmful to myself/others? Also, does the question come from ‘I don’t know’ (beginner’s mind), or from a place of judgement and opinions?” The aim was/is to cultivate the mind to be like an empty vessel, not one filled to the brim and overflowing where nothing new can enter.
Hình ảnh sinh hoạt cuối tuần tại Niệm Phật Đường Đức Sơn, Hobart, Tasmania, Úc Châu (24-25/4/2021)
Hình ảnh sinh hoạt cuối tuần tại Niệm Phật Đường Đức Sơn, Hobart, Tasmania, Úc Châu (24-25/4/2021)
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