Ram Gopal Muzumdar called the Sleepless Saint. He lived in Ranbajpur, near Tarakeswar (West Bengal). Hindus believe that this place can miraculously heal people, just like the Catholics believe in Lourdes of France. This saint was always awake in an ecstatic consciousness. For 20 years, he had been mediating 18 hours a day. Then he moved to a isolated caves near West Bengal, where he practised Kriya Yoga daily for 20 hours for 25 years.
The saint was more rested by the complete calmness of his 'super consciousness' than it could have been possible in his ordinary subconscious state. "The muscles relax during sleep; but the heart, lungs and circulatory system are constantly at work; they get no rest." In 'super consciousness', all internal organs remain in a state of suspended animation, electrified by the cosmic energy. By such means "he found it unnecessary to sleep for years".