Paul David Numbrich
Paul David Numrich is Professor in the Snowden Chair for the Study of Religion and Interreligious Relations, Methodist Theological School in Ohio.
Ph.D. in comparative religion, Northwestern University, 1992M.Div., Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, 1984B.A., Aurora College, 1979
Areas of expertise:
Study of religion and interreligious relations.
Selected published works
“The Rhetoric of American Exceptionalism in the Interfaith Movement in the United States,” in Journal of Ecumenical Studies 54.1 (Winter 2019).
“How Important Is Religion in Interreligious Relationships? Interreligious Space-Sharing as a Case Study,” in Journal of Interreligious Studies 26 (March 2019).
“Not Sure about Using Space in a Church or Synagogue? Three Things You Should Know about Congregations,” in Sacred Places: The Magazine of Partners for Sacred Places (Autumn/Winter 2018-19).
“When Congregations Share Their Properties–5 Principles for Good Decisions,” in Studying Congregations (April 25, 2018).
The Abrahamic Encounter: Local Initiatives, Large Implications (co-editor with Mazhar Jalil and Norman Hosansky, also contributor) (Wipf and Stock, 2016).
Religion and Community in the New Urban America(co-author with Elfriede Wedam) (Oxford University Press, 2015).
The Faith Next Door: American Christians and Their New Religious Neighbors (Oxford University Press, 2009).
"Immigrant Parochial Schools: Religion, Morality, Citizenship," in Children and Childhood in American Religions (Rutgers University Press, 2009).
Buddhists, Hindus, and Sikhs in America: A Short History (co-author with Gurinder Singh Mann and Raymond B. Williams) (Oxford University Press, 2007).
Sacred Assemblies and Civic Engagement: How Religion Matters for America's Newest Immigrants (co-author with Fred Kniss) (Rutgers University Press, 2007).