Master Ching Hsin, a native of Taichung County, Taiwan, was born in 1919. He was ordained by Master Bin Chung of the Fa Yuan Monastery in Hsinchu when he was 20 years old. In 1962, the venerated Master Pai Sheng was his teacher and he became the first Dharma-succeeding disciple of. Master Pai Sheng.
Master Ching Hsin graduated from Taiwan Vinaya Institute and Kyoto Buddhist University in Japan. In 2001, he received the honour doctor degree form Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University in Thailand.
He is the current President of World Chinese Buddhist Sangha Council and Ching Chueh Buddist College, the Rector of Ching Chueh Buddhist Sangha University, the Board Chairperson of Shih Pu Temple and Ling Chi Temple in Taipei , the publisher of Chinese Buddhism Monthly, the publisher and editor-in-chief of Pure Awakening Monthly, the founder of the ย“Voice of Pure Awakeningย” Dharmaduta radio program, supervises production of China Television Companyย’s ย“Ching Chueh Dharma Talkย” program, and the abbot of following monasteries: Hsuan Chuang Temple at Sun Moon Lake, Kuang Teh temple and Lin Shi temple in Kaohsiung, Taipei Buddhist Lotus Society and Kaohsiung Buddhist Lotus Society, Ching Chueh Institute in Fongyuan.
As his life-long objectives, Master Ching Hsin vowed to promote vinaya and monastic education, to spread Buddha Dharma and cultural works, social charity and public welfare. He has never wavered from these objectives.
He has been ordaining both monks and nuns into service for 50 years ago. In 1967, he founded Ching Chueh Buddhist College. Since then, thirteen terms of students have been trained. In 2003, he established Ching Chueh Buddhist Sangha University: Taiwan Affiliate of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University.
In 1964, he founded the ย“Voice of Pure Awakeningย” radio program, which has been on air continuously ever since. It is broadcast every morning on several radio stations in Taiwan to promote Buddha Dharma and to answer problems of everyday life."
This program has also been broadcast in California for more than twenty years. In the winter of 1980, the Master opened the ย“Bright Worldย” Dharma program on China Television System and the program has aired for 30 minutes every Sunday. In May 1999, he began the ย“Pure Awakening Dharma Talkย”, also on China Television Company. Every year he travels throughout the nation to give Dharma talks on human life.
In 1973, he founded Ching Chueh Nursery for taking care of orphans. He has been hosting Buddhist summer camps for teachers and children since 1994. In 1998 he started to establish Ching Chueh Care Center for Aged People and finished in 2005, promoting positive welfare the elderly.
Over his life Master Ching Hsin has been promoting Buddha Dharma, social education, traditional morality and ethics, the purification of human minds, and the guidance of social climate to assist the government in psychological construction. The Master engages himself whole-heartedly to implement these enterprises on radio, television, and magazines. The effect reaches every corner of the world. He is really the teacher of human beings and heavenly beings.
In 1968, Master Ching Hsin co-initiated with Catholic and Protestants to establish Kaohsiung Life Line, a telephone help-line. Under his leadership, Buddhist Association ROC has co-held four ย“Buddhism and Catholicism Family Concernย” workshops at Changhua Ching-shan, Nantou Yu-fo Temple, Taipei Holy Heart Spiritual Center, and Kaohsiung Kuang Teh Temple. Over 100 followers of both religions attended each workshop.
In 1997, BAROC united with the 12 religions in Taiwan to invite H.H. the Dalai Lama to come to Taiwan. His Holinessย’ talk ย“Prayer for World Peaceย” was held in Taoyuan. In October 1999, the Master attended ย“World Inter-religious Dialogueย” at the Vatican.
Honours and current positions held by Master Ching Hsin President, World Chinese Buddhist Sangha Council
Director, Religionist Association of the Republic of China
Board Chairman, Ching Chueh Social Welfare Foundation
Rector, Ching Chueh Buddhist Sangha University
President, Ching Chueh Buddhist College
Board Chairman, Taipei Shih Pu Temple
Board Chairman, Taipei Lin Chi Temple
Abbot, Taipei Ta Tzu Temple
Abbot, Hsuan Chuang Temple at Sun Moon Lake
Abbot, Kaohsiung Kuang Teh Temple
Abbot, Kaohsiung Lin His Temple
Abbot, Taipei Buddhist Lotus Society
Abbot, Kaohsiung Buddhist Lotus Society
Abbot, Tainan Chang Kuang Temple
Abbot, Fongyuan Ching Chueh Institute
Publisher, Chinese Buddhism Magazine
Publisher, Pure Awakening Magazine
Founder, ย“Voice of Pure Awakeningย” Buddha Dharma Program on Air
Executive, ย“Pure Awakening Dharma Talkย” Buddhist Program on CTV