Phật tử Hoàng Đức Thành, pháp danh Tâm Đức sinh năm 1975 tại Sài Gòn, cùng gia đình đến định cư tại Hoa Kỳ từ năm 1991. Tốt nghiệp Bác sỹ Y Khoa năm 2004. Hiện đang làm Giám Đốc Chương Trình Nghiên Cứu Chuyên Khoa Nội Tiết tại Bệnh viện Quân Y Hoa Kỳ Walter Reed tại Bethesda, Maryland. Ông cũng chịu trách nhiệm giảng dạy và đào tạo các bác sĩ chuyên khoa Nội tiết cho Hải quân và Lục quân Hoa kỳ (US Navy & Army). Ngoài công việc chuyên môn, Bác sĩ Tâm Đức là một huynh trưởng Gia Đình Phật Tử của Chùa Giác Hoàng, Thủ đô Washington D.C., từ năm 1993 đến nay (2017). Bác sĩ phụ trách hướng dẫn Phật pháp cho các anh chị em trong GĐPT và các chương trình nhạc Lễ và chương trình văn nghệ ở chùa Giác Hoàng và các chùa lân cận. Từ những sinh hoạt này, Bác sĩ Tâm Đức đã viết nhiều nhạc phẩm để phổ biến cái hay cái đẹp của lời Phật dạy trong đời sống, đến nay đã có nhiều Album nhạc phát hành để cống hiến cho cộng đồng Phật giáo. (nghe nhạc của Bác Sĩ Tâm Đức)
Những kinh nghiệm sống trong thời niên thiếu ở Việt Nam, và công việc liên quan đến sức khỏe và y tế từ nhiều năm qua đã giúp ông nuôi dưỡng và phát triển lòng từ bi, ý thức trách nhiệm và sự hiểu biết, đã là một nền tảng vững chãi giúp ông theo đuổi ngành y khoa. Đến Hoa kỳ năm 1991, trong những năm đầu, ông đã sớm nhận thức ra những sự khác nhau giữa hai nền văn hoá. Kiên trì vượt qua những khó khăn về ngôn ngữ và văn hóa và sớm trưởng thành trong đời sống mới, ông đã là một học sinh xuất sắc trong thời trung học và đại học. Tốt nghiệp với hạng danh dự bậc Cử Nhân Khoa Học về Sinh Hóa của Đại học Maryland, sau đó, ông đã tốt nghiệp Bác sĩ Y Khoa tại Đại Học Y Khoa Lake Erie vào năm 2004. Năm 2007 ông đã hoàn tất chương trình huấn luyện bác sĩ nội khoa tại Bệnh Viện Hải Quân Quốc Gia (National Naval Medical Center, NNMC), Bethesda, Maryland và đã từng làm bác sĩ nội khoa tại Bệnh Viện Hải Quân Mỹ Yokosuka, Nhật Bản từ năm 2007 - 2009 và tại đây ông được trao tặng giải thưởng "Giáo Sư Xuất Sắc của Năm" vào năm 2008 - 2009. Sau đó, bác sĩ Hoàng đã hoàn tất huấn nghệ bác sĩ chuyên khoa Nội Tiết, Tiểu Đường và Chuyển Hóa tại NNMC và sau đó làm việc tại NNMC từ 2011 đến 2012 và tại NMC Portsmouth năm 2012- 2013.
Ông đã từng là Bác sĩ Trưởng Khoa, Phân Khoa Nội Tiết và Tiểu Đường tại Bệnh Viện Hải Quân San Diego (2013 - 2016) và là phó Giáo Sư (Associate Professor) Y Khoa Đại Học Khoa Học Sức Khoẻ. Ông cũng là thành viên Bác Sĩ Chuyên Khoa của Đại Học Mỹ và Đại Học Khoa Nội Tiết Mỹ. Ông còn là tác giả của nhiều ấn phẩm, bài báo, thư gửi cho biên tập và viết sách. Năm 2014, ông được trao tặng Giải Thưởng "Associate Master Clinician Award" tại NMCSD. Từ tháng 11 năm 2016, ông trở lại làm việc ở Khoa Nội Tiết ở Trung Tâm Y Khoa Quân Đội Quốc Gia Walter Reed, Bethesda, Maryland với chức vụ Giám Đốc chương trình giảng dạy và đào tạo các bác sĩ chuyên khoa Nội Tiết cho Hải quân và Lục quân Hoa kỳ (US Navy & Army).
Commander, Medical Corps, US Navy
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
8901 Wisconsin Ave.
Bethesda, MD 20889-5600
301-295-5165 (phone)
301-295-5170 (fax)
[email protected]
2016-Present: Program Director, Endocrinology Fellowship Program, WRNMMC
2013-2015: Head, Endocrinology and Metabolism Division (Dec 2013- Oct 2015)
Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD)
2012-2013: Staff Endocrinologist, Department of Medicine, NMC Portsmouth
2011-2012: Staff Endocrinologist, Department of Medicine, NNMC Bethesda
2007-2009: Staff Internist, Department of Medicine, USNH Yokosuka, Japan
Associate Professor in Medicine, USUHS (Nov 2016 – Present)
Assistant Professor in Medicine, USUHS (July 1, 2011- Oct 2016)
Instructor of Medicine, USUHS (July 2009-June 2011)
Teaching Fellow in Medicine, USUHS (July 2005-June 2007)
Reference Lab Utilization Committee (RLUC) – (Feb 2017 – present)
Vietnam Subject Matter Expert Exchange – Pacific Partnership 2016/USNS Mercy (2016)
Diabetes Champion, NMCSD (Oct 2013- Jan 2016)
Grand Round Coordinator, NMCSD (Oct 2013- Aug 2016)
Provider Wellness Committee Representative for Directorate of Medical Services (July 2014- pres)
Vietnam Subject Matter Expert Exchange – Pacific Partnership 2015/USNS Mercy
Infection Control Chair, USNH Yokosuka (Oct 2007- June 2009)
Asthma Champion, USNH Yokosuka (Oct 2007- June 2009)
Respiratory Therapy Division Officer, USNH Yokosuka (Oct 2007- June 2009)
MEDCAP team, USS Mustin, Force Health Protection for Cambodia: 2008.
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) instructor (2007- present)
2000-2004 Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine,
Lake Erie, PA
1999-2000 Post-Baccalaureate; Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA
1993-1997 Bachelor of Science/Biochemistry; University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
2009-2011 Fellowship, Endocrinology and Metabolism; National Capital Area Consortium; Bethesda, Maryland.
2004-2007 Residency: Internal Medicine, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland.
Virginia State Medical License Number -----; July 2005.
2012 Diplomate, Certified Clinical Densitometrist (CCD)
2011 Diplomate, Endocrinology, American Board of Internal Medicine (current MOC).
2011 Thyroid Ultrasound and Biopsy, American College of Endocrinology.
2007 Diplomate, Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine (current MOC).
Fellow, American College of Physicians (July 1st, 2013)
Fellow, American College of Endocrinology (May 16, 2015)
Member, American Endocrine Society
Member, Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons.
Member, Society of Uniformed Endocrinologists
2016 Faculty Development Certificate in Teaching, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
2016 Exemplary National Faculty – Uniformed Services University
2014 Naval Medical Center San Diego “Associate Master Clinician”
2012 Fellow Representative of the AACE Mid-Atlantic Chapter 2011-2012
2008 United States Naval Hospital Yokosuka “Teacher of the Year”
2016 Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal
2013 Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (Gold Star in lieu of Fourth Award).
2011 Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal .
2011 Navy Unit Commendation ribbon (NNMC, Bethesda, MD)
2009 Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal
2009 Overseas Service Ribbon for service at Naval Hospital Yokosuka, Japan
2007 Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal
2007 Meritorious Unit Commendation Ribbon (NNMC, Bethesda, MD)
2007 Navy Unit Commendation Ribbon for service at NNMC, Bethesda, MD
2005 Global War on Terrorism Service Medal for service at NNMC, Bethesda, MD
Program Director Course, National Capitol Area Medical Simulation Center, Silver Spring, Maryland (Feb 6-10, 2017).
Military Training Courses:
-USUHS Faculty Development 3 Day Course, NMCSD (Apr 2015, Mar 2016)
-Stanford Faculty Development Program (Feb 2005)
Inpatient attending (2007-2009, 2011-pres)
Proctor for Internal Medicine Clinic (2013 - pres)
Proctor for Diabetes Group Clinic (2013- pres)
1. Invited Reviewer for The Medical Letters. Drugs for Hypothyroidism. The Medical Letters on Drugs and Therapeutics. 5 October 2015.
2. Invited Reviewer for Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome. Nonfunctioning Gonadotroph Pituitary Adenoma presenting as visual field defect”. 20 October 2015.
Peer-Reviewed Journals:
1. Denton GD, Hoang T, Prince L, Moores L, Durning S. Accuracy of Medical Student Electronic Logbook Problem List Entry. Teach Learn Med, An International Journal. 2007; 19(4):347-351.
2. Nguyen HD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Glister BC, Hoang TD, Shakir MKM. Visual vignette: Hypopituitarism and central diabetes insipidus due to an intracranial tumor (germinoma). Endocr Pract. 2010;16(4):716.
3. Nguyen HD, Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Glister BC, Shakir MKM. Visual Vignette: Adrenocortical carcinoma. Endocr Pract. 2010;16(6):1080.
4. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Glister BC, Shakir MK. Multinodular Goiter as The Initial Presentation of Systemic Sarcoidosis: Limitation of Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy. Respir Care Journal. 2011;56:1029-1032.
5. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MKM. Simultaneous Occurrence of Subacute Thyroiditis and Graves’ Disease. Thyroid 2011; 21 (12):1397-1400.
* Paper selected for Year Book of Endocrinology 2012.
6. Hoang TD, Royer MC, Tran V, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Visual Vignette: Gastrinoma. Endocr Pract. 2012 Jan-Feb; 18(1): 106.
7. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Over-the-Counter-Drug-Induced Thyroid Disorders. Endocr Pract. 2013(19):268-274.
8. Hoang TD, Olsen CH, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Desiccated Thyroid Extract Compared With Levothyroxine in the Treatment of Hypothyroidism: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013;98(5):1982-1990.
* Paper used for ATA – Clinical Thyroidology for Patients. 2013; vol 6; issue 8.
* Selected as one of the 10 important studies published in 2013 that can change clinical practice in Annals of Internal Medicine. Update in Endocrinology: Evidence Published in 2013. Gharib, Hossein. June 2014;160(11)785-790.
* Selected and summarized in Clin Thyroidology by Dr Hershman JM. 2013;25:122-124
10. Vu KN, Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF, Olson NH, Walsh KT. Case Report on Clinical Vignette: Adrenal Ganglioneuroma. J Clin Case Rep. 2014; 4:404.
11. Shwayhat AF, Hoang TD, Poremba JA, Acosta RD, Shakir M.K.M. The Effect of Exercise on 1mcg ACTH stimulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis. Endocrinol Metab Synd. 2014;3:148,1-5.
12. Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF, Shakir MKM. Hemiagenesis of the Left Thyroid Lobe. J Case Rep Stud. 2015; 2(4): 408.
13. Gastwirt JP, Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF. Case report on Clinical Vignette: Ectopic ACTH producing Atypical Carcinoid. Endocr Pract. 2015 (21)2:214.
* pictures selected for the cover of the journal.
14. Generoso JC, Hoang TD, Peterson B, Shwayhat AF. Case report on Clinical Vignette: Grave’s disease with papillary thyroid cancer. Endocr Pract. 2015 (21)5:557.
15. Bartlett JM, Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF. Intrathyroidal parathyroid adenoma: a case report. Int Arch Med. 2015 (8) 63:1-3.
16. Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF, Shakir MKM. Heterophile Antibody Interference with TSH assay: Case report. JJ Clin Case Rep. 2015, 1(2):008.
17. Moore JB, Hoang TD, Valentine JC, Maves RC. Coccidioidal Thyroiditis. Endocr Pract. 2016;22(6):766.
18. Sanders T, Hoang TD, Clifford JC, Shwayhat AF. Paget’s disease of the bone. EndocrPract. 2017
19. Moore JB, Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF. Case report of clinical vignette: Osteopetrosis. Milmed 2017
20. Shakir KMM, Hoang TD, Elgino-Steffens DU, Mai VQ, Clyde PW. Modified Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (MFNB) for Calcitonin, Procalcitonin and Carcinoembryonic antigen levels in the diagnosis of Thyroid nodules with Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma (MTC). J Endocrinol Metab. 2017;7(1):5-17.
21. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Shakir KMM. Intractable diarrhea masking the diagnosis of medullary thyroid cancer. Endocr Pract. 2017 (accepted for publication in Aug 2017).
22. Shin T, Hoang TD, Chi SW, Mai VQ, Shakir KMM. Metastatic moderately differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma of the larynx mimicking as medullary thyroid cancer. Endocr Pract. 2017 (accepted for publication).
Letters, invited comments:
23. Hoang TD, Olsen CH, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Response to Rosenthal et al. Letter to the Editor. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Nov 20th, 2013.
24. Endocrine News. Endocrine Society’s Research Summaries Book for ENDO 2013. Animal thyroid extract as effective as T4 in treating hypothyroidism. Study opens door for additional treatment option for common thyroid disorder. 2013 June. (last access 3-11-2016)
25. Medscape Medical News: Interview with Nancy Melville. To T3 or Not: What's the Story on Combo Therapy in Hypothyroidism? Medscape. Dec 18, 2014.
26. Invited Comments/Reviewer for The Medical Letter. Drugs for hypothyroidism. The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics. 26 October 2015. Volume 57, issue no. 1480.
27. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Simultaneous Occurrence of Subacute Thyroiditis and Grave’s Disease. In: Schott M, Apovian C, Clarke BL, Eugster E, Meikle AW, Oetjen E, Schteingart DE, Toth PP. Year Book of Endocrinology 2012. 2012 edition. Philadelphia: Mosby, Inc., 2012:136-7.
28. Hoang TD, Burch HB. Hyperthyroidism. In: McDermott MT. Endocrine Secrets. Sixth edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc. 2013:275-282.
Lay Publication:
29. Co-translator, Vietnamese Zen In The Late Twentieth Century, Zen Master Thich Thanh Tu, Vietnamese Buddhist Meditation Congregation, Dai Dang Monastery, CA, USA. 2002.
1. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Glister BC, Shakir MK. Multinodular Goiter as the Initial Presentation of Systemic Sarcoidosis: Limitation of Fine Needle Biopsy. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2010.
2. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Abdominal Pain as an Unusual Presentation of Adult Glycogen Storage Disease. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2010.
3. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Severe Asymptomatic Hypocalcemia and Elevated Serum Intact PTH Levels Induced by Intravenous Magnesium Sulfate Administration. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2010.
4. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Royer M, Shakir MK. A tall-cell variant papillary thyroid carcinoma associated with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2011.
5. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Correlation of biochemical parameters, parathyroid tumor weight and sestamibi scan in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2011.
6. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Glister B, Shakir MK. Detection of Metastatic Thyroid Carcinoma by 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) Positron Emission Tomography Scan (PET) in Patients with Modestly Elevated Serum Thyroglobulin Levels and Negative Iodine-123 Whole Body Scan. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2011.
7. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Glister B, Shakir MK. Treating Hypercholesterolemia with a Combination of Ezetimibe and Simvastatin (Vytorin[TM]) in Patients with Statin-Induced Muscle-Related Symptoms. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2011.
8. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Glister B, Shakir MK. Simultaneous Occurrence of Subacute Thyroiditis and Graves’ Disease. American Thyroid Association Annual Meeting, Indian Wells, CA, 2011.
9. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK.Thyroid disorders associated with over-the-counter iodine supplements: an increasing trend. (American Thyroid Association Annual Meeting, Indian Wells, CA, 2011.
10. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Elevated Serum Testosterone and Sex Hormone Binding Globulin associated with Sexual Dysfunction: A familial disorder? Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, 2012.
11. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Transaminitis associated with Cholestoff TM , an over-the-counter plant sterol supplement. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, 2012.
12. Hoang TD, Daily J, Galitz M, Shakir MK. Heterophile Antibody Interference with TSH Assay mimicking Subclinical Hyperthyroidism. 2013. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013.
13. Hoang TD, Olsen CH, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Desiccated thyroid extract compared to levothyroxine in the treatment of hypothyroidism. 2013. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013.
14. Mai VQ, Hoang TD, Shakir MK. Subclinical Cushing’s syndrome: Is it clinically silent and detrimental? AACE Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 2014.
15. Hoang TD, Elegino-Steffens DU, Malafronte P, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Usefulness of Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Calcitonin Levels to Diagnose Medullary Thyroid Cancer. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2014.
16. Usman AC, Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Bilateral Calcified Macronodules in the Adrenal Glands as an Initial Presentation of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2014.
17. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Clyde PW, Shakir MK. Crouzon’s syndrome associated hypopituitarism and empty sellar syndrome. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2014.
18. Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF. The Usefulness of Fine needle aspiration in hyperparathyroid patients with intrathyroidal parathyroid adenoma. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2015.
19. Hoang TD, Gastwirt JP, Shwayhat AF. Ectopic ACTH-producing Atypical Carcinoid. AACE 24th Annual Scientific and Clinical Congress, Nashville, TN, May13-17, 2015.
Current: DoD multi-site diabetes observational study. (Co-investigator)
Current: “Desiccated thyroid extract vs. synthetic T3/T4 combination (ThyrolarTM) vs L-T4 alone in the therapy of primary hypothyroidism with special attention to the gene polymorphism”; 2015- present, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. (Co-investigator). Grant.
Synthetic levothyroxine vs desiccated thyroid extract in the therapy of primary hypothyroidism [353768-7]. 2010-2013. Principal investigator. Intramural Grant 10K/year.
Hypercalcemic Disorders with Special Attention to Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Correlation between Clinical Manifestations, Laboratory Values, Radiological Features and Therapeutic Outcome: A Retrospective Study. 2005. PI. Non-grant.
Retrospective Influenza incidents and accuracy of rapid flu test at NNMC. 2006. PI. Non-grant.
Oral presentation:
1. Hoang TD, Denton GD, Prince L, Moores L, Durning S. Accuracy of Medical Student Electronic Logbook Problem List Entry. Podium presentation at NNMC Annual Research Competition. 2006.
2. Brisson J, Hoang TD, Daily J. A grave hormonal imbalance during pregnancy: Resistant Graves' disease during pregnancy requiring second trimester thyroidectomy. Navy ACP, Portsmouth, VA, Oct 25, 2013.
Poster presentations – Regional/National:
3. Denton GD, Hoang T, Prince L, Moores L, Durning S. Accuracy of Medical Student Electronic Logbook Problem List Entry.
- Poster Presentation at National Navy ACP, San Diego, Oct 2005.
- Poster Presentation at the District of Columbia Chapter ACP Associates Day, May 2006.
4. Hoang TD, Guardiano S. Clinical Vignette Report: Giant Cell Arteritis Heralding Recurrent Metastatic Melanoma. National Navy ACP Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2006.
5. Gastwirt JP, Hoang TD, Shwayhat AF. Refractory Hypertension - a Case of Ectopic Cushing's syndrome. Navy ACP Annual Meeting, San Diego, Oct 2014.
6. Perry N, Moore J, Young D, Hoang T, Shwayhat A. Osteopetrosis: A rare cause of subacute knee pain in active duty Marine. Naval Medical Center San Diego, Academic Research Competition, April 25, 2016.
7. Edgar M, Brenner M, Hoang TD, Shwayhat A. Autoimmune Progesterone Mediated Dermatitis: Case study in an Active Duty Female. Naval Medical Center San Diego, Academic Research Competition, April 25, 2016.
Poster presentations - National/ International:
20. Shin T, Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Shakir KM. Cystic Macroadenoma of the Pituitary Gland: A Unique Presentation of Acromegaly. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2017.
21. Shakir MKM, Hoang TD, Mai VQ. Subacute Thyroiditis Presenting As a Painless Solitary Thyroid Nodule. Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2017.
22. Hoang TD, Mai VQ, Shakir KM. Successful Treatment of a Patient with Statin-Induced Myopathy and Myotonic Dystrophy Type 2 with PCSK9 Inhibitor, Alirocumab (PraluentTM). Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2017.
23. Tyler LC, Kemm MH, Hoang TD. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D- mediated hypercalcemia due to disseminated mycobacterium avium complex. AACE 26th Annual Scientific and Clinical Congress, Austin, TX, May 3-7, 2017.
24. Baloch H, Lubetski V, Yang D, Hoang TD, Cardoni W, Mai VQ, Shakir MKM. A rare presentation of coexisting papillary thyroid carcinoma, primary hyperparathyroidism and nerve sheath tumors. AACE 26th Annual Scientific and Clinical Congress, Austin, TX, May 3-7, 2017.
National/ International:
1.”Updates in Hypertension.” The 47th Navy Occupational health and Preventive Medicine Conference, Yokosuka, Japan, 2008.
2. “Medical English II lectures”, Kyosai Hospital, Yokosuka, Japan, 2008.
3. “Granulomatosis with polyangiitis: diagnosis and management.”
-Kyosai Hospital, Yokosuka, Japan, 2008.
-Uwamachi Hospital, Yokosuka, Japan, 2008.
4. “Updates in Diabetes”. Invited Speaker for the Diabetes Education Work in BIT’s 45th Annual World Congress of Diabetes, Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Taiwan, Nov 26-28, 2015.
5. “Updates in Thyroid nodules and Thyroid Cancer”. Invited Speaker for Vietnam Subject Matter Expert Exchange at Da Nang Hospital. Pacific Partnership 2016. Da Nang, Viet Nam, 12 July 2016.
Local/ Regional:
1.”Endocrine Board Review for Family Nurse Practitioner”; Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD, 20 April 2012.
2. “Review and updates in therapies for hypothyroidism”; Sentara Princess Anne Hospital, Virginia Beach, VA, 2 March 2013.
3. “Hypothyroidism - Diagnosis and Treatment Updates.” Kearny Mesa Primary Care Clinic, San Diego, CA: 14 October 2015.
4. “Paget’s Disease of the Bone.” Invited Speaker at Scripps Mercy, San Diego, CA, 24Mar2016.
5. Invited Speaker for the Vietnamese Radio Channel – Family Medicine Program, weekly, Feb 2012- Nov 2013. Topics spoken: Ebola, Diabetes, Hypo/hyperthyroidism, Vitamin D deficiency, Lyme disease, Tuberculosis, Polio, Mumps, Malaria, Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease, Syphilis, Anemia, Leukemia, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, etc.
6. “Endocrine disorders in the Elderly” Invited Speaker at Scripps Mercy, San Diego, CA, 14Jun2016.
7. “Hypothyroidism- Hypogonadism for primary care providers”. Invited Speaker at NTC, San Diego, CA. 6 Oct 2016.
1. Congestive Heart Failure evaluation and treatment. Internal Medicine Department lecture, USNH Yokosuka, Japan, 4 Dec 2007.
2. Thyrotoxicosis: an ICU case. Internal Medicine Department lecture, USNH Yokosuka, Japan, 12 Dec 2007.
3. Thrombocytopenic Thrombotic Purpura. Internal Medicine Department lecture, USNH Yokosuka, Japan, 6 Aug 2008.
4. Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. Internal Medicine Department lecture, USNH Yokosuka, Japan, 7 Oct 2008.
5. Hypothyroidism: diagnosis and management. Internal Medicine Department lecture, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, 13 November 2012.
6. Endocrine Board Review. NMCP Internal Medicine Board Examination Review; MKSAP Endocrine, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, 29 November 2012.
7. Paget disease of the bone and DKA management. Internal Medicine Department lecture, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, 13 February 2013.
8. Insulin Pumps and hands-on training for Internal Medicine Residents. Department of Internal Medicine, Naval Medical Center San Diego, 24 March 2014, at NMCP (12 March 2013).
9. Diabetes Updates and DKA management. Lecture to USUHS students. Naval Medical Center San Diego. 29Jan2014; 28May2014;
9. Reproductive disorders. Department of Internal Medicine, Naval Medical Center San Diego, 30 April 2014.
10. Pituitary Disorders for the Internists. Department of Internal Medicine, Naval Medical Center San Diego, 2 May 2014.
11. Diabetes updates. Primary Care Symposium, Naval Medical Center San Diego, 9 May 2014.
12. Overview of Diabetes. Questions and Answers. Diabetes Symposium. Naval Medical Center San Diego, 29 August 2014 and 16Oct2015.
13. Prevention of Diabetes through Educational Intervention in High-Risk Patients with Prediabetes. CPI Fair. Diabetes Clinical Quality Team Leader. Naval Medical Center San Diego, 23April 2015.
14. Tracking Diabetes Self-Awareness through a Patient-centered Care Approach. Continued Process Improvement (CPI) Fair. Naval Medical Center San Diego, 23April 2015.
15. Metabolic syndrome and Hypogonadism. Subspecialty Expert Panel Session – Primary Care symposium. Naval Medical Center San Diego, 8 May 2015.
16. Hypothyroidism updates and future possibilities. Invited speaker for Grand Rounds at the Department of Mental Health, Naval Medical Center San Diego, 11 Dec 2015.
-Volunteered for Stand Down 2014 Medical Tent, San Diego – for homeless veterans and their families. 19July2014.
-Hand-picked as NMCSD medical representative and translator for PACFLT-sponsored Vietnam exchange project (San Diego, CA, 3-12 Dec 2013).
-Volunteered as an interpreter/tutor for the Navy Learning Center for both medical and non-medical services (2007-Present).
-Have composed and produced more than 5 Mind-Body Zen musical CDs 2009- present.