Ven. Kotte Santhindriya was born on 21st Nov.1952 and was ordained as a Bikkhu on 21st May 1965 at Gothama Thapowanaya, Angoda, Sri Lanka and received his higher ordination (Upasampada) on 8th July 1975. Ven. Kotte Santhindriya received his early education at the government school Ethul-Kotte Sri Lanka and subsequently at the National Institute of Higher Studies, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka. After studying "Buddhist Studies" full time for 5 years,he was awarded a degree in "Tripitakavedi" by Buddhasravaka Dharmapitaya in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka in 1979. He obtained a Diploma in Buddha Dhamma from Sri Jinarathana College, Colombo 12, Sri Lanka in 1984. He also obtained a Degree in Master of Arts from Buddhist and Pali University, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka in 1987. This was after following two years full time course in "Buddhist Philosophy". After coming to Australia in 1994, Venerable Santhindriya Thero is actively participating in chaplaincy and pastoral care services with the Royal Melbourne Hospital since June 1998. He was also awarded with "Victoria's Award For Multicultural Affairs" by the Victorian Premier and the Chairman of Victorian Multicultural Commission. In November 2006, Venerable Thero was appointed as the chief monk ("Sanganayaka") of Sweigen sect of Australia. Also in November 2006 he was appointed as a Justice of Peace in Victoria. Venerable Santhindriya Thero provides necessary leadership and guidance for all the activities carried out at the temple. (see the photos)