Roland Yuno Rech
Roland Yuno Rech sinh năm 1944, được nhà sư Niva Rempo Zeji vị lãnh đạo cao cấp nhất của thiền phái Tào Động (Soto) ở Nhật phong chức "Thầy" năm 1984 nhằm chứng nhận ông là một thiền sư uyên bác của học phái này. Roland Yuno Rech là đệ tử của vị Thiền sư nổi tiếng Taisen Deshimaru (1914-1982), người đã đưa thiền phái Tào Động vào Âu Châu. Roland Yuno Rech hiện trụ trì một thiền viện do chính ông thành lập ở Nice, một thành phố đẹp và sang trọng bên bờ Địa Trung Hải, miền nam nước Pháp. Ngoài ra ông cũng thường xuyên chủ trì các khóa tu thiền tổ chức tại Pháp cũng như tại các nước khác ở Âu Châu.
Born in 1944, Roland Yuno Rech graduated from the Institut d'études politiques de Paris in 1966 and then obtained a DESS in clinical psychology. After three years of work in the industry, he travelled around the world and discovered the practice of zazen at the temple of Antaiji in Kyoto. Touched by this experience, he decided in 1972 to follow the teaching of Master Deshimaru in Paris. He became his disciple and was ordained a monk in 1974.
While working in the industry, he helped his mission by becoming one of its translators, coordinating dojos and publishing books, and directing sesshins. After the death of Master Deshimaru in 1982, he became president of the AZI, a position he held until 1994. He is currently vice-president. In 1984 he received the shiho (Dharma transmission) from Master Renpo Niwa zenji of Eiheiji Temple.
In 1986, he participated in the founding of the Buddhist Union of France of which he was vice-president for 15 years.
He teaches at the Gyobutsuji Temple in Nice, as well as during many sesshins in Europe. He transmitted the shiho to several of his disciples whose names appear on the calendar page of the ABZE website among the sesshin leaders.
He is also vice-abbé of the temple of Gendronnière and vice-president of the AZI.
His teaching is published as books in the Yuno Kusen collection. He has published numerous books such as :
Zen monk in the West with Albin Michel,
Zen, daily awakening at Actes Sud,
Zen Meditation Manual, Le Relié Editions
Sutras Zen, Le Relié Editions
and an interview with E. Blatchen in Desclée de Brouwer's Noms de Dieu broadcast in France.